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Meeting of April 7, 1988
City Commission Chambers
7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Eddie Keith
Leon Brooks
Tam Speer
Brent Carli
Jay Malone
Joe Dennison
John Morris
Members Absent:
Gary Davidson
John LeRoy
Others Present:
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Morris.
The first item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider a request to rezone from
SR -1 to RC -1 for the purpose of self employment - custom repair service, all kinds -
carpentry, mechanical, lawn equipment, auto, etc., that property located at 133 East
Woodland Drive. Owner /representatives : Harvey C. & Frances M. Harris.
Mr. Harvey C. Harris, 133 E. Woodland Drive, stated that the County is re -doing Airport
Boulevard to make a turn lane onto Sanford Avenue. The County will take approximately
1/3 of the property. He is requesting the change of zoning at this time because, after
the County gets through, the square footage will present a problem in getting it
rezoned at that time. The County will be obtaining an appraisal in May with construc-
tion to start in August.
Present to speak in favor of the rezoning was Ms. Jackie Caolo of 131 East Woodland
Drive and Mr. John West of 127 E. Woodland Drive. Both stated that they have no objec-
tion to the proposed rezoning. There was no one present to speak in opposition of the
proposed rezoning. Mr. Carli asked if the property would go up in value if the
rezoning is approved. Mr. Morris stated that he could not speak for the Tax Assessor.
Mr. Carli moved in favor of the proposed rezoning. Mr. Dennison seconded. All in
favor with Mr. Keith opposed. Notion carried.
Planning and Zoning Ccnmission
Meeting of April 7, 1988
Page 2
The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider a request to rezone from
SR-1A to that of RMOI for the purpose of multiple family, that property located in the
2400 block of Oak Avenue. Owner /representative: Navarra, Inc.
Mr. Eli Mendoza, Lake Mary, stated that he is the consultant engineer for Navarra.
This is almost a 5 acre area. They are planning to maintain a historic look with the
apartments. Navarra, Inc. did do a soils survey and found quite a bit of muck. They
did not do any boring and testing. They have owned the property for 6 to 8 months.
Mr. Tom Deppen, 2411 Oak Avenue, stated that he owns lots 5 and 6 and he is repre-
senting the owners of lots 3, 4 and 78. He is acting as the spokesman for the neigh-
borhood. There were approxi - mately 45 people in the audience opposed to the rezoning.
Mr. Deppen stated that he is speaking in reference to Oak Avenue between 20th and 25th
Streets. There are approximately 31 homes on Oak. There are 3 rentals and the tur-
nover is about every 3 years. The neighborhood is a mixture of different types of
homes which range from middle to upper class. The character of the hones is well
established and fits well in the community. The City of Sanford designated Oak Avenue
as a scenic route. One negative aspect is the drainage problem at 24th Place and Oak
Avenue. There is a very low potential for building; the sewer lines cannot handle any-
more sewer, but the main concern is traffic. There are a lot of children on this
street. There are so many other areas for sale that are zoned properly for this type
of development. Mr. Deppen urged to keep this area single family and submitted several
letters in opposition to the proposed rezoning from neighbors who could not attend this
Mr. Paul Leatherman, 2414 S. Oak Avenue, stated that this is not what we want in this
Mr. Andres Kutz, 123 West 23rd Street, stated that rezoning the entire property to RMOI
does not sound right because it would require a conditional use afterwards. This is
totally inconsistent to what they are asking for.
Ms. Clara Palmer, 2425 Elm Avenue, stated that she has lived in the area for 40 years.
This is a nice neighborhood and she would hate to see the area change.
Mr. John Shepherd, 2209 Oak Avenue, stated that he is against the rezoning.
Mr. Mike Rowell, 2440 Oak Avenue, stated that he is against the proposed rezoning. We
should consider that this is a water recharge area. This area is more suitable for a
Ms. Minnie Kratzer, 2400 South Park Avenue, stated that she is strictly against the
proposed rezoning because of the drainage problem.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of April 7, 1988
Page 3
Mr. Keith moved to deny the request. Mr. Carli seconded. All in favor. Motion
Mr. Mendoza stated that the owners are in Venezuela and if they could not build on this
property that it would be donated to the City of Sanford.
The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider a request to rezone from
MR -1 to RMOI for the purpose of office space, that property located at 2449 Bay Avenue.
Owner /representative: Dina Futrell.
Mr. Terry Futrell, 2449 Bay Avenue, stated that there is a car wash and a convenience
store across the street and the next door neighbor has a computer operation there.
There are no immediate plans to move or to open a business. There is ample parking
space for a commercial business in the rear.
Mr. Malone moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor. Mr. Speer
opposed. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider the conditional use tabled
on March 17, 1988 for property to be used for a commercial bank, that property located
at 251 West First Street in a SC -3 zone. Owner: Stanley H. Sandefur, Trustee; repre-
sentative: Philip H. Chestnut.
Mr. Keith made motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Malone. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. Philip Chestnut, 117 Oaks Court, stated that the site is located at lst and Myrtle,
a proposed commercial branch bank with drive -in facilities. There will be three drive -
in lanes, 15 parking spaces. The drive -in will come in from Myrtle and exit onto 2nd
Street. The land is under contract contingent upon zoning. The building will be a 3100
square foot facility. would like to break ground May /June, and be in operation by late
September, or early October.
Mr. Carli moved on approval of the conditional use. Mr. Keith seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider the conditional use for
property to be used for a church building for Rejected Stone Full Mission Missionary
Baptist Church, that property located at 1320 Shepard Street in a MR -1 zone. Owner:
Colonial Mortgage Company; representative: Rev. Elijah Fields.
Rev. Fields stated that their congregation consists of approximately 25 members.
Currently, services are being held in a Pallbearers building on 11th Street. The
majority of the members live in the area of Shepard Street and in their eyes this
building is ideal.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of April 7, 1988
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Mrs. Rosella Fields, 2854 Bungalow Blvd., stated that the majority of members live
within 3 blocks of this building. Presently, there are two other church groups
operating out of the same building, in desperate need of a church building. There will
be no child care facilities. Mrs. Fields stated that the building was originally built
for a duplex. Mrs. Fields stated that they have plans for 12 parking spaces, 8 in
front and 4 in back.
Mr. Willie Corbett, 1100 Pecan Avenue, stated that they need some where to serve the
Lord as they should.
Mr. Benjamin Adams, Asst. Pastor, stated that they desperately need to obtain the
Mr. Brooks made motion to approve. Mr. Keith seconded. Mr. Carli made motion to amend
the motion to include the exclusion of operating a child care center. Mr. Keith
seconded the amendment. All in favor. Motion carried. All in favor of the motion.
Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the plat tabled March 17, 1988 for
Brynhaven First Replat, a replat of Brynhaven, a 161 single family home subdivision
located at Stenstrom Blvd. and Sanford Avenue in a SR -1 zone. Owner: Suda, Inc.;
representative: Darninich F. Cavone.
Mr. Carli made motion to remove from. table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. Daminich Cavone, 848 E. Lake Street, stated that about a year ago Brynhaven was
platted and subsequent to the platting, a correction to the legal description had to be
made. The attorney and the title people would only consider the entire subdivision
being replatted with this correction being incorporated into the new legal description.
Nothing has changed in the subdivision, it has the same number of lots. Right now they
are building on lots 50 and 51.
Mr. Simmons stated that staff recommends approval. Mr. Carli made motion to approve.
Seconded by Mr. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Park Avenue
Promenade, tabled March 17, 1988, 8 retail stores, located at 2465 -71 Park Avenue in a
GC -2 zone. Owner: Selma Williams; representative: Steven M. Hardin.
Mr. Carli made motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Brooks. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of April 7, 1988
Page 5
Mr. Steven Hardin, Longwood, stated that they have asked the City to vacate a 4' strip
because the road right -of -way of Park Avenue encroaches the building and have asked to
park in the right -of -way. The projected parking spaces are 53 based on 60/40 retail.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that if he went to 100% retail, with no storage, he would need
75 parking spaces. Mr. Hardin stated that there will be an illuminated canvas awning
canopy with lights in the rear.
Mr. Simmons stated that staff recommends removal of parking spaces on the east. The
right -of -way use permit will include the landscape island. There may be additional
impact fee because of toilet facilities. The alley is too narrow to support two -way
traffic. It would create a traffic problem and is why the staff rec_cmmends removal of
the parking spaces on the east.
Mr. Carli moved on approval excluding the 4 parking spaces on the east. Seconded by
Mr. Keith. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Martin Motor's
Sales Lot, a used automotive sales lot located at 601 French Avenue in a GC -2 zone.
Owner: Vaughn Martin; representative: Andrew Kutz.
Mr. Kutz, 133 W. Airport Blvd., stated that Mr. Martin has been using this lot for a
long time. Mr. Martin is requesting that consideration be given with the right to
leave the driveway in on 17 -92.
Mr. Simmons stated that the DOT representative wants the driveway closed.
Mr. Speer made motion to approve the site plan subject to the curb -cut remaining open
as it exists today. Mr. Carli seconded. Mr. Marder stated that excessive curbcuts
should be avoided when they are adjacent to major thoroughfares. There is a chance to
improve traffic circulation here and the property could be used the way it is shown on
the site plan. Mr. Speer stated that the entrance off 17 -92 onto this property should
be enjoyed like all other businesses on French Avenue. The long range plan is not to
take away valuable property rights that people have acquired along this highway. All
in favor of the motion. Notion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of an extension of the approval,
8/20/87, of the site plan for Christian Fellowship Primitive Baptist Church, located at
1701 Bell Avenue in a MR -1 zone. Owner: Christian Fellowship Primitive Baptist
Church; representative: John Hall.
Mr. John Hall stated that the plan to start construction within 2 months with no
changes to the site plan.
Mr. Keith moved on approval for a 6 -month extension. Mr. Carli seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of April 7, 1988
Page 6
The next item on the agenda was the discussion of the use of a teen club at 500 Lake
Mary Boulevard in a GC -2 zone. Representative: Carol Conaway.
Ms. Carol Conaway, 7330 Canal Drive, stated that City Lights was closed in October of
last year. The Lake Mary Boulevard location is a much nicer location. Ms. Conaway
stated that they are negotiating a 6 month lease at $10.00 per square feet. Each
Commissioner had no objection to the proposed teen club.
On the Addendum to the Agenda, there was the consideration of a site plan for Sanford
Christian Sharing Center, located at 1300 Park Avenue in a RC -1 zone.
Pastor Dan Coy, 114 Quail Ridge Court, stated that they were offered this house owned
by the Central Baptist Church. The Church is presently running a placement center with
hours of 9 :00 to 3:00 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Sharing Center would take over
the work of doing exactly what they are doing now, giving away groceries, but the hours
of the Center would be opened Monday through Fridays, 9:00 to 12:00. This operation
will be temporary until the Church can sell the building. Mr. Coy stated that he anti-
cipates approximately 20 people per day.
Mr. Malone commented on Chief Harriett's comments regarding break -ins and burglaries
with the transient clientele moving in. Mr. Speer asked if the Chief stated in his
memorandum as to whether the site would attract thievery or if he questions it.
Chairman Morris stated that he questioned it. Mr. Speer stated that the Chief should
have records and that we should give the Sharing Center 6- months.
Mr. Keith made motion to approve for 6- months. Mr. Brooks seconded. All in favor, Mr.
Malone opposed. Motion carried.
Mr. Bob Seigler, 2425 S. Park Drive, asked about a potential business coming into
Sanford, that business being glass making. No one knows what the zoning is. At pre-
sent they will be using 50,000 cubic feet of hydrogen and 45 gallons of oxygen and
12,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen. Mr. Seigler stated that he would get a copy of
Orange County's regulations, that they may be of some help.
Mr. Butch Coombs, 115 Bunker Lane, stated that he received a letter from Mrs.
Sonnenberg in reference to 1122 Celery Avenue regarding the chain link fence. Mr.
Coombs stated that he extended the fence that had been there for 7- years. The fence
was added for security and to protect the customers' vehicles when they are in for
repairs, they are parked in front. In the back, the cars that are parked, are cars
impounded from different laws enforcement agency, Mr. Coombs stated that he was told on
three ocOssions that he did not need a permit to extend the fence; so, this time he
didn't see any reason to ask Mr. Winn if he need a permit. Mr. Coombs was cautioned as
to acquiring permits before any construction.
Mrs. Sonnenberg reported that staff had approved 150 square foot addition to the Golden
Lamb and a covered walkway between buildings at General Felt Industires.
Meeting of April 7, 1988
Page 7
Mr. Carli questioned the approval of Belo Marine, whether it was for one- -year or not.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that although there was discussion on a one -year approval
because the lease was for one -year, there was no timeframe set on the approval. Mr.
Carli requested that the tape of the meeting be listened to to be sure. Mr. Carli
stated that there are four or five junk cars on Sheperd street across from the church
and asked if code enforcement could check on this. Mr. Carli requested that the
Police Department check on the speeding on Oak Avenue.
Mr. Malone stated that cars are being sold on Lake Mary Boulevard again and at Roger
Stuart's building on 25th Street. He also questioned the status of the house on Park
between 5th and 6th Streets. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the house is to be demolished
within 10 days. Mr. Malone asked if Staff had heard anything from the City Attorney on
re- issuing occupational licenses. Mr. Simmons stated that he had asked in writing but
there was no answer yet.
Mr. Brooks asked that something be done relative to kids hanging out around the 66
Station on Celery Avenue.
Mr. Keith stated that the sign on front of the Bank Restaurant that says "now open" and
it has been closed for a year.
Mr. Keith moved to approved the minutes as circulated. Mr. Brooks seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9 :15.
March 31, 1988
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Jay R. Marder, City Planner
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations r Meeting of April 7, 1988
Item No. 1 - Harvey C. and Frances N. Harris: Request to rezone
from sR -1, Single - Family Residential to RC -1, Restricted
Commercial for property located at the southeast corner of East
woodland Drive and Airport Boulevard.
I. site includes one platted lot of approximately 12,400
square feet with an existing single family residence.
2. All lots in the South Pinecrest subdivision, including
site, are Zoned SR -1, single Family Residential. All such
lots in immediate vicinity of site include a single family
3. site is adjacent to existing RC -1 Zoning which includes
convenience goods and services (Cumberland Farms) facing
Airport Boulevard and Sanford Avenue. Site is also adjacent
to existing MR -2 Zoning which includes existing apartments
(Bamboo Cove).
4. Recommend that request to rezone from SR -1, single
Family Residential to RC -1, Restricted Commercial be denied
based on the intent and purpose of existing SR -1 Zone and
related subdivision plat already established for the site
and adjacent single family residential uses. The
recommendation to deny this request also reflects the
desirability of preventing encroachment of nonresidential
uses along Airport Boulevard in this neighborhood.
Item No. 2 - Navarra, Inc.: Request to rezone from SR-1A, Single
Family Residential to R Multiple Family Residential, Office
and Institutional for property located on the west side of Oak
Avenue between west 24th Street and West 25th Street.
1. Site fronts Oak Avenue and includes vacant lots totaling
approximately 51,504 square feet. An open drainage ditch
running west to east is centrally located on the site. Site
is heavily vegetated.
2. Various single family residences are located adjacent to
site in existing SR -1A, Single Family Residential and RMOI,
Multiple Family Residential, Office and Institutional Zoning
Districts. Area immediately east of site appears to be
vacant at the present time.
3. A neighborhood shopping center presently being utilized
for offices is located south of site in a GC -2, General
Commercial Zone at the northwest corner of Park Avenue and
West 25th Street. Several lots Zoned GC -2 between the site
and the shopping center appear to be vacant.
4. According to the Soil Survey of Seminole County, the
site is predominantly composed Of Brighton peat. Land use
characteristics of Brighton peat reflected in the Soil
Survey Supplement of Seminole County include very low
Totential for dwellings without very low
potential for low commercial buildings and very low
potential for local roads and streets. Brighton peat has
severe limitations including but not limited to wetness,
flooding, standing water and low strength.
5. Recommend that request to rezone from SR -1A, Single
Family Residential to RMOI, Multiple Family Residential,
Office and Institutional be denied based on the desirability
of maintaining the existing single family residential
character of Oak Avenue in the immediate vicinity of site.
This recommendation recognizes that the site's suitability
for urban development is very low and that higher intensity
uses permitted in the proposed RMOI Zoning District should
be discouraged.
Item No. 3 - Dina c. Futrell Request to rezone from MR -1,
Multiple Family Residential to RMOI, Multiple Family Residential,
Office and Institutional for property located at the northeast
corner of Bay Avenue and East 25th Street.
1. Site is Zoned MR -1, Multiple Family Residential and
includes approximately 14,000 square feet. A single family
residence and various accessory buildings are located on
site. Site fronts East 25th Street and Bay Avenue with
major access on Bay Avenue.
2. various single family residences and vacant land are
located in an MR -1 Zone on the west side of Bay Avenue
adjacent to site.
3. An office located opposite site plus various single
family residences are located on east side of Bay Avenue in
an RMOI Zone adjacent to site.
4. Recommend approval of request to rezone from MR -1,
Multiple Family Residential to RMOI, Multiple Family
Residential, Office and Institutional based on similarity of
existing zoning and uses already located in immediate area.
Item No. 4 - Reverend Elijah Fields Request for conditional use
approval to permit a church in an MR -1, Multiple Family
Residential Zoning District for property located between Shepherd
Street, Main Street and West 14th Street.
1. Site is approximately 8,200 square feet and includes an
existing building.
2. Various single family residences are located in the
surrounding area.
3. Recommend denial of conditional use request to permit a
church based on insufficient land area to conduct the
intended activity.