HomeMy WebLinkAbout03.17.88PLANNING AMID ZONING COMMISSION Meeting of March 17, 1988 7:00 P.M. City Ccamission Chambers Members Present: John LeRoy Tom Speer Joe Dennison John Morris Gary Davidson Leon Brooks Jay Malone Members Absent: Brent Carli Eddie Keith Others Present: Nancy Simmons, Herald Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 P.M. by Chairman Morris. The first item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider an Amandment to the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Due to lack the Public Hearing Notice, this item was considered last on the agenda when it was read. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider a request to rezone from RMOI to GC -2 for the purpose of a general store, that property located at 501 East 2nd Street. Owner /repre - sentative: Donald L. Vincent. Mr. Donald L. Vincent, 4689 S. Sanford Avenue, stated that his mother and father built this building in 1947 and operated a fish market until 1986. He would like to open a general store with an old fashioned theme. Mr. Vincent stated that he has spoken with several neighbors in the area and everyone is in favor of this. Mr. Vincent said that he had spoken with the City Planner and would like to change his request from GC-2 to RC -1 because this zoning would be more favorable to the area. Mr. Vincent will carry old artifacts, historic photographs, and general merchandise. The hours of operation will be a couple of hours in the evening, no later than 9:00 and on weekends. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 17, 1988 Page 2 Mr. John Sauls, 824 Escambia Drive, stated that the Vincents have operated in downtown Sanford for over 100 years. This will be a real asset to our community. Mr. Sauls recommended GC -2 zoning. Mr. Kenneth Echols, 102 Larkwood Drive, stated he was in charge of setting up the Seminole County School System Museum, and Mr. Vincent donated pictures to this museum, plus several museums in the area. This will be a great asset to Sanford. There was no one else present to speak for or against the requested rezoning. Mr. Marder stated that he recommended the RC -1 zoning because the site is small, better suited to more restriced uses, as well as the existing character of the surrounding area. Mr. Dennison made motion to approve the requested rezoning. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider the conditional use for property to be used for a commercial bank, located at 251 West First Street in a SC -3 zone. Owner: Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee. Representative: Philip H. Chestnut. Due to lack of representation, Mr. Davidson made motion to table this request. Seconded by Mr. Speer. All in favor. Notion carried. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider the conditional use for a used car lot, repair and detail shop, that property located at 601 East Celery Avenue in a GC -2 zone. Ownen /representatives: Lee & Elaine Esty. Mr. Esty, 2790 Celery Avenue, stated that no body work will be done at present; in the future, it will be mostly touch -up work. Presently they are detailing cars for sale. Score mechanical work is being done. Mr. Esty stated that they have started upgrading the facility now. It is right next door to a day care center. There is a 5'chain link fence. There is no barbed wire on the side where the day care center is, but there is barbed wire on the front. There will be no storage of wrecked vehicles. There was no one else present to speak in favor of the requested conditional use. Ms. Margaret Anderson, 429 Shaola Blvd. Winter Springs, stated that she owns two duplex buildings that abuts this property. The neighborhood to the south is all residential. The neighbors are concerned about the traffic and the noise. There was no one else present to speak in opposition to the conditional use. Mr. Malone made motion to deny based on staff's recommendations. Mr. LeRoy seconded. 5 in favor. Mr. Davidson opposed. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for an addition to General Felt Industries, an industrial use located at 2772 Depot Street in a RI -1 zone. Owner /representative: Kevin Spolski. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 17, 1988 P_ age 3 Mr. Spolski, 2800 Carrier Avenue, stated that they would like to add an additional 10,000 square feet onto the existing 22,000 square feet. The Code Enforcement has came out and cited General Felt Industries. For outside storage, the building will be for storage of foam padding. Mr. Spolski stated that he had no problem with exceeding the landscaping requirements. Mr. Malone made motion to approve subject to landscaping provisions. Seconded by Mr. Davidson. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a site plan for Park Avenue Promenade, 8 retail stores, located at 2465 -71 Park Avenue in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Thelma Williams; representative: Steven M. Hardin. Mr. LeRoy made motion to table due to lack of representation. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Notion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the plat for Brynhaven First Replat, a replat of Brynhaven, a 161 single family hone subdivision located at Stenstrom Boulevard and Sanford Avenue in a SR -1 zone. Owner: Suda, Inc.; represen- tative: Dcminich F. Cavone. Mr. Malone made motion to table due to lack of representation. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The advertisement for the Amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan was read. In consideration of the Amendment, Mr. Marder stated that there are 16 sites being proposed to be incorporated into the Comp Plan. When the Camp Plan was adopted, these sites were not in the City's jurisdiction to plan. Mr. Marder explained that Site 1 is on the east side of Kennel Road, a regional commerce area; Site 2 is betw the easterly City limits and Brisson Avenue, a neighborhood area. In looking at Site 2, Mr. Marder stated that it could be amended to resource protection; Site 3 is located on Upsala Road, neighborhood area; Site 4 is on the north side of the Railroad, community commerce area; Site 5 is located above Site 4 on the map and is designated as regional commerce; Site 6 is north of Reservoir Lake, South of 46 -A, neighborhood; Site 7 is owned by Seminole County School Board, designated as neigh- borhood; Site 8 is on Airport Boulevard, regional commerce; Site 9 is located on Rand Yard Road, regional commerce; Site 10 is off of Airport Boulevard near 5th Street, regional commerce; Site 11 is along Sanford Avenue, neighborhood; Site 12 is adjacent to 17 -92, far south end , below animal shelter, community commerce; Site 13 is adjacent to SR 46, north of Sanford Central Park, regional commerce; Site 14 is on 1st Street, East side of railroad overpass, community commerce; Site 15 is along Sanford Avenue, neighborhood; and Site 16 is along Airport Boulevard, designated as regional commerce. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COM►IISSION March 17, 1988 Page 4 Mr. Marder stated that as he understands it, Site 2 appears that it needs to be both neighborhood and resource protection. Mr. Malone moved on approval with amendmen to Site 2. Seconded by Mr. LeRoy. All in favor. Motion carried. In a request from the floor, Mr. Lee Wilson, 546 -20 Altamonte Springs, stated that he would like to eliminate the 2' berm on the westerly line and put in hedges for Randolph Court Apartments. Mr. Simmons stated that the berm helps you get the plants higherfor the same size plant and don't recall any particular problem with regard to the berm from a drainage point of view. Mr. Simmons stated that the berm does not have any thing to do with the drainage. Mr. Wilson stated that they plan to put in more vegetation with 10' to 12' wax myrtles every 20' and 30" to 32" vibernums every 24 ". Mr. Davidson made motion to modify site plan. Mr. Dennison seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Basil Savard, 117 Meadow Blvd., submitted from the floor a revised site plan for Choo -Choo Car Wash. To add a canopy over the vacuum base. The canopy is in existance. Mr. Simmons stated that he has had considerable discussions with the Building Department relative to that there be a closer review of approved site plans prior to issuance of building permits, to make sure there are not such noticeable divergencies. Mr. Savard stated that they would like to move the wall that is 20' from the property line, to within 4' of the property line. Cars cannot turn out of the vacuum lane into the wash tunnel. Trees will be planted on the back side of this wall. The retention area has been widened. He would like to put chain link fence from the corner of the stucco wall around the retention area and abut it into the detail building. He would put a hedge or a vegetative buffer in front of the chain link fence. Mr. Dennison move to approve the revision as presented to include the covered vacuum island and the chain link fence around the retention area. Seconded by Mr. Davidson. All in favor. Motion carried. Mrs. Sonnenberg asked the Comnission if they would consider in a Restricted Industrial District underground gas tanks to service individual trucks, in a truck terminal as an accessory use or if it would be necessary for a conditional use. Chairman Morris stated that he feels it should be conditional if more than 500 gallon tanks and came before the Board. All Ccannission members agreed. MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 17, 1988 Page 5 Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the Christian Sharing Center has found a location at Park Avenue and 13th Street offered to them by the Central Baptist Church. Will they need a site plan because of the change of use? The Board agreed that it is a change of use and they will need a site plan. Mr. Sonnenberg stated that she had written Beda Marine a letter stating that their landscaping has not met the requirements after one year and they have to replace this within two weeks or it will go to Code Enforcement. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she will have to listen to the tape on Beda Marine to insure that the Board can review this after one year. Mr. Malone stated that their year is up and would like to bring them back before the Commission. Mr. Simmons stated that in regards to Mr. Carli's question last time on the railroad crossing at Old Lake Mary Road and Airport Boulevard, he contacted Seminole County Public Works, the Road Superintendent. He determined that Seminole County had done no work at that location, therefore, he believes it was the Railroad that did the work. In all probability having looked at it, the Railroad did something which raised the head of the rail and then proceeded to go back and put black -top on each side. The Road Superintendent said he was going to contact the Railroad and find out what they did. The two of us agreed that it appeared that what was done, while being an incon- venience, does not violate the DOT criteria relative to the particular grades in the immediate vicinity of the railroad. He still waiting for additional information from the County Road Department. Mr. Davidson questioned the canal along Airport Boulevard. Mr. Simmons stated that the drainage ditch has not been completed. The developer of Zan Properties needs to do drainage work coming out of Reservoir Lake. Mr. LeRoy stated that the cars being sold on Lake Mary Boulevard are back. Chairman Morris stated that there are cars and a truck in Roger Stuart's building on 25th Street that are for sale. Mr. Malone stated that the house on Park Avenue between 5th and 6th Streets burned. Why has this not been condemned? It burned over a year ago. Mrs. Sonnenberg to look into this. Mr. Malone asked if in a situation like Beda Marine, is there any way that we can hold up on reissuing the occupational license? Mr. Simmons stated that he believed we could although licenses are issued in October. Mr. Simmons to check with the City Attorney on this. Mr. Malone made motion to approve minutes as circulated. Mr. Brooks seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Chairman Morris requested that the minutes reflect that four questions Mr. Carli asked were responded to tonight, and he was not here to have the benefits. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. J MOrriS, Cha irman T�: - city ci S Plan a nd Zo ning Commission F;Dm : � Iy K. marder, ; cl _y Planner DATE: march i i , 086 SUBJECT: planning Recommendations For meeting of March i r, ME. Item No. 1: DONALD L. VINCENT - Request to rezone from RMOI, multiple -Farm y Residential, office and institutional to GC -2, General C omm er cial, for propert y located at the southeast corner of East 2nd street and Cypress Avenue.. 1. The site includes a small nonresidential building on an approximately 5,000 square foot lot. 2. site abuts a GC -2 Zone that includes a scale establishment and a shopping center. 3. site is adjacent to a senior citizen housing d0elopment located in all RMOI Z one. Various single fancily residences are-also located in the general vicinity of site. 4. Recommend that site be rezoned to RC -1, Restricted .Commercial rather than GC -2, General commercial because the site's limited size and characteristics are better suited to more restrictive uses permitted in RC -1 than the wide range of uses permitted in - Zoning. item No. 2: PHILIP H. CHESNUT - Request for conditional use approval to permit a bank for property Zoned SC -3, Special Commercial located at the southeast corner of west 1st street and Myrtle A venue. 1. Site is basically vacant at the present time. i. var ious commercial and office activities located in - mmediate vicinity of site including two banks. 3. Recommend that the conditional use request for a bank be approved based on the similarity of existing uses already established in the immediate area. 7` Item No. 3: LEE M. ESTZ - Request for conditional use approval to permit used automobi a sales, automobile repair and auto detailing for property Zoned GC -2, General Commercial located at the southeast corner of Celery Avenue and Pine Avenue. 1. Site presently includes two buildings surrounded by a cyclone fence topped with barbed wire. Present use of site appears to be auto repair. 1 .. A day cane faciiizy is located adjacent to site as nr= S"Veral one and Iwo-family dwellings. . Question is one of poilcy regarding the character commercial uses along celery Avenue in the general area between Sanford Avenue and mallonville Avenue. 4. Recommend denial of the conditional use request to permit automobile sales and repair based on the incompatibility of the proposed use(s) with existing uses, and established character of the area at the present time. (pr31i38) 2