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Meeting of May 18, 1989
7 :00 P.M.
City Commission Chambers
Joe Dennison
John Morris
Leon Brooks
John LeRoy
Eddie Keith
Gary Davidson
Jay Malone
Tan Speer
Brent Carli
Oletta Yates
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bettie Sonnenberg, Principal Deputy Administrative Official
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice - Chairman Dennison.
The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for the purpose of the change of use from a retail store to a 2- bedroom
apartment for a non - conforming structure, that property located at 620 Cypress Avenue
in a MR -3 zone. Owners /representatives: Levi Coleman & Claudia Sims.
Ms. Sims, 503 E. 7th Street, stated that the building has two apartments over a store
and they would like to put in a 2- bedroan apartment downstairs where the store is. The
store is.now out of business.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requested conditional
use. Mr. Morris made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for the purpose to change from rooms to apartments for a non - conforming
structure on a non - conforming lot. That property located at 1302 Williams Avenue in a
GC -2 zone. Owner /representative: C.B. Franklin.
Mr. Franklin, 1014 Pecan Avenue, stated that this building has been closed for some
time. This block structure is a haven for dope. He will have to do a lot of work to
convert this building into 4 apartments from 16 rooms. The conversion will help with
density. Mr. Franklin stated that he will bring the building up to code.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of May 18, 1989
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There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requested conditional
use. Mr. Keith moved on approval of the conditional use. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. Mr.
Morris asked if this will cane back for site plan approval. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated
that the building is almost zero lot line and there is very little that could be done
to the site itself. Mr. Franklin stated that many years ago on street parking was
allowed. He does not have room for parking. Mr. Morris stated that it might be incum-
bent upon the Board to look at a site plan to see the layout of the apartments and to
see what type of tenants Mr. Franklin hopes to attract. Mr. Keith amended his motion
to include a site plan. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for the purpose of the sale of beer and wine for consumption on premi-
ses, that property located at 2565 S. French Avenue in a GC -2 zone.
Owner /representative: J. Harold Chastain and James J. Heagerty.
Mr. Lantigua, 3983 Haynes Circle, Casselberry, stated that this is the old Village Inn,
now called Patsio's. The sale of beer and wine is only in conjunction with the sale of
food. There will be no liquor. Hours of operation are 24 hours per day, closing at
10:00 p.m. on Sundays and opening back up at 5:00 a.m. on Mondays. There will be no
sale of beer or wine after 2:00 a.m. Mr. Lantigua stated that they can seat approxima-
tely 130 people with 40 tables.
There was no one else present to speak for or against the requested conditional use.
Mr. Morris made a motion to approve the conditional use. Mr. Brooks seconded. Mr.
LeRoy opposed. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Conditional
Use for the purpose of the sale of beer and wine in conjunction with a restaurant for
consumption on premises, that property located at 2516 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2 zone.
Owners /representatives: John Holloway and Maria Stevens.
Mr. Holloway, 2514 Sanford Avenue, stated that he is the owner and that they have put a
restaurant in the shop. Lunch runs from 11:00 to 3:00 and they would like to sell beer
and wine during these hours only. There are no plans for evening hours.
There was no one else present to speak for or againt the requested conditional use.
Mr. Morris made a motion to approve the conditional use. Mr. Brooks seconded. Mr.
LeRoy opposed. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a
Conditional Use for the purpose of allowing a second, freestanding sign as a parcel
fronting on more than one street, that property located at 500 West Fulton Street in a
SC -3 zone. Owners: Porter - Conklin Partnership; representative: Bristol C. Conklin.
Mr. Paul Porter,
2118 Park Avenue, stated
he is
a partner in the Porter-Conklin
Partnership that
owns the building at 500
Street where Conklin, Porter &
Holmes Engineers
are located and have been
Mr. Porter stated that they had
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of May 18, 1989
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recently decided to put a two story expansion on the north end of the building. They
have acquired the property between the building and 17 -92. Now that they have the
corner location, they would like to have a sign with 17 -92 exposure. They plan to put
a 2'x4' freestanding sign with the base l' above ground. The extra parcel will be used
for parking.
There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requested conditional
use. Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the request. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for
Catmerce Plaza, an office /wholesale and storage use, located at 1565 -99 Airport
Boulevard in a RI -1 zone. Owner /representative: Robert E. McKee.
Mr. Bob McKee stated that this is the parcel that fronts Airport Blvd. The building
will resemble his office building. The intersection will remain the same. The use of
this building will be for a display warehouse. An unloading lane has been provided.
Mr. McKee stated that he will work out the sewer extension with the Utility Director
with possible alternatives being either another manhole or by laterals. The air -
conditioners will either be on the roof or right behind the building with bollards for
protection. The Fire Department has no problem with access around the buildings.
Mr. Morris moved on approval subject to final engineering. Mr. Brooks seconded. All
in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for
Coastal Mart No. 685, a revision to an existing convenience store with gasoline sales,
located at 2623 Orlando Drive in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Florida Middle Properties, Inc.;
representative: Rick D. Scurlock.
Mr. Scurlock, Regional Construction Manager for Coastal Mart, Inc., stated that this
will be rebuilt from the ground up. The old tanks will be changed and the old building
will be torn down and rebuilt. They will meet or exceed the landscaping requirements.
Mr. Morris moved on approval of the site /engineering plan. Mr. Keith seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a change of use
to 3 apartments, located at 624 Cypress Avenue in a MR -3 zone. Owner /representatives:
Levi Coleman & Claudia Sims.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they have obtained a waiver frcm the Board of Adjustment
for parking, setbacks and density because there is an existing house on the property as
well as that structure. With the existing structure it is felt that this is the most
compliance the City can get. There will be some landscaping on the side because the
front portion is all concrete and porch. The store faces Cypress Avenue.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of May 18, 1989
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Mr. Brooks moved on approval of the Site Plan. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign
for Park Avenue Promenade, a commercial use, located at 2465 -71 Park Avenue in a GC -2
zone. (Tabled 5/4/89). Owner: Steve Hardin; representative: Gina Williams.
There was no representation. Mr. Morris noted the sign was already up. Mrs.
Sonnenberg stated that the sign had been erected without a building permit.
Mr. Morris moved on denial of the site plan. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor.
Mr. Dennison opposed. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached
ground sign for Holiday House Carvery, a restaurant use, located at 4200 Orlando Drive
in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Holiday House, Inc.; representative: Joseph E. Notarianni.
Mr. Notarianni, 1675 Terry Road, Daytona Beach, stated that Holiday House has 15 stores
throughout the State and would like to use this sign as a prototype. They understood
that 50 square feet was all they were allowed without a variance but could not fit it
in this sign. The cabinet of the sign took up 100 s quar e feet and the chippendale at
the top is 20 s quar e feet. If necessary, they will remove the chippendale but it will
take away from the concept. The sign is over 20 square feet smaller than the existing
sign. At night, you will only be able to see the letters of the sign, background will
be opaque. There will be no flashing lights.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they do have a variance.
Mr. Morris moved on approval subject to upgrading of landscaping and setbacks.
Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the review of the first annual Amendment for 1989 to
the Comprehensive Plan Document adopted 1988. (For informational purposes).
Mr. Marder stated that the Public Hearing will be May 22. The only difference is that
several of the sites were taken out or corrected. For example, 46 E. near Brisson
Avenue, is not going to be in the City and was taken out.
Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that the City Commission has referred the rezoning request
for further consideration back to Planning and Zoning for the property by 17 -92 and on
Collins Avenue. Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial. Mrs. Sonnenberg
will schedule this for the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
Mrs. Sonnenberg also reported that the game room on French Avenue and 11th Street is
empty and the license has been terminated.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of May 18, 1989
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Mr. Morris asked relative to the result of the Ccnmittee that met to determine the
possibility or the scope of impact fees, if the Planning and Zoning Commission will
have the opportunity to review their recommendations as the official planning agency
for the City.
Mr. Marder stated that the Systems Development Fee Advisory Committee, at this time,
solely is charged with recommending the specific fees to the City Commission.
Mr. Simmons stated that they will report directly to the City Commission. In their
deliberations regarding different impact fees they are closely guided by the Comp Plan
with regard to the projected growth.
Mr. Simmons reminded the Cannission that the City Attorney will be presenting a
Government in the Sunshine presentation worksession at 6:00 next Monday night.
Mr. Morris moved on approval of the minutes as circulated. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
, Acting Chairman
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TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for May 18, 1989
COLEMAN & SIMS - Request conditional use approval to establish an
apartment in a nonconforming structure previously utilized as a
retail sales and service establishment located at 620 Cypress
Avenue in an MR -3, Multiple Family Residential Zone.
1. site is Zoned MR -3 and contains a two -story structure located
at the corner of East 7th Street and Cypress Avenue. The
second floor of the structure appears to be utilized for
apartments at the present time.
2. Various single family residences, a fraternal lodge and a
grocery store are located in the immediate vicinity of site.
3. Recommend approval of the request for a conditional use to
establish another apartment in the structure in question based
on similar uses already established in the building.
FRANKLIN - Request conditional use approval to establish apartments
in a nonconforming structure previous utilized as a rooming house
for property located at 302 Williams Avenue in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zone.
1. Site includes a two -story structure that appears to cover the
majority of the site.
2. Various commercial uses are located along West 13th Street
adjacent to site.
3. Area immediately south of site is predominantly single family
residences Zoned GC -2.
4. Recommend approval of the request to establish apartments in
the structure in question based on the similarity of use with
the previous use and the existing character of the area at the
present time.
Page 2
CHASTAIN & HEAGERTY - Request conditional use approval to permit
the sale of beer and wine for property located at 2565 S. French
Avenue in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone.
1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of
HOLLOWAY & STEVENS - Request conditional use approval to permit the
sale of beer and wine for property located at 2516 Sanford Avenue
in a GC -2, General Commercial Zone.
1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of
PORTER- CONKLIN PARTNERSHIP - Request conditional use approval to
permit a second detac ed sign for property located at the southwest
corner of Fulton Street and French Avenue in an SC -3, Special
commercial Zone.
1. Site fronts two streets and includes an office building.
2. Site is located within 1,000 feet of the Lake Monroe
waterfront. At the present time, French Avenue between the
site and the lake offers a relatively uncluttered northerly
view of the lake. While there are buildings along the road,
existing signage is minimal.
3. Recommend approval of the requested conditional use for a
second detached sign. Also recommend that such sign be no
greater than 15 feet in height and otherwise situated so as
to prevent undue distraction from the lakeview.