HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.20.89MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of April 20, 1989 7:00 P.M. City Commission Chambers Eddie Keith John Morris Jay Malone Joe Dennison Tom Speer Brent Carli John LeRoy Leon Brooks Gary Davidson OTHERS PRESEW: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Principal Deputy Administrative Official Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Carli. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Rezone from MR -2 to that of GC -2 for the purpose of any use permitted under GC -2 zoning, that property located at Collins Drive. Owner/ representative: Ebtide Construction. Mr. Robert Checko stated that he was representing Edtide Construction. The company has owned this property for approximately 21 years with intention to sell or develop and are considering multiple storage units, mini warehouse, at this location. Mr. Checko stated that it is not financially feasible to develop condominiums on this property since it is only 21 acres. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the proposed rezoning. Mr. Keith moved on approval. Mr. Dennison seconded. Mr. Morris stated that there is a lot of things that could be done under the MR-2 zone that it currently has other than condominiums. Mr. Morris stated that it would be imprudent to change this to a general commercial zone for a speculative endeavor, especially for mini- warehouses. Mr. Keith and Mr. Davidson in favor of the motion. Mr. Morris, Mr. Malone, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Speer, Mr. LeRoy, and the Chairman in opposition. Motion denied. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Rezone from SR -2 to that of MR -3 and GC -2 for the purpose of condominiums and local commer- cial, that property located at the intersection of Lake Mary Blvd. and Rolling Hills Blvd. Owner: Lennar Homes, Inc.; representative: Bowyer Singleton Associates. MINU'T'ES Planning and Zoning Ca nission Meeting of April 20, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Mack Cleveland, representing Lennar Homes, stated that they have owned this pro- perty in excess of 10 years. Mr. Cleveland stated that 66+ acres that are zoned SR -2 are being requested to be rezoned to MR-3 and the corner piece, approximately 3 acres is being requested to be rezoned to GC -2 which will consist of a convenience store, a limited shopping center with retail stores. The 66 acres will have somewhere between single family residences and condominiums. Mr. Cleveland requested that the last paragraph of the City Planner's recommendation, relative to improvement of Rolling Hills Boulevard and Americana Boulevard, should be addressed at time of site plan. Mr. Don Sullivan stated that he owns 11.7 acres of land east of the Southeast Bank behind K -Mart that touches the property requesting rezoning. Mr. Sullivan stated that the Beltway will clip off the northerly end of Americana Blvd. The Beltway Authority said to relocate the northerly end of Americana Blvd. through his property. Mr. Sullivan asked the Commission to give consideration to and be aware of the rezoning. Mr. Sullivan requested that Americana Blvd. be relocated through his property and con- tinue it on to its existing location. Mr. Sullivan stated that he is willing to cooperate with all authorities involved. Mr. Speer asked Mr. Simmons where does the Expressway interact with this piece of pro- perty. Mr. Simmons stated that, in general, the Expressway will go across the north end of the property requesting to be rezoned. MOD Properties owns the east side of Americana Blvd. right -of -way. They also own several other bits and pieces of property between there and Lake Mary Blvd. The present alignment of Americana Blvd. on the north end was donated in its totality by MOD Properties. Mr. Simmons stated that he was totally in favor of the proposal that was presented by Mr. Sullivan. We are investigating a method to facilitate this in terms of vacating a piece of right-of-way and basically trading this with Mr. Sullivan for the other alignment. Mr. Simmons stated that he believes that there is a right- of-way reservation recorded by the Expressway Authority all the way to I -4 . Mr. Morris stated that he was concerned with the commercial development along this area as opposed to the residential parkway that Planning and Zoning envisioned for this strip, all the way out to 415. Mr. Speer said that the 21 acres for commercial would not be enough room to ask for the Lake Mary Blvd. setback requirements. Mr. Morris moved on approval of the MR -3 zoning. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. Mr. Malone requested that the motion carry City Attorney approval concerning the Expressway right - of-way. Mr. Morris stated that he would be happy to have this included in the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Malone, for purposes of discussion, moved to deny the GC -2 zoning. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. Mr. Malone stated that time spent in planning did not include commercial on Lake Mary Blvd. and requested that the applicant take this into consideration and offer a compromise. Mr. Dennison in opposition to the motion. Motion carried. The GC -2 request is still SR -2. MINU'T'ES Planning and Zoning Cannission Meeting of April 20, 1989 Page 3 The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for Sanford Arms, a 140 unit multi- family development located at 2450 Hartwell Avenue in a MR -3 zone. Owner: Wescott Invo Development, Inc.; representative: Joseph Kantor. Mr. Joe Kantor, Wescott Development, stated that this plan was previously approved two years ago, it has the same footprint with increased buffer areas and landscape areas. There is arple parking, connection for reclaimed water, increased 200% in the retention area, and all permits, St. Johns River Water Management District, Department of Environmental Regulation, are o.k. The financing has been restructured; so, they are ready to build. Mr. Kantor stated that the financing does not require any subsidizing housing. Mr. Morris moved on approval of the site plan subject to drainage considerations to be worked out and the recommendation for sidewalks on Hartwell. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for the Birthing Center, a medical and professional office use, located at 1812 West 1st Street in a RMOI zone. Owner: Henry & Charlene Wight; representative: Albert Land, Jr. Mr. Scott Land stated that he would be representing the site plan and babies would be delivered at this facility. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she was told by Mr. Al Land and also by the representative, Mr. Kite - Powell, that i will be used for a birthing center in which they will have 5 beds, a mid -wife type situation, but there will be a physician on -call; the other half will be use for one or two physician offices. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the two easements are noted on the plan but the City has to get them recorded. The access easement has been discussed with no firm committment. The City wishes to have an accessway to the undeveloped property on the west. Mr. Morris moved on approval of the site plan subject to no building permits being issued until required easements are executed and in hand. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site/Engineering Plan for the Vogel Center, a camnercial (retail sales and service and automobile and truck service ) use located at 316 French Avenue in a GC -2 zone. Owner: George Vogel; representative: Andrew Kutz. Mr. Kutz, 133 E. Airport Blvd., stated that he had submitted a letter requesting a variance for landscaping requirements. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of April 20, 1989 Page 4 Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that Staff requested the applicant come back with revisions, i.e. drainage and a single access, to this site plan because he had submitted several months earlier. This Cc mission has the latitude for granting the variance of the landscaping, but even at the time of original submission he could not meet the 5 -foot landscaping. Mr. Morris stated that as you drive by there, the laundremat and car wash and glass company take up the entire block fronting along French Avenue. With consideration being given to the limited space that they have in which they can work, we might allow them to have the reduction in landscaping requirement in order to upgrade the existing facility. Mr. Morris moved on approval of the site plan with the exception of the 10 -foot landscaping buffer. Seconded by Mr. Dennison. All in favor. Notion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site /Engineering Plan for an automotive and truck accessory sales and installation use located at 1215 French Avenue in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Glen Williams; representative: Andrew Kutz. Mr. Simmons stated that the site plan shows curbing along 12th Street wrapped around the corner to the east. It indicates removal of same existing pavement that was installed in the street right -of -way for parking at same time in the past. What Staff requested, and which Mr. Kutz put on the drawing, was to do this. At this point in time, Mr. Kutz is saying that his client does not want to have to do this even though it is on the drawing. Mr. Simmons said he asked Mr. Kutz if there was a deficiency of off - street parking that makes you need the extra space and that Mr. Kutz said "no, there was ample off - street parking." However, it is the feeling of his client that the needs all the space he can get for parking of the trucks and other vehicles that he services on the property. Mr. Simmons stated that he advised Mr. Kutz that it was his opinion that to continue parking on the street right -of -way he needed to obtain appropriate City Commission approval in the form of a right- of-way use permit. Mr. Simmons stated that his recce mtiendation to the City Ccam fission for right -ofway use would be "no ", although he might get approval anyway. Mr. Simmons recommended that, in the Ccomission's consideration of this site plan, that the Commission consider that alternative and approve the site plan as drawn with the condition that if the City Commission approves the right-of-way use permit, Mr. Kutz be allowed to delete the pro- posed curbing and the proposed installation of grass along 12th Street. Mr. Dennison made motion to approve the site plan as is. Mr. Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a parking lot and an addition to Seminole Ford, Inc., an auto dealer located at 3786 Orlando Drive in a GC -2 zone. Owner: City Property; representative: Kim Townsend. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of April 20, 1989 Page 5 Mr. Townsend, 601 E. 25th Street, stated that they are asking to resurface the property adjacent to Lake Mary Boulevard. Even though this is City property, Seminole County comes into play with the drainage. Mr. Townsend stated that Seminole County had cam - mented that they need to satisfy the County's drainage requirement. The permits for drainage are now in process with Seminole County. When Lake Mary Blvd. is widened, Seminole Ford will go from a 100' right-of-way to a 140' right -of -way. Mr. Malone made motion to approve the site Plan. Mr. Morris seconded. Mr. LeRoy questioned the pre -fab sales office as to how it will look. Mr. Townsend stated that it would be basically the same type of structure as on other parts of the property. Seminole Ford will be using Space Master Builders with the intention of a 24 alu- minum roof building, colored blue and white. The exterior walls will be T111 with can- vas awnings. The building will be tied -down. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for an office warehouse development located at 2499 Old Lake Mary Road in a RI -1 zone. Owner: Paulucci International Ltd., Inc.; representative: Arthur Zimmerman. .Art Zimmerman, 4211 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, stated that the sign will be 14' high and 15' wide. Mr. Simmons requested, if the Commission approved the site plan, that he be allowed to do some geometry against the green book standards relative to sight distance and road right-of-way. Mr. Dennison made motion to approve subject to Mr. Simmons determining the set back. Mr. Malone seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached sign for K -Mart, a commercial shopping center located at 3101 S. Orlando Drive in a GC -2 zone. Owner: K-Mart Corporation; representative: Mike Mustafa. Mr. Mike Mustafa stated that they are requesting to move the K -Mart sign and put it on top of Dino Pizza's sign. K -Mart has agreed to put in the planter. There are two signs now and the new sign will eliminate one sign. K -Mart will change height to 25' to meet the City's code. Mr. Keith moved on approval of the site plan subject to 25' maximum height requirement and planter. Mr. Morris seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Ms. Oletta Yates and Mr. Ben Dyal was introduced as future members to come on board June, 1989. Mr. Norris asked Mr. Simmons if the Board would be reviewing the form for the special exceptions since the City Commission had approved the square footage requirements as recommended by this Board. Mr. Simmons stated that the City Commission had not acted on the subject of any adjustments to any minimums that they plan to adopt. They have MINU'T'ES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of April 20, 1989 Page 5 held public hearings on the minimums; they have not held public hearins on any adjust- ment formulas. Mr. Simmons believes that they will be given a choice of either going back to square one on the ordinance if they wish to include the formula or going ahead and adopting a regular ordinance to replace the emergency ordinance relative to square footage minimums. Then they could proceed to act on the issue with regard to the for- mulas. They have asked Staff to review and come up with possibilities as far as what type of formulas could be used; how it might proceed if it is a conditional use or if automatic. Staff has prepared a reconwendation and it is in the hands of the City Commission. Mr. Malone asked about the game room on French as to how it was licensed. Mr. Simmons stated that he would look into this. Mr. Malone asked about the vacant lot on the southeast corner of 3rd and Park as to it being for sale. He stated that this lot has a deed restriction on it to provide parking for the southernmost rooming house. Mr. Simmons stated that he is not sure on whether the selling of the lot triggers the close out of the rooming house. Mr. Simmons is to check. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the site plan for the rooming house at 311 Park Avenue was predicated upon the fact that they would have 5 parking spaces at this vacant lot. The only way that Staff has been able to keep up with this is by several inquiries regarding the sale of the rooming house. The Licensing Department, Building Department and Zoning Department are aware of this. Mr. Speer asked about the sign at 3rd and Park where the school is. Mr. Simmons stated that this sign went to City Commission for approval and he will check to see what was the jist of their approval. Mr. Speer requested that an inquiry be made to have a public telephone put in at Fort Mellon Park. Mr. Malone asked what the Baptist Church was going to do with the unsightly vacant lot on Park Avenue and when. Mr. Simmons stated that we had reviewed a proposed plan once. It was a plan that would take down a bunch of trees. We said "no thanks" and they haven't cane back since. Mr. Simmons is to take a look at this. Mr. Carli requested a motion to amend the minutes. So moved by Mr. Morris. Seconded by Mr. Malone. Mr. Malone stated that the amendment has to do with discussions left out the minutes from last meeting. They made the newspaper but not the minutes. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Simmons asked Mr. Carli specifically what he wanted to put in the minutes. Mr. Carli stated that he had read the minutes and they did not reflect exactly what hap- pened at the last meeting. Mr. Malone said to check the Sanford Herald front page article about Mr. Carli's comments regarding City Commission not using us as the designated planning areas and put it in the minutes and everything will be fine. Meeting adjourned. _��)A eff Br)FRf Carli, Chairman id 'l N� r. ✓ I I " ..d I IY4', I �I, irrr " "i F ROM THE C I TY P LANNE R TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission DATE: April 13, 1989 SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for April 24, 1989 LENNAR HOMES, INC. - Request to rezone from SR -2, Mobile Home Resid to MR -3, Multiple Family Residential and GC -2, General Commercial for property located on the north side of Lake Mary Boulevard between U.S. 17/92 and Sanford Avenue. 1A. site is Zoned SR -2, Mobile Home Residential, is presently vacant and fronts a soon -to -be completed segment of Lake Mary Boulevard. 1B. Proposed GC -2 area includes approximately three (3) acres located at the intersection of Lake Mary Boulevard and Rolling Hills Boulevard. 1C. The site fronts two unimproved rights -of -way, Rolling Hills Boulevard and Americana Boulevard. Travel demand from anticipated development will be oriented towards convenience shopping on Orlando Drive, especially towards the walmart /Publix stores. Therefore, improved local access from the site to such convenience goods and services would reduce traffic on major arterials and intersections, i.e., Lake Mary Boulevard and U.S. 17/92 - Orlando Drive. 2. Site is adjacent to vacant lands Zoned MR -3, Multiple Family Residential and RMOI, Multiple Family Residential-Office- Institutional. site is also adjacent to an SR -2, Mobile Home Residential Zoning District which includes various mobile homes. 3. Site is adjacent to vacant unincorporated lands Zoned A -1, Agricultural. 4. Site is designated as "Neighborhood" in the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Such Neighborhood areas are designed to accommodate primarily low- and medium 1 density residential land uses with small - scale, neighborhood - oriented commercial uses permitted on a case -by -case basis. High density residential development may be permitted in Neighborhood areas if adjacent to a designated arterial roadway. Since Lake Mary Boulevard is a designated arterial in the Traffic Circulation Plan Element, the request for MR- 3 zoning, which provides for up to 20 dwelling units per acre, is generally consistent with the Plan. A portion of area proposed for MR -3 Zoning is designated "Resource Protection" which reflects wetlands vegetation and other natural limitations subject to the City's Environmentally Sensitive Lands regulations. 5. Recommend approval of request to rezone to MR -3, Multiple Family Residential and GC -2, General Commercial based on: A. site's relationship to Lake Mary Boulevard; B. similar existing multiple family zoning districts already established in the immediate area, and; C. Limited size and configuration of proposed GC -2 Zone in relationship to surrounding area. Also, based on anticipated traffic patterns, recommend that development of MR -3 area require the improvement of Rolling Hills Boulevard and Americana Boulevard between Rolling Hills Boulevard and the already- improved segment of Americana Boulevard east of Orlando Drive. EBTIDE CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT, INC - Request rezoning from MR- 2, Multiple Family Residential to GC -2, General Commercial for property located on Collins Drive east of U.S. 17 & 92. 1. Site is Zoned MR -2, Multiple Family Residential and is presently vacant. 2. Site is adjacent to a convenience store located in an existing GC -2 Zoning District. 3. Site is adjacent to various unincorporated lands which include a park and used automobile sales establishments Zoned C -2, Commercial. Site is also adjacent to single family dwellings Zoned R -1A, Residential. 4. Recommend that request for GC -2, General Commercial be approved based on similarity with adjacent Zoning already established to a similar depth along U.S. 17 & 92. A low area along the east property line evidences heavy existing vegetation which should be retained to the maximum extent feasible in order to separate /buffer existing single family dwellings. 2