HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.07.89MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1989 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Oletta Yates Eddie Keith Ben Dyal John Morris Tom Speer Leon Brooks MEMBERS ABSENT: Jay Malone John LeRoy Joe Dennison OTHERS PRESENT: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Principal Deputy Administrative Official Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Acting Chairman John Morris. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Dwelling Residential, to MR -2, Multi - family Dwelling Residential, that property located at 1695 West 18th Street. Owners /representatives: Robert & Mae Jackson. Mr. Robert Jackson, 1895 West 18th Street stated that this 28' triangular shaped piece of property is large enough for parking only. In clarification, Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Mr. Jackson went through last week for a day care center and was approved. During Staff review, it was discovered that a small parcel of that property had never been rezoned from SR -1 to MR -2. SR -1 would not allow a day care center the size that Mr. Jackson wishes, so we allowed him to go through the process of the site plan and then ask to rezone this 28' wide triangular piece. Some of the parking will be on this piece of property. There was no one else present to speak for or in opposition to the requested rezoning. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of September 7, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the rezoning. Mr. Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request to Rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial, to GC -2, General Commercial, that property located at 1509 Celery Avenue and 1301 -1303 Elliott Avenue. Owner/ representative: Alfred A. Holley. Mr. Alfred Holley, 2513 Highlawn Avenue, stated that he wishes to increase the value of the property by rezoning for future sale. Mr. Holley stated that there has been quite a lot of vandalism, break -ins, and thefts. Some tenants are moving out. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or in opposition to the requested rezoning. Mr. Speer moved on denial based on Staff's recommendations and advised Mr. Holley to come back before the Planning and Zoning Commission when there is a particular purpose for this property. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request for a Conditional Use of gas sales and servicing and car wash for property located at 3795 Orlando Drive in a GC -2 zone for the Exxon Company USA. Owner: Exxon Company USA; representative: John J. Sexton. Mr. Gene Duffy stated that he has visited with Staff and the City Planner and has agreed with Staff's recommendations. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requested conditional use. Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the conditional use subject to Staff's recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Yates. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the final plat for North Star Business Park Phase 2, 4 lots of a 14 lot business park located at 500 -501 Central Park Drive in a RI -1 zone. Owner: Stoller Northstar, Inc.; representative: William Stoller. Mr. Stoller was not present to represent the final plat. Due to the fact that this was not a public hearing, the Commission considered the final plat. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of September 7, 1989 Page 3 Mr. Simmons stated that the right -of -way vacating was still in the process of being approved. The City Commission will take action on this on Monday night. Mr. Speer made a motion to approve the final plat subject to vacation of the right -of -way. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for an addition to Tube Tec, Inc., a manufacturing use located at 301 Brown Avenue in a MI -2 zone. Owner: Tube Tec, Inc.; representative: Charles Madden. Mr. Frank Frana, owner of property, represented the plan for Tube Tec. Mr. Simmons stated that he has discussed with Mr. Frana the general concept of timing of the project as shown over a period of months. Mr. Simmons said that he does not have a problem with the concept so long as we primarily don't have truck traffic generated on the substandard road. Mr. Speer moved on approval of the site plan subject to final sign off by Staff on engineering and staging requirements. Seconded by Mr. Brooks and Mr. Dyal. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan, an equipment lot with outside storage and outdoor wheel stop manufacturing for the Ensley Corporation located at West 5th Street in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Joe W. Brooks; representative: John Frith. Mr. John Frith, 7920 Goldie Street, Orlando, requested a chain link fence around all four sides of the building instead of a sight proof fence. Mr. Marder stated that recognizing the neighborhood, it is very visible there and to see what takes place here is not an attractive use. Mr. Marder recommended that an opaque wall be placed on the south and east sides of this property. Mr. Frith stated that they would be inclined to buffer if cyclone fence is approved. They would be inclined to put in hedges or things of this nature to equal the height of the fence including the appropriate irrigation to maintain the landscaping. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of September 7, 1989 Page 4 Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she had spoken with Mr. Frith about Mr. Brooks' approval of the site plan for his main site. The approval was with landscaping and it has not proved to be adequate as far as buffering using the vine on a chain link fence. Mr. Simmons stated that the fence appears to be placed right on the property line. It needs some indication of where the sight proof vegetation is going to go, how much room it will take up, and is it going to be acceptable on the inside. More detail is needed before approval of this plan which is a variation from the LDR. Mr. Speer moved on approval of the site plan subject to installing a concrete wall or a fence with 5' hedges. Seconded by Mr. Keith. Mr. Simmons stated that he sees no engineering basis for determining whether the hedge should be on in the inside or outside of the fence, therefore, Mr. Simmons requested that the Commission make the determination of where the hedge should be. Mr. Speer amended the motion to include the hedge being on the inside of the fence. The hedge to be put in at 3' centers with the hedge to be the height of the fence in 5 years, and include irrigation requirements on the north line of the property. Mr. Dyal seconded the motion as amended. Mr. Speer stated that he did not know that Staff was talking about buffering the alley. His motion was for only the north line of the property, not the alley. Mr. Speer withdrew his motion. Mr. Keith and Mr. Dyal withdrew their seconds. Mr. Keith stated that he sees no reason why the applicant cannot put in a sight proof wall. Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the site plan with a sight proof wall all around the property. Mr. Keith seconded. Mr. Morris opposed. All others in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the request for an extension of the Site Plan for Randolph Court Phase II, an apartment use located at 96 Hidden Lake Drive in a MR -3 zone. (Approved February 1989). owner /representative: Bruce Tuttle. Mr. Bruce Tuttle, 300 Cove Lake Court, Longwood, stated that his engineer is out of business and there have been delays in the permitting process. Mr. Dyal moved for a six month extension. Seconded by Mr. Speer. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of September 7, 1989 Page 5 On the Addendum to the Agenda, there was the request for Site Plan approval for H Auto, an automotive dealer (used) located at 818 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2 zone. (Conditional Use approved 8/31/89). Owner /representative: Gaynelle Hendricks. Mr. Art Davis, 225 Lake Markham Road, stated that the sight proof fencing is in place. Mr. Davis stated that the permit will be handled on September 8, 1989. Mr. Keith moved on approval of the site plan. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Marder stated that there will be a worksession at 6:00 p.m. on September 21, 1989 with a representative from Solin Associates. He also explained the sites of the First Comprehensive Plan Amendment from the Annexation Outreach Program, e.g. Site #1 is located north of Narcissus and south of Rand Yard, proposed regional commerce; Site #2 is proposed regional commerce although a 3 acre piece needs to be taken out for the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment; Site 3 are many little lots along Jewett and Bevier Road, proposed regional commerce; etc. Mr. Speer requested that he be advised of all Airport owned lands east of Beardall Avenue. Mrs. Sonnenberg reported on the Fort Mellon Monument. She stated that there was a spelling error on the monument discovered by someone on the Historical Board and it is being corrected. It will be replaced. Mr. Speer requested that Mr. Marder give the Commission, in writing, the life history of the Magnolia Tree vs. the Live Oak and also the Water Oak. Mr. Marder stated that he had put Live Oak in his recommendation because of the Lake Mary Blvd. Study. Mr. Speer stated that the City is not going by Lake Mary's standards and that we have our own standards. Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the minutes as circulated. Mr. Dyal seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. rris, Acting Chairman r FROM THE SANFO1EtI7 CITY I ! U ' PLANNER . September 1 , 1989 TO: The City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of September 7, 1989 JACKSON - Request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Residential to MR -2 Multiple Family Residential for property located on the south side of West 18th Street, 160 feet east of Mulberry Avenue. 1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential, and is vacant at the present time. Site includes approximately three quarters acre. 2. Various single family residences and vacant land are located in the vicinity of site in areas Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential, and R -1, Single Family Residential (unincorporated area). Goldsboro Elementary School is located approximately 500' northeast of site. 3. Recommend approval of MR -2 zoning based on existing MR -2 zoning already established and the existing character of the immediate area at the present time. HOLLEY - Request to rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial to GC -2, General Commercial for property located at the southeast corner of Celery Avenue and Elliott Street. 1. Site is zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial and appears to contain a one- family dwelling and a two - family dwelling. 2. Site is adjacent to a convenience store with gas pumps and various single family dwellings located in existing RC -1 Zoning District. A plumbing business and a day care facility are located east of site. Site is adjacent to Randall Chase City Park which is zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential. Area south of site includes single family dwellings zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential. Recommend denial of the request to rezone from RC -1, Restricted Commercial to GC -2, General Commercial based on the desirability of maintaining compatible neighborhood oriented land uses permitted in RC -1 Zoning that are already established for the south side of Celery Avenue east of Mellonville . EXXON COMPANY USA - Request conditional use approval for gasoline sales and car wash in a GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District located at the northeast corner of U.S. Highway 17 & 92 and East Lake Mary Boulevard (Extension). 1. Site is located at the intersection of two arterial roadwaysand includes vacant buildings on approximately one acre. 2. Existing GC -2 Zones (C -2 in unincorporated county) adjacent to site includes a gas station/ convenience center, automobile sales, a shopping center and mobile home sales. The cities of Sanford and Lake Mary and Seminole' County have adopted regulations establishing uniform building setback, landscape, sign and related design standards along Lake Mary Boulevard. 3. Recommend approval of conditional use permit to allow gasoline sales and a car wash based on the similarity of existing uses already established in the immediate area. In addition, the following conditions of approval are recommended in support of Lake Mary Boulevard design standards: PAGE 2, PLANNING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 1989 a. Limit vehicular access points to one per street frontage; access on U.S. 17 & 92 to be no greater than forty (40) feet in width and located at least 100 feet from intersection of right -of -way; access on East Lake Mary Boulevard to be located at least 200 feet from intersection of right -of -way. b. Construct vehicular access points to insure right -in, right -out turning movements only. C. Dedicate common vehicular access points a minimum of 24 feet in width and located within sixty feet of right -of -way to adjacent properties. d. Base building line shall apply to all structures and gas pump islands from Lake Mary Boulevard and U.S. Highway 17 & 92. e. Landscape strip adjacent to right -of -way to be live oak trees. f. All signage to comply with Land Development Regulations. g. Sidewalks to be provided along U. S. 17 & 92 and Lake Mary Boulevard.