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Thursday, December 1, 1988
6:00 P.M.
City Co mission Chambers
City Hall
Tam Speer
Joe Dennison
Eddie Keith
Leon Brooks
Gary Davidson
Brent Carli
John LeRoy
John Morris
Jay Malone
• i -N - % v
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector
Ball Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Carli.
The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use
tabled on November 17, 1988 for property located at 1522 South French Avenue for the
purpose of a restaurant with consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises in a GC -2
zone. Owner: Sanford Centre Associates, Ltd.; representative: Gregory S. Clyde.
Mr. Davidson made a motion to remove from table. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. Clyde, St. Petersburg, stated that the kitchen will be exposed to the dining room
and will serve seafood, steaks and chops. There will be different types of salads plus
an oyster bar. They are not really pushing the bar and it will be in an isolated area
away from the dining room. The restaurant will be called Gregory's and will seat
approximately 180 people. The decor will consist of trivia concepts and will not be
pool tables. The hours of operation will be from 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 or 11:00, seven
days a week. Will open at 1 :00 p.m. on Sundays and close at 5:00 p.m. There is 6,000
square feet in this building.
There was no one else present to speak for or against the requested conditional use.
Mr. Morris made a motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Dennison. All in favor. Notion
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of December 1, 1988
Page 2
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request to Rezone from
AD, to that of PUD for New Tribes Mission Facility and Retirement Housing, that pro-
perty located South of Celery Avenue, i mile + East of Mellonville Avenue. Owner: New
Tribes Mission, Inc.; representative: D.E. Taube. Chairman Carli corrected the adver-
tisement to correctly read "from SR -1" instead of "AD."
Mr. Dan Taube, Oviedo, stated that the property is south of Celery Avenue and imme-
diately east of Smmmimmerlin Avenue. There will be four commercial institutional type
buildings and ten dwellings in the single family residential area. These buildings are
replacing the buildings in Oviedo that are being displaced by the Seminole County
Expressway Authority. The multi - family residential area is planned to be built 3 to 5
years from now.
Chairman Carli asked Mr. Taube if he was aware of the recommendations of the Planning
Director of Seminole County and informed Mr. Taube that "in order to buffer the
existing residential development south of First Drive from potential noise and visual
impacts, it is recommended that the existing trees along the southern property line be
preserved to the maximum extent practical. It is also recommended that additional
landscaping be provided along those properties as recreational vehicle development,
dummpster and loading area to serve as extra buffering from adjacent residential
development." Mr. Taube stated that they will have to clean out a lot of junk and it
would be natural to leave a row of trees so this will work out quite well.
Mr. Taube stated that the Expressway Authority has assured, that a bonafied offer will
be made for the New Tribes property in Oviedo this month. Hopefully, a settlement can
be made in January. The Expressway Authority has offered to lease the property back to
New Tribes for 1 -year; so, the retirees can live there while the place in Sanford is
being built. Phase I is to be occupied in 1990. They anticipates 10 to 15 years for
total buildout.
Mr. Simmons stated that each plan will have to have a self sufficient site plan.
Mr. Taube stated that each retention pond will always have water in them. There are
some artesian wells on the property and the St. Johns Water Management District will
be plugging them this yhear.
Jim Branch, Conklin, Porter & Holmes stated that the retention is proposed to be
wet,laked. They do intend to make lakes deep enough to discourage the growth of
aquatic vegetation so that the sun light will not get to the bottom. Mr. Branch also
stated that an application is into the County for intersection improvements.
There was no one else present to speak for or against the proposed rezoning.
Mr. Morris moved on approval of the rezoning and the development plan. Mr. Davidson
seconded. All in favor. Notion carried.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of December 1, 1988
Page 3
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use for
property located at 2475 Airport Boulevard for the purpose of a restaurant with con-
sumption of alcoholic beverages on premises in a CSC -2 zone. Owner: Country Club
Squar representative: Carlos 0. Farias.
Mr. Davidson moved to table due to lack of representation. Seconded by Mr. Keith. All
in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the Conditional Use for
property located at 1532 S. French Avenue for the purpose of a restaurant with consump-
tion of alcoholic beverages on premises in a GC -2 zone. Owner: Sanford Centre
Associates, Ltd.; representative: Frank Aranza.
Mr. Aranza, owner of 1008 French Avenue, stated that there will be no alcoholic bevera-
ges served without food. He will move his existing restaurant fran 1008 French Avenue,
which has a seating capacity of 46, to this location in the Sanford Centre which will
have a seating capacity of 76. The hours of operation will be from 11:00 A.M. to 10:00
P.M., seven days a week. The old building has 950 square feet and the new location has
approximately 2,000 square feet.
There was no one else present to speak for or against the requested Conditional Use.
Mr. Keith moved on approval. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the Preliminary Plat for Lindsey
Estates, a 13 lot duplex development located at 4120 Paola Road in a MR1 -L zone.
Owner: Harold F. & Marjorie White; representative: Bruce E. White.
Mr. Harold White, 555 Longwood Markham Road, stated that he will be developing this
with his father, as owners, after it is finished, will manage it. Mr. White stated
that there will be 13 duplexes, 26 units, that will be rental property. Mr. White
stated that he feels this is the highest and best use for this strip of land because he
has built and managed duplexes in Central Florida for 18 years. He has 2 duplexes in
Lake Mary, 3 in Longwood and 9 in Apopka. Mr. White said that within two months he
will have all improvements in, i.e. streets and water lines, and by 1990 he will have
the project complete.
Mr. White stated that the duplexes will be u- shaped buildings with 825 square feet per
side, two bedroom, one and one--half baths, with a living room and kitchen. The rent
will be approximately $425 per month per side. One purpose of the platting is to
donate the streets to City.
Mr. Morris asked if the house on the land now would be donated to the low incase
housing program. Mr. White stated that he had talked with Mr. Woods of the City and
explained to Mr. Woods that he would be happy to donate the house to the City. Mr.
Simmons stated that the City has no direct program in which the City can use the house.
Mr. Simmons said that he had talked to someone else relative to the house and is
waiting for more information.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of 12/1/88
Page 4
Mr. LeRoy questioned the 41" oak. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that there are quite a few
oaks that would have to be removed but the way this one is located according to the
tree survey, it appears as if it is in the direct center of the entranceway, she felt
that if they could preserve the tree with an island that this would enhance the area.
The trees in Tract A will require tree wells where there is a change in grade.
Mr. Morris moved on approval. Seconded by Mr. Davidson. All in favor. Motion
The next item on the agenda was a Site Plan for an addition to and a parking lot for
the Victory Temple of God located at 601 Pine Avenue in a SR -1 zone. Owner: Victory
Temple of God, Inc.; representative: Elder R.L. Hillery.
Elder Robert Hillery, 1832 McCarthy Avenue, stated that all entrances and access areas
will be off Pine Avenue. Elder Hillery stated that he has no problem with the
landscaping requirements for the parking lot.
Mr. Morris moved on approval of the site plan subject to the condition that if the
parking lot is ever purchased by the church, the parking lot will then be paved.
Seconded by Mr. Davidson. Chairman Carli stated that the Board was making a hardship
on Elder Hillery by forcing him into a non - conforming use. Chairman Carli said that by
approving the site plan with parking overwhich he does not have control, if the parking
disappears, he may have to shut down his church because it will be a nonconforming
Mr. Simmons stated that both of the agreements for parking priviledges gives the church
right of first refusal to buy the land. What the City should be looking for in a com-
mitment fran Elder Hillery is that if the land is offered for sale, he will buy it.
Flder Hillery stated that they will buy the property when it is offered for sale.
All in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
On the Addendum to the Agenda was the consideration of the Site Plan for the sign loca-
tion for Fulton Center, an office /commercial building located at 655 Fulton Avenue in a
GC -2 zone. Owner /representative: James Dunn.
The size of the sign is 20' high, 7x3 on the facia, and 9' of air space below it,
approximately 90 square feet, in a landscaped area. Basically, it is a directory sign
with landscaping around it.
Mr. Morris made motion to approve. Seconded by Mr. Davidson. All in favor. Motion
After discussion relative to the use of the property located at 203 Magnolia Avenue,
The Showtime Cantina, for a restaurant, a liquor store, a laundry and a game roam in a
SC -3 zone, the applicant was advised to contact the Historical Board and the Sanford
Fire Department. These are all permitted uses within this zone.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of 12/1/88
Page 5
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated she only found minutes relative to the Lash Property for the
modification of the landscape area in 1980. Mrs. Sonnenberg will continue to check.
Mr. Morris asked if it was possible if Staff could get a copy of the recamiendations to
the applicants prior to them coming before the Board. Mr. Morris suggested that on the
application it would state that Staff's Recommendations will be available 4-days prior
to the meeting at City Hall. Mr. Simmons stated that this would work well on the rezo-
nes and conditional uses but the site plan recommendations are not available until late
afternoon of the meetings.
Mr. Davidson made motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by Mr. Morris. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Brent Carli, Chairman
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Jay R. Marder, City Planner
DATE: November 23, 1988
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for December 1, 1988
SANFORD CENTRE ASSOCIATES, LTD. - Request for a conditional use
permit for consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises in a
GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District located at 1500 -1566
French Avenue. (Tabled from November 17, 1988 meeting)
1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of
NEW TRIBES MISSION HOLIES - Request to rezone from SR -1, Single
Family Residential (AD, Agricultural incorrectly noted on
application) to PUD, Planned Unit Development for property
located on south side of Celery Avenue between Summerlin Avenue
and Brisson Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential, includes
approximately 38.8 acres and appears to include an existing
single family residence and several agricultural out -
2. Various Single family dwellings are located in the
surrounding area in an SR -1 Zoning District. A day care and
various neighborhood businesses are located adjacent to site
in an RC -1, Restricted Commercial Zoning District. An
existing MR -1, Multiple Family Residential Zoning District
is adjacent to site and includes various single family
residences, a park and school board offices.
3. Request is accompanied
Development for New Tr
1988, revised November
dated October 21, 1988
Commission from Daniel
of the application.
by a plan entitled "Proposed
Lbes Mission Homes" dated October 7,
16, 1988. In addition, a letter
to the Sanford Planning and Zoning
E. Taube is considered to be a part
a. Phasing - Development is proposed to proceed in two
parts, Phase I and the remainder.
b. Residential Land Use - Total development includes 120
one- and two- family dwelling units plus approximately
39 multiple family dwelling units for a total of 159
dwelling units. An overall residential density of
approximately 4.1 dwelling units per acre is proposed
(based on total land area).
P & Z PLAN. REC. - 12 -1 -88 - PAGE 1
C. Nonresidential Land Use - 33,200 square feet of
institutional /commercial -type buildings plus a
recreational vehicle area with 14 identified spaces
plus additional land designated for additional spaces
are proposed.
d. Vehicular Access - One vehicular access point is
proposed on Celery Avenue. A gated emergency access is
proposed to be located at the southwest corner of site.
4. Recommend approval of the request for to rezone from SR -1 to
PUD based on the general compatibility of the proposed
residential density with existing residential development in
the immediate area and similar institutional uses already
established in the general vicinity of site. Also recommend
the proposed PUD be subject to the following conditions and
a. Dwelling units limited to 120 one- or two- family
dwelling units and up to 39 multiple family dwelling
b. only one vehicular access point on celery Avenue with
one emergency vehicular access point located on the
south side of site.
C. Provide a dense hedge of six feet in height within two
years between property line and chain link fence.
d. Each recreational vehicle or travel trailer to have a
designated site area or space of at least 500 square
feet. No travel trailer or attachment shall be located
closer than 10 feet to any travel trailer site line.
Access to each travel trailer site shall be at least 35
feet in width and shall not include any travel trailer
site area. Travel trailer areas shall be visually
screened from view from all public rights -of -way and
adjacent property.
e. The Development Plan for site does not constitute
construction plans, engineering plans or improvement
plans for the site. Site development shall comply with
land development regulations in effect at the time of
submission of proposed construction drawings.
f. The site shall remain under a single, unified
ownership. No portion or part of the site shall be
subdivided, leased, transferred or otherwise separated
in any manner.
P & Z PLAN. REC. - 12 -1 -88 - PAGE 2
SANFORD CENTRE ASSOCIATES LTD. - Request for a conditional use
permit for consumption of a co olic beverages on premises in a
GC -2, General Commercial Zoning District located at 1532 French
1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of
FARIAS - Request for a conditional use permit for consumption of
alcoholic beverages on premises in a GC -2, General Commercial
Zoning District located at 2475 Airport Boulevard.
1. Planning recommendations are not provided for this type of
P & Z PLAN. REC. - 12 -1 -58 - PAGE 3