HomeMy WebLinkAbout06.02.88MINUTES Planning and Zoning Cotrmission Meeting of June 2, 1988 7:00 P.M. City Ccmm.ission Chambers Members Present: John LeRoy Joe Dennison Leon Brooks John Morris Gary Davidson Brent Carli Jay Malone Tom Speer Members Absent: Eddie Keith Others Present: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning Chairman Morris called the meeting to order at 7 :00 P.M. The first item on the agenda was a request to rezone from AD to that of MR -2 for the purpose of school use, that property located at 2702 -2706 Ridgewood Avenue. Owner: Seminole County School Board; representative: Robert W. Hughes. Mr. Richard Wells, 530 Cornwall Court, Longwood, Florida stated that the School Board had requested MR -2 but staff reced MR -1. Mr. Wells stated that they have no problems with this recommendation. Mr. Wells handed out layouts of the roadway to be abandoned and the proposed site plan of Seminole High School. All that is to be done is to have a way to get around the property and to provide a parking lot. Mr. Carli moved on approval to rezone to MR -1. Mr. Malone seconded. All in favor. Mr. Brooks and Mr. LeRoy abstained. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a request to rezone from SR -lAA to RC -1 for the purpose of neighborhood commercial, that property located as the east side of Upsala Road lying between the old railroad right -of -way and Vihlen Road. Owner: Debra J., Minna & James L. Trizzino; representative: Debra J. Trizzino. Ms. Debra Trizzino, 377 Kingsley Drive, stated that the property was originally purchased for a home and to raise horses. Several years later the property was rezoned in four sections for other family members. After the rezoning, Ms. Trizzino found out that the property dawn the street was zoned light industrial. Then she received a notice from the City stating that part of her property would be used for the beltway. Then she was contacted by Anne Wallace who stated that she represented the City and MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 2, 1988 Page 2 that the City was interested in buying 1 acre of her land for a fire station. Ms. Wallace explained to Ms. Trizzino that the property next door to her had been purchased for the fire station. Because of the proposed fire station, Ms. Trizzino had the pro- perty annexed out of the County and into the City. Ms. Trizzino stated that she has 5 acres. Mr. Dennison asked what kind of proposed canmercial was planned. Ms. Trizzino stated a convenience store, or small strip center. Mr. Albert Lee, 830 Upsala Road, stated that he was representing the neighborhood. There are 1 to 2 acre parcels here and are very rural. He thought that this would be very devastating to the home life. This is not the place for a strip commercial center. He has lived here 12 years. There is an industrial park north of the resi- dents and is far enough away that it does not effect their home life. Approximately 10 residents in close proximity to the proposed rezoning in the audience were in opposition. Mr. Carli moved on denial of the proposed rezoning. Mr. LeRoy seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider a request to rezone from SR -lA to MR -1 for the purpose of a duplex, that property located at 2218 Magnolia Avenue. Owners /representa - tives: H.A. Toppin and Frances A. Watson. Mr. Anderston Toppin, 7709 Plantation, Orlando, stated that there are other apartments in the area. Mr. Richard Austin, 2307 Magnolia Avenue, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. He stated that he has lived here since November. The owner is doing this for profit. There are a number of duplexes behind this property but they face Park Avenue. He would like to keep this a single family neighborhood. Mr. Brooks made motion to deny the proposed rezoning. Seconded by Mr. Davidson. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider a request to rezone from SR -1 to GC -2 for the purpose of a parking area, that property located at 815 Laurel Avenue. Owner: Earl W. & Lillian M. Thomas; representative: C. Robertson, Therm-0-Tare Gas Company. Mr. Robertson stated that they are requesting the rezoning for a parking lot to make it safer for operations. This parking lot will be for Therm -O- Tane's own vehicles mainly. Currently they have 8 vehicles. No trucks have exploded, a gas tank did once. Therm- O-Tane Gas has been in business for 41 years. Mr. Robertson understands that he will have to cane back with a site plan with landscaping requirements. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 2, 1988 Page 3 Mr. Dennison moved on approval. Mr. Carli seconded. Mr. LeRoy abstained. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Sanford Gymnastics Association, a gymnasium located at 601 East 25th Place in a SR -1 zone. Owner: City of Sanford, representative: Jeanette Stiffey. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that staff recommends approval with maintenance of access way. Ms. Jeanette Stiffey, 401 Beth Drive, stated that she will be responsible for the main- tenance of the access for 1 year and at that time it will be reviewed for paving. Mr. Whit Whitaker stated that it will be a standard metal building, with a 20' eave height and a 1.12 groove line. Ms. Stiffey stated that this is a non - profit organization and anyone who wants to pay can care in. There are gymnist from Titusville, Longwood, Oviedo, Sorrento, and other cities. It will be open 5 days a week with the hours of operation from 3:00 or 3:30 and will not be open beyond 10:30. There will be 4 restrooms in the building, two accessible from outside. Mr. Simmons stated that there are 13.2 acres. That parkland is to be irrigated. Parks and Recreation Department is developing a plan to develop this as a park in recognition that there will be irrigation there. This area is being considered as a possible future area for a City recreation center. Mr. Whitaker stated that there will be lights on the four corners of the building with one in the center. Mr. Dennison moved on approval of the site plan. Mr. Malone, Mr. Brooks, Mr. Carli, Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for an addition to the Erickson Project, an industrial use located at 1100 Albright Road in a MI -2 zone. Owner: Larry Erickson; representative: Dean Young. Mr. Young, Chuluota, stated that they are expanding an existing structure and would like to turn the steel structure into a metal building. Mr. LeRoy asked if the piece of property to the left, where the Fire Department had trouble getting around, had to have a decel lane? Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that they didn't have to have a decel lane but they had an accessway that went all the way around R & M Manufacturing. Mr. Young stated that cabinet makers will lease this building and that they have their own trucks. The pavement is sloped and an inlet will carry the water out to the reten- tion area. Tractor trailer wells have a sump pump. Mr. Young noted on the plan where the pipe will be ran under the slab. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Ca[mission Meeting of June 2, 1988 Page 4 Mr. Carli moved on approval subject to bumper blocks, arbor permit and water meter location. Seconded by Mr. Davidson. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a change of use to an ice cream shop, located in the Palm Plaza at 2587 Sanford Avenue in a RC -1 zone. Owner: Selma Williams; representative: C.L. Schmalmaack. Mr. C.L.Schalmaack, 352 Croton Drive, Maitland stated that they would like to have an outside seating area with tables and chairs. His is the only addition. They are con- sidering serving subs, cold, possibly hot dogs. Mr. Simmons inquired as to whether there is to be any awnings or coverings over the deck. Mr. Schalmaack stated that for right now he would like to use umbrellas with an awning later. They will have 2 to 3 tables inside and possibly 3 to 4 tables outside. No alcoholic beverages will be served. Mr. LeRoy asked if the deck is to be built up. Mr. Schalmaack stated that it would be as level to the sidewalk as possible so there will be no tripping area. There will be a railing around the deck. Mr. LeRoy asked if 2 6" pipes could be put in for traffic protection. Mr. Simmons suggested bariers on corners, nothing that can stop a car but as an alert. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that it has been reccmuended that they consider landscaping on the front of the property, on Sanford Avenue. Mr. Schalmaack stated that he has no problem with this. Mr. LeRoy moved on approval with posts added at corners, additional landscaping and an awning at a later date. Mr. Carli seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Simmons stated that relative to the intersection of Mellonville Avenue and 25th Street, he has talked with FDOT about a traffic survey at that location and found that one was performed about a year ago. At which time the traffic counts did not merit signalization. Mr. Simmons stated that he sent accident data to FDOT and requested that, if the intersection still does not merit a signal, they look closely at rede- signing the laneage west bound in order to allow someone to make a right turn out of Mellonville heading west with that lane being protected. Mr. Simmons stated that he has same indication that this will be a minimal accomplishment with which they expect to move forward. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that the lot at Palmetto and 3rd has been turned over to Code Enforcement. The news - stands in front of Hampton Gardens can not be moved because of the freedom of the press issue. Mr. Simmons stated that he has checked the newspaper boxes several times from the standpoint of seeing if they blocked the public passa- geway. Each time they were checked, they were found to be neatly backed up to the front of the building and did not appear to constitute any sort of a reasonable barrier to safe passage. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Ccmmission Meeting of June 2, 1988 Page 5 Mr. Carli stated that he was pleased to see that the minutes were so detailed for a change and asked what was found out about the Reflections. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that it was C.O.ed and that Code Enforcement has been in contact with the owners of the pro- perty and has been cited. Mr. Carli asked about the Florida Hotel. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this has been investigated and that was an opening that went into the building, the basement. Mr. Carli stated that the gaping hole in this building is not safe for anybody in the City. Mr. Simmons stated that the Code Inspector will look at it and if it is in violation it will go to the Code Enforcement Board. Mr. Carli questioned whether or not we would be getting a site plan for the furniture store. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated "yes ", the owner of the property sent her a letter in which he has had Farmers Market reclose that entranceway. He has put the blocks back and the striping was done without his notification. He has hired Conklin, Porter & Holmes to design the site work. Mr. Carli asked Mr. Marder when did he perceive to have a workable ordinance as far as the landscaping ordinate that the Board could look at. Mr. Marder stated hopefully within the next three months or so. Mr. Carli asked the same question regarding the sign ordinance. Mr. Marder stated that he was really not certain. Mr. Carli stated that just for reference, Mr. Marder may want to contact Ft. Lauderdale in regards to their sign ordinance. It seems that they have a very strict sign ordinance that limits height, width, dimensions and everything else. Mr. Carli asked if it was the appropriate time to bring up the recaniendation to the City Catmission that all new businesses requiring a license have a site plan review. Chairman Morris stated that it was to be on our next workshop agenda and since the workshop was cancelled for this time, it should be placed on the agenda for next time. Mr. Malone stated that he was very pleased a week or so ago to see all the cars moved off 17 -92, but yesterday they are coming back. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that she was speaking with the two Code Enforcement Officers about that and they will have to go and re -cite them again. Mr. Brooks inquired as to bike paths. Mr. Marder stated that we have several bike paths on the east side of French, we have a conceptual plan to expand upon the west side of the City. Mr. Davidson asked if the City has a noise ordinance. He stated that every Sunday morning about 7:30 he hears chain -saws. Mr. Speer inquired as to the remodeling of the opera house at 2nd and Magnolia. If there is any effort being made to restore that building to its original design as far as the outside is concerned. Mr. Simmons stated that within the Historic Downtown area, there is no requirenent that anyone do anything; however, if he does something, i.e., change the exterior of the building, he has to submit a plan proposal through the Historic Preservation Board. But if he choses to do nothing to change the exterior, there is nothing that the ordinance requires. It appears that the person that is MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 2, 1988 Page 6 putting that business back into operation is choosing to do nothing to the exterior. The previous owner who operated did cane before the Historic Preservation Board and had some minor changes that he was going to do to the exterior and they did not include the removal of that mansard roof, he wasn't prepared to spend the money at that time. Mr. Simmons stated that he didn't think the facility was in distress structurally to the point that it would have to be considered to be a hazard requiring something be done. He would like to think that the owner will chose to do something about the exterior. Mr. Speer stated that the Dollar Store or the Gross building is about 50% occupied. Mr. Gross had to put in a water line in the north /south alley in order to have water pressure for the sprinkler system. According to his site plan, he was to put the alley back the way he found it. It has never been repaired or reasphalted. Sameone dumped a truck load of rock gravel in the alley and now it is being washed out into the street. He would like to have this looked into. Mr. LeRoy stated that he would like to see staff go whole hog on getting the sign ordi- nance revisited. Mr. Davidson made motion to approve minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Dennison. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. / s, Chairman To: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Jay R. Marder, City Planner DATE: May 27, 1988 SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations For Meeting of June 2, 1588 Item No. 1: School Board of Seminole County - Request to rezone from AD, Agriculture to MR -2, Multiple Family Residential for property located adjacent to Seminole High School. 1. Site is located west of Ridgewood Avenue and is Zoned AD, Agriculture. Majority of site is vacant although several structures and a single family residence appear to be located on site. 2. Site is adjacent to existing MR -1, Multiple Family Residential Zone which includes various apartments. site is also adjacent to existing MR -2, Multiple Family Zone which includes Seminole High School. MR -1 permits a density of up to 15 dwelling units per acre while MR- 2 permits up to 20 dwelling units per acre. 3. Site is adjacent to A -1, Agricultural Zone in unincorporated area which includes vacant land and various single family residences. 4. The site and surrounding area are classified as "Neighborhood" oil the Future Land Use Concept map of the City's Comprehensive Plan. In general, residential density in Neighborhood Areas ranges from one to fifteen (1 - 15) dwelling units per acre, i.e., Low to Medium Density. High Density Residential Uses of 16 to 40 dwelling units per acre should primarily occur in Commerce Areas but may be permitted in Neighborhood Areas when such areas are adjacent to a Commerce Area or a designated Arterial or Collector roadway as identified on the Major Thoroughfare Plan Map of the Comprehensive Plan. The site in question is not contiguous to a Commerce Area or an Arterial or Collector highway. 5. Recommend that site be rezoned to MR -1 based on existing MR -1 Zoning District development already established in the and consistency of MR -1 Zoning District Comprehensive Plan locational policies density in Neighborhood Areas. rather than MR -2 and related immediate area t with regarding NOTE: Because this area was recently annexed, it is not yet officially included in the City's Comprehensive 1 Plan. Therefore, should the City Commission approve this request, final action should not be taken until after the site is amended into the City's Plan in July 1988. Item 2: Debra J. Trizzino - Request to rezone from SR -1AA, single Family Residential to RC -1, Restricted Commercial for property located on east side of Upsala Road between State Road 46 and County Road 46A. 1. Site fronts Upsala Road, is Zoned SR -1AA, Single Family Residential and appears to include a single family residence. 2. Site is adjacent to AD, Agriculture in City and A -1, Agriculture in unincorporated area which include various single family residences. 3. Site is located immediately south of proposed expressway right -of -way and an industrial subdivision under development. 4. Site is classified as "Neighborhood" on the Future Land Use Concept map of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Plan's locational standards and policies make provision for small- scale, neighborhood type commercial uses in Neighborhood areas. Question is one of policy regarding whether to permit nonresidential development in the immediate area of site. 5. Recommend denial of request for RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning based on existing character of immediate area at the present time. NOTE: Because this area was recently annexed, it is not yet officially included in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, should the City Commission approve this request, final action should not be taken until after the site is amended into the City's Plan in July 1988. Item No. 3: Toppin and Watson - Request to rezone from SR -1A, Single Family Residential to MR -1, Multiple Family Residential for property located on west side of Magnolia Avenue between East 22nd street and East 23rd Street. 1. Site is Zoned SR -1A, Single Family Residential, includes five lots in a platted subdivision and appears to include a single family residence. 2. site is adjacent to MR -1 Zone which includes various two family residences and one three family residence. A church located south of site is Zoned MR -1 and SR -1A. 3. Site is also adjacent to an SR -1A Zone which includes various single family residences. 4. Recommend denial of request to rezone to MR -1, Multiple Family Residential based on existing SR -1A, Single Family Residential Zoning District already established in the immediate area and the existing character of the area at the present time. Item No. 4: Term -O -Tape Gas & Appliance Company - Request to rezone from SR -1, Single Family Residential to 6C -2, General Commercial for property located on east side of Laurel Avenue between West 8th Street and West 9th Street. 1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and includes a single family residence. 2. Site is adjacent to SR -1 Zoning District which includes various single family residences and a multiple family residence. 3. Site is adjacent to an existing GC -2 Zoning District which includes a retail gas distribution establishment, the City's police station, a funeral home and a telephone company building. 4. Recommend approval of GC -2 Zoning based on similar zoning already established in the immediate area and existing character of area at the present time. (PP.6288) 3