HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.19.90MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1990 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: John LeRoy Joe Dennison John Morris Leon Brooks Helen Stairs Eddie Keith MEMBERS ABSENT: Ben Dyal Tom Speer Les Owens OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Land Development Coordinator Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The first item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a GC -2, General Commercial zone, located at 505 East First Street for the purpose of Alcoholic Beverages Consumption on premises - Class 5 - Beer and Wine in a restaurant with seating of not less than 20 seats. Owner: David I. Suellau; representative: James T. Mairs. Tabled 4/5/90. Mr. Dennisom made a motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Mr. Mairs had asked to have the request withdrawn at this time. Mr. Mairs had said that they would like to start a take -out pizza service only. He has enough parking for the take -out service only and would reapply if the parking problems are resolved within the year. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a SR -1, Single - Family Dwelling Residential Zone, located at 314 Poinsetta Drive for the purpose of Duplex. Owner /representative: John J. Beilstein. Mr. Jay Jackson, 1199 N. Orange Avenue, was present representing John Beilstein. Mr. Morris asked if Mr. Beilstein currently owns the property. Mr. Jackson stated "yes, for approximately 5 years ". This property will be used for rental purposes. Mr. Jackson stated that MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of April 19, 1990 Page 2 Mr. Beilstein would be responsible for maintenance. Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the request. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a SR -1, Single - Family Dwelling Residential Zone, located at 310 Poinsetta Drive for the purpose of Duplex. Owner /representative: John J. Beilstein. Mr. Jay Jackson was present for representation and stated that this property is next door to the aforementioned request and it would be used for the same purpose. Mr. Brooks moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone, located at 500 Laurel Avenue for the purpose of Nonconforming land use provisions, Schedule L. Owner /representative: Kenneth C. Kern, Jr. Mr. Marder stated that Staff's recommendation included sight proof visual screening. There is some confusion as to the parking around the site, that needs to be further defined. Mr. Ken Kern, 500 Laurel Avenue, stated that they would like to have nice looking place. There is no problem in complying with Staff's recommendations. Mr. Dennison moved on approval subject to Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a SC -3, Special Commercial Zone, located at 210 S. Park Avenue for the purpose of Contractors office. Owner /representative: Andrew J. Latham. Mr. Andrew Latham, 100 Idyllwilde Drive, stated that there would be no equipment storage. Employee parking would consist of mostly managers. No frontage parking. All work is out of town so there would be little to no parking of business vehicles. No storage of automobiles, scaffolds or concrete blocks. The vacant lot runs into an alley. Part of the back end of the vacant lot may be used for parking for employees. Mr. Dennison asked if the front of building would be changed. Mr. Latham, stated "no, the kodak sign will come down eventually. Mrs. Stairs asked if the apartment in back would be utilized. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of April 19, 1990 Page 3 Mr. Latham stated "yes ". Mr. Dennisom moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use for property in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone, located at 2544 S. French Avenue for the purpose of Auto Electric Repair and the use of a Nonconforming Structure. Owner /representative: Heriberto Torres Roman. Mr. Herbert Torres stated that he plans to repair alternators, generators and the electrical system of cars. There will be no brake work. If someone brings in a car and it must be left over night, the car will be left out in front. Mr. Torres stated that he had tried to talk to the owners of the Chinese Restaurant next door as to his intentions but could not communicate very well. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she had received a letter from one of the adjacent property owners objecting on the basis that the structure and parking facilities are not adequate for this type of business. The letter was entered into the records. The owner of East Ocean Restaurant wanted to know if the auto repair business would be limited to electrical problems and how would the cars be stored. Mr. Keith moved to deny the request. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for the Sanford Birthing Center, a hospital /medical clinic use, located at 1812 W. 1st Street in a RMOI, Multiple - family Residential, Office - Institutional District. Owner: Rufus Kite- Powell; representative: Albert Land. (Original approval 4/20/89 - expired 10/20/89); tabled 4/5/90. Mr. Dennison moved to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Due to lack of representation Mr. LeRoy moved to table. Seconded by Mr. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a change of use from retail sales (two units) to a veterinarian and animal hospital (indoor) use for property located at 210 French Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Steve Grier; representative: Larry Adkins. Tabled 4/5/90. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of April 19, 1990 Page 4 Mr. LeRoy moved to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the Utility Department has stated that the sanitary system would accept animal waste into the system. The Building Department stated that it must have a floor drain. Mr. Adkins stated that the floor drains are no problem. It was a restaurant and he thinks the drains are in. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that staff recommends approval because there are no changes to the site. Mr. Dennison moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a change of use to an auction sales establishment and detail sales and service use for property located at 4274 Orlando Drive in a GC -2, General Commercial District. Owner: Barry N. and Anne Morden; representative: Steve Wallenstein. Mr. Steve Wallenstein, 2867 Spy Glass Cove, stated that this facility would be open 7 days per week, with hours of operation from 9:00 to 6:00; on Sundays 12:00 to 5:00. Normally, there are between 60 and 90 people at any one time at the auctions. There is adequate parking for this type of business. Mr. Marder asked if there will be any out doordisplay. Mr. Wallenstein stated that it would be nothing stored past the storage facility, everything will be undercover. There will be no display along the road. Jay Ballard, agent for Budget Rent A Car, stated that they rented the property to Barry and Anne Morden. The facility is a car facility and the Mordens would comply with City regulations. Mr. Brooks moved to approve subject to staff's recommendation. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Dennison moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M. n Morris, I hairman FROM THE SANFORD CITY PDANNER April 13, 1990 TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for April 19, 1990 SUELLAU - Request conditional use approval to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone for property located at the southeast corner of 1st Street and Cypress Avenue. 1. No recommendation provided for requests for alcoholic beverage sales. LATHAM - Request conditional use approval to permit the establishment of a contractor's office in a SC -3, Special Commercial Zone for property located at 210 S. Park Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial and appears to include a downtown building used for photography and office services. The building is without setbacks and also appears to encompass a narrow vacant lot. 2. Adjacent area includes a convenience store, car wash, parking lot, utilities building (under construction) and various offices Zoned SC -2. 3. Recommend approval of request to establish a contractor's office conditioned upon prohibition of outdoor storage or display of equipment, materials or merchandise based on limitation of site size and existing character of immediate area. KERN - Request conditional use approval to permit alteration of a nonconforming structure in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone for property located at 500 Laurel Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes an automobile repair establishment. The site appears to exhibit inadequate off - street parking facilities based on vehicle storage surrounding principle building. 2. Site is adjacent to a City park, retail commercial and above - ground fuel storage facilities. 3. Recommend approval of request to alter a nonconforming structure subject to site -proof visual screen from all property lines around all vehicular storage areas and reoriented parking configuration per site plan approval. ROMAN - Request conditional use approval to permit for the purpose of Auto Electric Repair and the use of a nonconforming structure in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone for property located at 2544 S. French Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned GC -2, General Commercial and includes a small building located on a double frontage parcel with 50' on both French Avenue (U.S. 17 & 92) and Hiawatha Avenue. 2. Site is adjacent to a restaurant, vacant land and residences (located on opposite side of Hiawatha Avenue in SR -1, Single Family Residential Zone) . 3. Recommend denial of request for automotive electric repair based on inability to provide adequate on -site circulation and parking on fifty foot wide site and general absence of similar automobile repair activities adjacent to site. BEMSTEIN - Request conditional use approval to permit two (2) Duplexes in a SR -1, Single - Family Dwelling Residential Zone for property located at the corner of Sanford Avenue and Poinsettia Drive. 1. Site consists of two east -west oriented lots fronting Sanford Avenue that are to be combined and divided to become two north -south oriented parcels fronting Poinsetta Drive. Site are presently vacant. 2. Site is adjacent to a two - family dwelling Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential. Site is also adjacent to various one - family dwellings. 3. Recommend approval of request to construct two two - family dwellings fronting Poinsetta Drive based on similarity with existing uses already established in immediate area and existing character of area at the present time.