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September 21, 1989
6:00 P.M.
Jay Malone
Joe Dennison
Oletta Yates
John LeRoy
Tom Speer
Leon Brooks
Eddie Keith
John Morris
Ben Dyal
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bettie Sonnenberg, Principal Deputy Administrative Official
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Chairman Malone.
Mr. Marder introduced Les Solin and David Moon, of Solin Associates, the
Consultant Planners.
Mr. Solin stated that Solin Associates have been the consultant planners since
April. The process began some years ago with Staff devising a lot of research
essential to the Comprehensive Plan with Ivey, Bennett, Harris and Walls
assisting in these efforts.
Mr. Solin stated that the Land Use Inventory is highlighted by a series of
existing Land Use Map series that get into the land use, water resources,
wellfields, soil topography, vegetative, historic resources and public lands.
These are all components required to be produced by the Local Government
Comprehensive Plan. The existing Land Use Map was compiled by Staff.
The Water Resource Map emphasizes the wetlands and the 100 year flood prone
area. It shows the boundary of water sheds for drainage and different aquifer
recharge areas.
The Analysis of Undeveloped Lands Map shows the major undeveloped lands and is
color coded by existing zoning and is a flip flop of the existing land use map.
In the Traffic Circulation Element the major street system is presented. Most
of the roadways that need improvements are County facilities.
The Chairman requested that Mr. Marder present, at the next meeting, a percentage
of available lands in the City that are zoned multi - family and single family.
Also how much land is available today for multi - family and single family
development and what relationship there is to the projections.
Meeting adjourned at 6:56 P.M. ;
J lone, Chairman
7:00 P.M.
Jay Malone
Joe Dennison
Oletta Yates
John LeRoy
Tom Speer
Leon Brooks
Eddie Keith
John Morris
Ben Dyal
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bettie Sonnenberg, Principal Deputy Administrative Official
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Malone.
The first item on the agenda was moved from No. 6 to No. 1.
Reports from Staff - First Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1990.
The first advertisement relates to the First Annual Comprehensive
Plan Amendment for 1990. We will be taking in approximately 300
acres of land from the Annexation Outreach Program. Mr. Marder
stated that the second advertisement regards the Small Scale Plan
Amendment for the Lay tract that accompanies the Lay rezoning that
will be considered tonight.
Mr. Dennison in favor of recommending to the City Commission the
approval of the First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1990
and also the Small Scale Plan Amendment. Mr. Brooks seconded both.
All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a
Conditional Use for property located at 800 Bay Avenue in a SR -1
zone for the purpose of a duplex use - 2 dwelling units for family
members. Owner /representative: Phyllis Frage.
Ms. Frage, 800 Bay Avenue, stated that this is not a duplex, and
she is asking for an extra electric meter box because there is
another family there that does not help with the light bill. Ms.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of September 21, 1989
Page 2
Frage stated that she is the administrator of the property since
her Grandmother passed. The electricity part is not working out.
The structure of the house will not be changed and there will be
no additions.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there are two separate and distinct
units being used now for family members. For the Building
Department to o.k. separate services with separate meter boxes, we
need to have a two family use established.
Mr. Brooks stated that it has not changed the character of the
neighborhood. It does not look like a duplex. Mr. Brooks moved
on approval to allow the second electric meter. Mr. Speer
seconded. Chairman Malone asked if the Commission could allow a
second meter without the classification of a duplex. Mr. Marder
stated "yes, that it would be a conditional use. Mr. Dennison
moved to approve an electrical change to this dwelling to allow our
Building Department to authorize this residence to have two meters.
Seconded by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Speer. All in favor. Motion
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the
request to Rezone from AD, Agriculture, to RI -1, Restricted
Commercial, that property located on the East side of Kennel Road
south of 3rd Street. Owner /representative: Howard Lay.
Mr. Bob Seigler, 2530 South Sanford Avenue, stated that basically
this is the property that was approved as the f irst item as the
Small Scale Amendment. The requested rezoning is the same as the
property to the south and to the west. Mr. Lay would like to start
construction of the property for his own use and would like to be
in by January. The property is 3 acres or less.
Mr. LeRoy moved on approval of the requested rezoning. Seconded
by Mr. Speer. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the Site /Engineering Plan for
DanBach, Inc., an office warehouse use located at 136 Commerce Way,
in a RI -1 zone. Owner: Dan Bach; representative: John Reynolds.
Mr. Dick Holsenback, Deltona, stated that he is the owner of the
parcel of land and the president of Dan Bach, Inc. Mr. Holsenback
stated that they are proposing to construct an 8050 square foot
building on a lot in the Sanford Commerce Park.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of September 21, 1989
Pace 3
Mr. Dennison moved on approval of the Site /Engineering Plan. Mr.
LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the revised Site /Engineering Plan
for an equipment lot with outside storage and outdoor wheel stop
manufacturing for the Ensley Corporation located on the southeast
corner of 5th Street and Cedar Avenue in a GC -2 zone. Owner Joe
W. Brooks; representative: John Frith.
Mr. John Frith, 7920 Goldie Street, Orlando, stated that he has
satisfied all of Staff's recommendations.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that at last meeting there was a motion made
and approved to sight proof the four sides of the equipment storage
lot. The next day, Mr. Frith went to the Board of Adjustment and
they gave him a variance because it is under their domain to waive
the requirements of this fencing. They gave him a variance not to
buffer two sides, the north and the west.
Mr. LeRoy made a motion to approve the Revised Site /Engineering
Plan. Mr. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Malone requested that worksessions be held at the last meeting
of each month. Once a month Planning and Zoning will have
Mr. Brooks made a motion to approve the minutes as circulated. Mr.
Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.
; ; �� ' �•I I, , p; September 14, 1989
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TO: The City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of September 21, 1989
comprehensive plan amendment to designate property located on the east side of
Kennel Road to a Regional Commerce land use designation on the Future Land Use
Concept map of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
1. The site includes three acres with a present land use designation of High
Intensity Planned Development according to the Seminole County
Comprehensive Plan. The site is the same as the Lay rezoning request
immediately below.
2. The area surrounding the site located in the City of Sanford is designated
as Regional Commerce. Regional Commerce in Sanford and High Intensity
Planned Development in Seminole County are roughly equivalent land use
designations in the respective jurisdictions.
3. Recommend approval of plan amendment to Regional Commerce based on
equivalent designations between City and County plans.
LAY REZONING - Request to rezone from AG, Agricultural to RI -1, Restricted
Industrial for property located on the east side of Kennel Road.
1. Site is zoned AG, Agricultural and includes approximately 3 acres with a
metal building. Street access to site is unpaved at the present time.
2. Area adjacent to site in the City Limits is zoned RI -1, Restricted Industrial
and is basically vacant at the present time. A church is located northwest
of site as are various mobile homes and an animal grooming establishment in
agricultural zoning districts.
3. Recommend approval of request to rezone to RI -1, Restricted Industrial
based on similarity with adjacent RI -1 zoning district already established in
the immediate area.
NOTE: Final action upon this request is subject to action upon the small-
scale comprehensive plan amendment for property in question.
FRAGE CONDITIONAL USE - Request conditional use approval to permit a duplex
in order to est s separate utility service in an SR -1, Single Family Residential
zoning district located at 800 Bay Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential, encompasses approximately
5,850 acres and includes an existing residential structure with entrances on
Bay Avenue and 8th Street. The site does not comply with the 7,500 square
foot minimum parcel area required for a two - family dwelling.
2. Sanford permits the establishment of separate living areas for a relative
within a residence. In such situations utilities are shared. A question of
policy regardings whether to permit the conversion of a one- family dwelling
into a two - family dwelling which may involve retrofitting the physical
separation between the two units.
3. Various one - family dwellings are located adjacent to the site.
4. Recommend denial of conditional use permit to establish a two - family dwelling
based the undesirability of establishing a nonconformity and based on the
existing one - family character of the immediate area at the present time.