HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.21.88PLANNING AND ZONING Meeting ofJuly 7 :00 P.M. City Ccrrmission COMMISSION 21, 1988 Chambers Members Present: Tom Speer Eddie Keith Brent Carli John LeRoy Gary Davidson Leon Brooks Jay Malone John Morris Joe Dennison Others Present: Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning The meeting was called to order at 7 :00 P.M. by Chairman Carli. The first item on the agenda was a briefing on the Airport Master Plan for the Sanford Airport located south of East 25th Street, north of Airport Blvd. and east of the Seaboard Coastline Railroad line in a RI -1 zone. Owner: Sanford Airport Authority; representative: Mack LaZenby. Mr. Mack LaZenby of 1042 East 24th Street stated that he was representing the Airport Authority. If anything happens at the Sanford Airport, Mr. LaZenby stated that he would want the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Sanford to know about it. The Airport is an intrinsic part of the transportation system. It is not just a local air transportation system. You have to think how an airport fits into a system's plan for aviation in the nation. If you visualize Florida, most of the traffic caning to Central Florida funnels down to us. Air space restrictions have to be considered. Often times, there is same difficulty with all the planes trying to get down on the ground from one central location. With reference to the system's plan, think about air space being cap- tured from the ground relative to towers and tall structures. If you have things scat- tered around for safety reasons they eat up large volumes of this air space that is already restricted by the tunnel effect. Another thing that would be most helpful in planning the community, is to think about the entire transportation system's plan. It is not just the airport or air system's plan, it is all these people, tourist, business people, or private aviators, that must get to sane location on the ground, whether work, or a tour. It all fits together in a comprehensive plan. These factors are taken into consideration when a canprehensive plan is put together. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Carmission Meeting of July 21, 1988 Page 2 Mr. LaZenby shared a study of a report titled "Continuing Florida Airport Systems Plan" done by the State and regional planners of all the airports in different regions in Florida. It told about all the inventories, proposed plans, expected growth of air- ports. The Sanford Regional Airport, in the near future, is highlighted as a carrier airport, today it is a reliever airport. Another study that was done was by Wilbur Smith and Associates, Sanford Air Service Study. This study was done to find out where people were flying from and to and how much. This study is needed not only for grant funding but also for selling a facility to an airline. It will be extremely difficult to get the first airline. The Airport Layout Plan is an important part of the Airport Master Plan. It is a requirement by the Government if you have any type of funding. You would need the act of Congress to change the Plan. Planning and zoning must work with the Airport to protect everyone's interest. An Airport, such as this, is an asset to the community. The Airport Master Plan goes to the year 2005 with the possibility of a golf course. Starting and ending points for the runways have been moved about 1500 -feet away from homes in the area. Plans shows location and future of taxiways and runways. There are approximate -ly 475 operations at the Airport. Mr. LaZenby then showed slides of the Sanford Regional Airport. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a request for a conditional use in a GC -2 zone, that property located at 1566 South French Avenue for the consumption of beer and wine on premises. owner: Sanford Centre Associates, Ltd.; representative: Fred Moriell. Ms. Jane Grey, representative of Sanford Centre Associates, stated that this should be a pretty fine restaurant and a good addition to the shopping center. Mr. Moriell stated that the hours of operation will be from 11 :00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. The seating capacity is approximately 80. There are no beer and wine licenses in the shopping center now. There was no one else present to speak for or against the requested conditional use. Mr. Morris moved on approval of the conditional use. Mr. Davidson seconded. Mr. Malone questioned the distance between the restaurant and the school. Chairman Carli stated that it was approximately 30 -feet. Mr. Keith made comment relative to the Chief of Police recommendation of approval. Mr. LeRoy and Mr. Speer opposed. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a request for a conditional use in a GC -2 zone, that property located at 4225 North Highway 17 -92 for the purpose of a car lot. Owner /representative: Gary Mullen. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Ccmai.ssion Meeting of July 21, 1988 Page 3 Mr. Gary Mullen, 744 Riverbend Blvd., Longwood, stated that this will be a very small car lot with 10 to 15 cars and an office building. Mr. Davidson asked if there will be any repairs or inop - erable cars being stored. Mr. Mullen stated "no. These will be very late model cars, almost new ". Mr. Morris asked if Mr. Mullen had any idea of the type of configuration he would have on this piece of property with the setbacks and requirements that are necessary. Mr. Mullen stated that there will be only one entry /exit. He did not know how much property will be used for drainage. Mr. Morris stated that with the concern of the configuration of the land, the necessity for required setbacks; plus the abundance of growth on this land, coupled with the requirements of DOT for curbcuts in that particular corner, perhaps Mr. Mullen might have been well served to have looked at a plan before coming in for a conditional use. It may very well be that he could not use that piece of pro- perty for what he wanted to use it. Mr. Mullen stated that if it couldn't work that they would not do it. Chairman Carli asked if Mr. Mullen was aware that if the con- ditional use was approved, the site plan may not be approved. Mr. Mullen stated that he was aware of this. There was no one else present to speak in favor of or against the requested conditional use. Mr. Morris made motion to approve the conditional use with the condition that the use could not be assigned to any other individual. Mr. Malone and Mr. LeRoy seconded. Mr. LeRoy requested that on the site plan the 25 -foot setback be adhered to. Mr. Davidson opposed. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for MCT Truck Terminal, a freight transportation use located at 1600 Airport Boulevard in a MI -2 zone. Owner: Midwest Coast Transport, Inc.; representative: James Hunter. Mr. Malone moved to table the site plan due to lack of representation. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for a parking lot addition for the Seminole County Teachers Federal Credit Union, a finance function use located at 2450 Laurel Avenue in a RMOI zone. Owner: Seminole County Federal Credit Union; representative: Walter T. Holz, Jr. Mr. Ted Holz, 1132 Crescent Circle, Winter Springs, stated that this is about .15 acres, 4200 square feet of paving. They are requesting pervious concrete be used; so, no retention pond is required. The concrete will hold the first J" of rainfall because of the permeability. The site has excellent drainage characteristics. Mr. Simmons stated that the pervious paving offers a lot of potential for the future in terms dealing with retention problems. The more paving, the more retention required. Mr. Malone moved on approval of the site plan. Mr. Morris seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of July 21, 1988 Page 5 The next item on the agenda was a discussion on the use of a small drycleaning machine as an extension of a laundry and drycleaning pick up station use in a RC -1 zone at 2108 French Avenue. Representative: Frank Williams. Mr. Williams of 2108 S. French Avenue, stated that he uses perc which is like clear water and does not burn. There are no flammable materials. The boiler is outside of the building but it is closed in. Mr. Malone suggested that the Fire Department give us a letter stating that there is no flammable material and is no danger with the operation and to let staff interpret the letter so that Mr. Williams won't have to cane back to the Commission. Chairman Carli stated that once we get the letter that Mr. Williams can do business. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that staff has given approval to the Free Will Holiness Chruch for less than 600 square feet for an addition for a kitchen, bathroom facility and part of the dining roan area. They have adequate parking off -site. During discussion relative to Ratliff Used Auto Parts, 2734 Orlando Drive in a noncon- forming use in a GC -2 zone, it was asked if the owner could tear down two wooden buildings and relocate them farther back on the property Mr. Malone stated that it appears to be an upgrading of the property. Mr. Simmons stated that we have a noncon- forming use of the whole area. Mr. Malone stated that the City Attorney needs to address whether we can deny this type of situation and suggested tje people come in with a site plan to help with negotiations. From an aesthetic standpoint, Mr. Malone stated that he would like to see what they have in mind. Mr. Simmons stated that the City Attorney had rendered an opinion several months ago fairly well on point in the case of Mr. Cameron wishing to improve one of his nonconforming use rooming houses by the addi- tion of bathrooms but at the same time dimenishing a number of living units contained within the nonconforming structure. The Attorney's opinion was that this was that this was legitimate and the City could not deny this type of proposal. Chairman Carli stated that it is the opinion of this Board that we would like to pursue this further and have the proponents bring a preliminary and /or final site plan to see what we can do. Chairman Carli stated that the Sierra Club, a nonprofit corporation, wants to promote the goals and purposes of Alcoholic Anonymous and to provide a place to hold AA meetings. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this is a private club membership and it will be open to the public. Mrs. Sonnenberg asked if the Sierra Club required a conditional use to utilize this property in a RC -1 zone. Mr. Morris stated that this is a service and is a permitted use in a RC -1 zone. Mr. Morris stated that the old Sue Ann Capri building has very high weeds. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that a notice of violation has been sent to them. Mr. Malone stated that at Oak and 2nd Street, the property for the lift station owned by the City has very high weeds. Mr. Morris noted that the lot at 3rd and Park Avenue used as the parking lot for the rooming house at 311 Park Avenue is for sale. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that as soon as the lot is sold the rooming house will be in violation. Mr. Malone asked relative to the memo to the sign ordinance. Mr. Simons stated that the same people working on the sign ordinance are the same people who are working on the development regulations and the zoning ordinance. He has asked Jay Marder to pr a proposed schedule for presenting to Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission all of the various bits and pieces of what staff is trying to put together. MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of July 21, 1988 Page 6 Mr. Brooks asked staff to pass along a "thank you" to the Public Works Department rela- tive to a garbage pickup. The owner of the property at 3rd and Palmetto is in a state of foreclosure and it suppose to be sold on the courthouse steps. The owner has been cited. Mr. Davidson stated that the weeds are high just south of the Gordan Meyer building on 17 -92. Mr. Keith stated that he would like this Board to extend our thanks to the Mayor and City Commission for a very lovely evening relative to all the Board members. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that ZOM has withdrawn their request to rezone their property in Placid Lake. Mr. Morris made motion to approve minutes. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Brent Carli, Chairman