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Meeting of January 19, 1989
7:00 P.M.
City Commission Chambers
Brent Carli
John Morris
Ton Speer
Leon Brooks
Joe Dennison
Eddie Keith
John LeRoy
Gary Davidson
Jay Malone
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bettie Sonnenberg, Principal Deputy Administrative Official
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Carli.
The first item on the agenda was the consideration of a request to rezone fram AD to
that of PUD for mixed use residential; multi- family rental, single- family for sale,
elderly rental, townhomes, convenience commercial, and a multi-purpose community
center, 40% of which dwelling units will be for low and moderate income persons for
property located generally on Celery and Brisson Avenues in east Sanford. (Tabled
1/5/89). Owner /representative: Amefika Geuka, Tr.
Mr. Morris made a motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. Geuka, Sanford Landings, stated that he is the managing partner for ADG &
Associates which is the holding company developing Oasis a 572 unit mixed income,
planned development, proposed for 72 acres of farmland. The property is located
generally at the intersection of Celery Avenue and Brisson Avenue on the east end of
Sanford. Mr. Geuka further stated that in 1986 the Florida State Legislature passed
into law the Affordable Housing Act of 1986. The purpose of which was to form a
public /private partnership between the three major contributing components, the deve-
loper, the bankers, and local government so as to regulate development and growth. Mr.
Geuka stated that Florida is growing at a rate of 1000 new people per day, most of whom
end up working in what is referred to as the service sector. These people are earning
somewhere between the minimum wage upward to $7.00 per hour placing them in the annual
income range generally from $15 to $25,000 per year. The State has designated this
range as being from low to moderate income.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of January 19, 1989
Page 2
Mr. Geuka stated that it is not easy to find land that is within City limits that is
both affordable and developable and can be secured at prices that do not put low and
moderate income housing out of the reach f ran the people fromwhom it is to be deve-
loped. They are projecting no less than 18 months away from opening the first phase of
the facility. Conceptually, this PUD will consist of 6 general phases, with Phase 1 as
the 150 unit apartment complex.
Mr. Morris stated that the perceptions that he has been hearing around tarn is "we
don't need any more public housing," and suggested to Mr. Geuka that his company needs
to do more public relations work with regard to proposals. Mr. Morris asked if Phases
2 through 6 could be sold to other entities and developed by other parties. Mr. Geuka
stated that there is that possibility. The Oasis Development is anything but public
housing; it is a private entrepreneurial endeavor. They are going to demonstrate with
Oasis that it is possible to do both what business people are expected to do, which is
to earn a profit, and to do what it is assumed they don't care to do which is to do a
good turn for those of wham are perhaps among the lesser of our brethren. They are
determined to demonstrate that Oasis will become decent, safe, sanitary, marketable
housing. There will not be a distinction in the development between those units that
will be rented or sold to people who earn medium to middle income and those who earn
low to moderate income. The only difference will be that 30% of the units will be set
as ide so that they can be accessed at lower rents to people who fall in the general
category of low to moderate income.
Mr. Geuka stated that at this point, the only State funding for this type of business
is for rental housing. Its called the State Department of Incentive Loan or the Sale
Program. In part, it is the low income tax credit which could allow as much as 30% to
be lowered fran the rent. In Sanford impact fees cannot be waived because of the
bonding obligation, but they could possibly be deferred or the City could apply for a
grant to provide for the impact fees for the development in so far as the 30% of the
units would be committed for low and moderate income people.
Mr. Speer asked why was commercial zoning being requested on Celery Avenue. Mr. Geuka
stated that at buildout, somewhere in the neighborhood there will be from 1500 to 2000
people living in this development. It is not unreasonable to provide some convenience
commercial near to where these people live. Mr. Geuka stated that their organization
is a for - profit business vehicle and therefore are not eligible to apply for grants.
One way that the cost of this development can be lowered to help provide 30 %of the
units so that they would be affordable to low and moderate income people is if the
partnership did not have to pay the impact fees. One of the ways to accomplish this is
would be for the City to apply to one of several sources for a grant of ter which the
City would pay itself the impact fees for this project.
Mr. Neil Pruden, 2200 E. Celery Avenue, stated that this project is not compatible with
the lifestyles in existance.
Ms. Joan Quinn, 125 Virginia Avenue, stated that she is representing Mayfair. They are
opposed to this rezoning totally. She stated that the schools are overcrowded, Seminole
County needs more upper income families, homes will decrease in value, and the commer-
cial will take away from downtown Sanford.
Planning and Zoning Comnission
Meeting of January 19, 1989
Page 3
Mr. Stan Brumley, 2221 Celery Avenue, spoke in opposition.
Mr. Bill Answorth, 2067 Cameron Avenue, stated that they are having trouble now keeping
livestock on his land because of low income people taking what belongs to him.
Mr. Max Bass, 414 Scott Avenue, stated that he is not against low income housing but
did not think it is needed at this time.
Paula Tishken, 1501 Brisson Avenue, spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning
stating that she did not want this to be another 3rd Street. People moving into the
area would not want to place their children in schools that were overcrowded.
Ms. Altermese Bentley, stated that it appears that we are not readyto accept people.
The Housing Authority in Sanford represents the initial attempt to raise the level of
living. If celery was raised on Celery Avenue, it was from people who were loyal to
their employers and who gave a full day's work for low income. It is time that Sanford
help raise the level of living in this town. Human rights and human dignity are what
we should be about. Black people are not the only people in this town who have been
poor. Ms. Bentley stated that she would like to see this piece of property assessed,
developed, and started to help people raise their level of aspiration. There is no
reason why we cannot live together.
Mr. Morris stated that he could understand the concerns of the folks of the people who
live in the neighborhood and that he also has similar concerns; however, the PUD is the
most restrictive zoning category that we have. It has more limitations and more
requirements for plans, checks and cross - checks and pitfalls than any other zoning
category. It has some latitude to move around uses because it is a multi -use zone.
Mr. Morris moved on approval of the rezoning subject to the recommendations by the City
Planner A through F. Seconded by Mr. Brooks.
Mr. Brooks stated that this is a professional, well planned, well developed proposal.
It is not just black people effected here. If it goes through black people will not be
the only ones to make money. Mr. Brooks stated that he has the utmost confidence in
Staff and that Staff has looked at this. If it were not possible or conceivable to be
done, very professionally, Staff would have said so. We are here to serve all members
of the Cty of Sanford. What Oasis is asking is not inconsistent with what is handled
on a regular basis. Mr. Keith stated that PUD was as strict a zoning as the City can
get, and that the land has to be used for something. Chairman Carli stated that
Planning and Zoning has been very consistent in the past meetings on speculative
zoning. This is very speculative. If the funding fails to came through on the part of
the City of Sanford, this is something the City Commission will have to deal with, the
project probably would not fly. He also felt the facts that the residents of this area
presented maked a very good point.
Mr. Brooks, Mr. Morris, and Mr. Keith in favor of the motion. Mr. Carli, Mr. Speer,
Mr. Dennison, and Mr. LeRoy opposed to the motion. Motion denied.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of January 19, 1989
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The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the conditional use for property
located at 2475 Airport Boulevard, Country Club Square, for a restaurant with consump-
tion of alcoholic beverages on premises in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Country Club Square;
representative: Carlos 0. Farias.
Mr. Farias stated that there will be 44 seats with a 1200 square foot building. The
hours of operation will be from 11:00 to 11 :00, 7 days per creek.
Mr. Morris moved on approval. Mr. Brooks seconded. All in favor. Mr. LeRoy and Mr.
Keith in opposition. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a detached sign
for Continuous Forms and Checks, a manufacturing use located at 110 Coastline Road in a
RI -1 zone. (Tabled 1/5/89). Owner: Continuous forms and Checks; representative:
John Spolski.
Mr. Dennison made a motion to remove fram the table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Spolski stated that they would like to put a brick sign on a combination office
warehouse. There will be no walk in traffic.
Mr. Dennison made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor. Mr.
Morris opposed. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the final plat for Whippoorwill, a 26 lot single family
subdivision located at 3400 Mellonville Avenue in a SR--1 zone. Owner /representative:
Robert E. McKee.
Mr. Marder stated that the requirements are to have a light at the south end of
Whippoorwill Lane, a street light on Mellonville Avenue. Mr. McKee stated that the
internal lights are in.
Mr. Speer made a amotion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Morris. All in favor. Motion
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Hinely Air
Products, an indoor retail and wholesale sales and stroage use located at 103 Ccmnerce
Way in a RI -1 zone. Owner Hinely Air Products; representative: Robert E. McKee.
Mr. Morris made a motion to approved based on Staff's recommendation. Mr. Brooks and
Mr. Speer seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for a detached
sign for Sanford Christian Sharing Center located at 515 East 25th Street in a RC -1
zone. Representative: William Bush, Jr.
Planning and Zoning C mmission
Meeting of January 19, 1969
Page 5
Ms. Irene Brown stated that this will be a low sign facing onto 25th Street.
Mr. Speer made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Motion
Mr. Kim Townsend, 601 E. 25th Street, stated that he was here to request clarification
regarding Bamnac, Inc., 410 Mattie Street, in a GC -2 zoning. This is an electronic
assembly business in an existing building. Mr. Bammac came before this Board on
October 6 seeking a conditional use which the Commission approved. There were 6 con-
ditions designed to protect the residential properties around Mattie Street, i.e, all
activities to be conducted indoors, limited to assembly of electronic ccsnponents, pro-
hibition of loud noise, prohibition of tractor trailers, 5' landscape buffer including
3' high hedge and a tree every 50'. When Engineering Services presented a preliminary
plan reflecting Planning and Zoning's conditions to Staff, Staff suggested they needed
a full site plan review with drainage retention and paved parking, 24' wide access
across City right-of-way and even possible improvements to Grandview which is unpaved
at this time. There seemed to be some conflict that needed some clarification.
Mr. Morris stated that they wanted the buffer but did not recall any discussion rela-
tive to improving Grandview. They were concerned about the effect on the residential
neighborhood surrounding the property and requested a site plan. Ms. Sonnenberg stated
that two separate two -way driveways were brought in at 12' each. For traffic to flow
in and out, the engineering requirements for two -way traffic are 24 The only way
Grandview came in was if the traffic flowed in from Grandview, he would have to improve
the portion that he used up to the driveway.
Mr. Townsend also said that Staff indicated that they would be under the requirements
of the New Land Development Codes recently enacted and that drainage retention, etc.
would be necessary on this property. They showed mulched parking while Staff indicated
it would have to be paved. If paved, the site would be a piece or property with 80%
Mr. Morris suggested that the Board advise Mr. Townsend to prepare a site plan that
would reflect the necessary changes. At this point, Mr. Carli asked Mr. Dennison if he
had a motion. Mr. Dennison made a motion to approve the site plan as presented
without creating any undue hardships. Seconded by Mr. Speer. Mr. Morris stated that
this site plan includes improvements to the property that encroach onto other proper-
ties that is not included in the site plan, i.e. lot 8. Also, Mr. Morris stated the
better course of action would be to clarify what the Board wants and to allow Mr.
Townsend to prepare a new site plan that meets the requirements of the Board subject to
City specifications. Mr. Carli stated that he could see no discrepancies on the site
plan. Mr. Marder stated that while the plans looks like it canplies with the intent
and purpose of the conditions of the City, it would be desirable to cane up with a
little bit better project. Mr. Carli, Mr. Speer, Mr. Keith, Mr. Dennison, in favor of
the motion with Mr. LeRoy, Mr. Morris and Mr. Brooks opposed. Motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Cammission
Meeting of January 19, 1989
Page 6
Mr. Speer made motion to approve Amendment 1, Schedule C with exception of the
Agricultural Zone. Mr. Dennison seconded. All in favor of the motion. Motion
carried. Mr. Morris moved to reconsider the previous motion. Mr. Brooks seconded.
All in favor. Mr. Speer opposed to reconsider. Motion carried. Mr. Dennison made
motion to all 750 square feet in an SR -1 zone. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor
of the amendment with Mr. Morris opposed. Motion carried. All in favor of the motion
as amended with Mr. Morris opposed. Motion carried. Mr. Dennison made motion to
amend the amendment to include 800 squar feet for all single family across the board.
Seconded by Mr. Morris. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Mr. Brooks stated that as a professional body, Planning and Zoning needs to be con-
sistent with the decisions made. We have already approved to one PUD that was approved
out there. We need to be fair and consistent.
Mr. Speer stated that the New Tribes Mission own their land and the people who came
tonight came as speculators, which are the worst type.
Mr. Morris moved to approve the minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Speer. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Brent Carli, Chairman
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Jay R. Marder, City Plannery
DATE: January 12, 1989
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for January 19, 1989
GEUKA Request to rezone from AD, Agricultural to PD, Planned
Development for property generally located in the southwest
quadrant of Celery Avenue and Brisson Avenue.
Note Notwithstanding use of the term PD, Planned
Development pursuant to the City's recently adopted Land
Development Regulations, this proposed zoning change was
submitted under the old Zoning Ordinance and has been
reviewed under the old requirements.
1. Site is Zoned AG, Agriculture and is basically vacant at the
present time.
2. Various single family residences, vacant land and
agricultural activities are located in the immediate area of
site in areas Zoned AG or A -1 (unincorporated).
3. A vacant SR -1, Single Family Residential Zone is located
adjacent to site. Site is also adjacent to a vacant R -2,
One- and Two - Family Zoning District and the R -1, Single -
Family area known as Midway, both of which are in
unincorporated areas.
4. The mixed -use New Tribes Mission Planned Development (PD) is
located west of site.
5. The Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan
classifies the site as a "Neighborhood" area which
anticipates low- and medium - density residential development
accompanied by neighborhood goods and services uses.
5. The Development Plan for the property consists of two sheets
for Oasis Housing /Development dated December 1988. Proposed
development includes 150 dwellings in Phase One and 325
dwellings in Future Phases with a combined gross density of
7 dwelling units per acre on 67.8 acres plus 3.7 acres of
proposed commercial development on Celery Avenue for a total
site of 71.5 acres. Two main vehicular access points are
proposed, one on Celery Avenue and one on Brisson Avenue
plus a third access to the commercial area fronting Celery
7. Recommend conditional approval of the request for PD,
Planned Development Zoning based on similarity with PD
zoning recently approved in immediate area, consistency with
the Comprehensive Plan and existing character of the area at
the present time. Recommended conditions are as follows:
a. Each phase shall be subdivided with public streets,
designated lots and tracts and other customary
dedications and provisions in effect at the time of
application in accordance with the oasis Development
Plan which constitute approved uses and general
location of such uses on the site.
b. Design standards and construction requirements shall
comply with such standards and requirements in effect
at the time of application for a site development
permit and /or a building permit.
C. Vehicular access points shall be restricted as set
forth of Development Plan: one (1) public street on
Celery Avenue, one (1) on Celery Avenue to serve
commercial development and one (1) public street on
Brisson Avenue.
d. A ten (10) foot wide landscaped strip shall be
provided along the northerly boundary of Elderly
Housing Area No. 1 to separate existing single family
dwellings fronting Celery Avenue from multiple family
e. A ten (10) foot wide landscaped strip shall be provided
along Brisson Avenue. Required landscape shall be
provided within the required landscaped strip as
1. Trees - One (1) tree shall be provided for every
twenty -five (25) lineal feet of parcel line in
question. Such trees shall be evenly spaced.
2. Hedge - A dense hedge of evergreen -type shrubs
shall be provided in the following manner:
i. At initial planting and installation, shrubs
shall be at least thirty (30) inches in
height and shall be separated by a distance
of thirty (30) inches or less on center from
adjacent tree trunks and /or shrubs.
ii. Within one year of initial planting and
installation, shrubs shall have attained and
be maintained at a minimum height of four (4)
feet in and shall provide an opaque
vegetative screen between the street and the
use of the premise.
iii. In lieu of a vegetative hedge, the
Administrative Official shall be authorized
to approve the use of berms or other
appropriate landscape materials in a manner
that results in the visual separation of
street right -of -way and the premises in
3. Required landscape materials shall conform to
requirements set forth in Schedule J of the
City's Land Development Regulations.
f. Commercial development shall not be commenced prior to
completion of Phase One.
FARIAS - Request for a conditional use permit for consumption of
alcoholic beverages on premises in a GC -2, General Commercial
Zoning District located at 2475 Airport Boulevard.
1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of