HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.22.87MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION January 22, 1987 7:00 P.M. Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: John Morris, Chairman Brent Carli Sheila Roberts Gary L. Davidson Eddie Keith Hortense Evans John LeRoy Jay Malone Lon Howell Bill Simmons, Director of Jay Marder, City Planner Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning Engineering and Planning and Arbor Inspector The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, John Morris at 7:05 P.M. The first order of business was to hold a public hearing to consider a request for a conditional use in a SR -1A zone for the purpose of reduction of the living area from 1,300 sq ft to 1,100 sq ft for two single - family homes located at 2207 and 2209 Coronado Concourse. David Stump, owner and representative, present arguments for the use. He presented work sheets to the commission showing that the adjacent homes all were below the 1,300 sq. ft. requirement, running from 700 to 1,223 sq ft. The homes he proposed to build had 1,117 and 1,178 sq.ft. of living area with 1,428 and 1,490 under roof. They will range in price from $60,000 to $65,000, are to be of stucco finish with a brick front, have a single carport, truss roof and aluminum soffit. Bob Sanders, Stenstrom Realty, spoke in favor of the conditional use. Gary Taylor submitted a petition of 62 signatures in opposition to the conditional use. The major objections to the approval were that it would degrade the neighborhood by allowing homes on the two lots as currently there were no other homes on one small lot. The majority of homes in that area are on two or three lots. Mr. Taylor asked for a show of support from the audience for the denial of the use and approximately twenty people stood. Mr. Cattone spoke in opposition and stated the automobile parking and the egress and in- gress from two homes would create a safety problem. Mr. Clyde Belford of 2360 Cordova Cr. brought up a discrepancy about the survey lines be- tween his and the subject lots. Mr. Stump stated that he had a recent survey made. Mr. Blackwood, prior owner of the property on that portion of the block, stated that he had four different surveys with four different measurements. John Hammer, Edward Spaulding, Homer Smith, Mrs. Lou Bauder and Mrs. Bonnie Weiboldt- Taylor all objected to placing smaller homes on the two lots with its attendant loss of privacy, devaluation of the neighborhood, and increase of noise. The use to reduce the living area to 1,100 sq. ft. in a SR -1A zone was unanimously defeated on a motion by Mrs. Roberts and a second by Dr. Evans. The next item for consideration was the site plan for Harbor Medical, Inc.'s corporate office and manufacturing building located in Sanford Central Park on Central Park Drive in a RI -1 zone. Robert Hambrick, architect and representative, stated he understood and MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - January 22, 1987 - 7:00 P.M. Page 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- accepted the recommendations from staff. (see attached). He explained that the building was to have two uses. The front part of the building would be for the corporate head- quarters and the rear portion would be for the assembly and sterilization of components for hospital packs. The components are all premanufactured. They are boxed, sterilized and and encased in plastic. ETO cylinders are used in the sterilization procedure. Clay Page, president of the corporation, said that they use cylinders of ETO that are made by the Linde Company. The cylinders are well protected, insulated and are non - flammable. They presently have a DER permit to operate a sterilizer in Longwood. Their operation there is now housed in four separate building and they will move the whole operation to Sanford. They will apply for another DER permit for Sanford as it is non - transferrable. Their deliveries are by UPS and common carrier with only one service per day. He stated they will use a dumpster service with a twice a week pickup and can expand the service if necessary. The Chairman asked if the applicant would agree to the placement of additional landscaping on the southerly portion of the building. Mr. Page had no objections. Mr. Carli moved to approve the site plan as modified by the recommendations from staff: 1. Sanford Central Park has not been accepted by the City. Until that time it is recommended that a C.O. not be issued until the water, sewer, drainage, street and lighting have been accepted by the City. 2. The berm is required by the developer as a natural buffer on all lots abutting Upsala Road. This concept is acceptable to staff subject to the following: a. An earth berm with appropriate plantings be constructed so that an opaque barrier of six (6') feet in height and three to five feet (3' to 5') in width be obtained within a year. b. All plantings be alternately off -set so that this opaqueness in obtained. c. Irrigation must be provided. d. The tree requirements are to be incorporated into the berm design in such a way that a window is not provided. e. Landscape maintenance is to be provided. and the placement of additional landscaping on the south end of the building. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item on the agenda for consideration was the site plan for Dale McConnell's office and light truck repair, located at 2800 Sanford Av in a GC -2 zone. Mack LaZenby, the representative for the plan, said that he was aware of the conditions placed by staff in their recommendations. (see attached) He also said that Mr. McConnell was a young business- man who only wanted to improve the site and was of a mind to do any and everything that the committee required. Mr. LaZenby questioned the advisability to requiring additional trees to be planted on the site since the site was blessed with many old oak trees that just missed the property line by four or five feet. They make so much shade that any additional trees would not grow. He also addressed the drainage situation and state that no one has even seen water over- flow the site. The calculations submitted will hold the required amount of drainage with- out overflowing. The applicant has agreed to apply for a county permit for drainage into their system on Sanford Av. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - January 22, 1987 - 7:00 P.M. Page 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. LaZenby stated that the perpendicular parking, as shown on the site plan, backing onto a city right -of -way was considered a "No -no" by the last regime. The applicant will apply for City Commission approval for this use, if LeRoy Robb, prior owner, did not have a use permit for this type of parking. The question was then brought up over the request for paving 28th Street. Mr. LaZenby said that when he was the City Engineer, paving of 28th Street was never considered. If the City does not have a plan to pave, would staff consider the acceptance of a 1/3,1/3,1/3, proposal? Mr. Simmons said that he agreed philosophically, but it would not be appropriate for staff to commit to the City's portion and that he had no authorization for such. There is a list of unpaved streets being compiled which will be forwarded to the City Commission. The City does not expect to ge a CDBG grant for the paving of the City's unpaved streets, but they do have $800,000 for paving and repaving. Mr. LaZenby also stated that there is a discrepancy regarding the right -of -way for 28th Street. He had shown a 40 foot right -of -way on the site plan taken from a survey of the site while the City records show a 30 foot right -of -way. He stated it would be difficult to design a street with only a 30 foot right -of -way and still save the large oaks. Mr. McConnell intends to place a six foot wood fence next to the chain link fence on the south side of the property. It was agreed that he would extend the fence northerly to buffer the repair area from the sight of Sanford Av. The representative addressed the question of the requirement for an additional fire hydrant being placed by the applicant. He said that the hydrants had been placed by the City on Sanford Ave. in proper locations. Staff is requiring that no structure be more than 250 feet from a hydrant and they are 253 feet. Planning and Zoning asked staff to have a workshop with Chief Hickson of the Fire Department to see if a hydrant would be required to be placed closer to the site. They felt that this was a technical aspect that could be resloved at a later date. A motion by Dr. Evans with a second by Mrs. Roberts was made to approve the site plan with staff researching the right -of -way for 28th street and the following conditions: 1. A site proof fence on the south side. 2. A maximum of three cars allowed for display. 3. The paving of all the proposed concrete areas. 4. The right -of -way issue to be resolved. 5. Continue the fence northerly to buffer the truck repair area. 6. Resolve the fire hydrant issue with fairness and equity. The motion carried unanimously. A motion was made and carried to consider the tabled motion regarding mini - warehouses as permitted uses in a GC -2 zone. The chairman stated that he had spoken with the City Attorney regarding the opinion requesting concerning mini - warehouses as permitted uses in a GC -2 zone. The City Attorney stated that his position was that mini - warehouses should be considered as a conditional use and not as a permitted use. If they were a permitted use they would be in all areas of GC -2 zoning. The chairman then stated that he would consider the withdrawal of the motion to consider the use as a permitted use in a GC -2 zone. The motion was withdrawn by Mr. Carli. Then chairman then entertained a motion to reconsider the original request of a conditional use for the property located at 3865 Orlando Dr. in a GC -2 zone. A motion by Mr. Davidson and second by Mr. LeRoy to do so was made and carried unanimously. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - January 22, 1987 - 7:00 P.M. Page 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Discussion held that the public hearing had been held and that the commission had the imput from the public as required. Mr. Davidson moved on approval of the request for a conditional use for mini - warehouses for 3865 Orlando Dr. in a GC -2 zone. Dr. Evans seconded for the purpose of discussion. Mr. LeRoy asked if it were proper to place conditions on at this time and not at the time of the site plan. The Chairman felt that the site plan review was the proper time for conditions. Mr. Simmons stated that from the site plan review process there was a lot less lost motion if the developer know up -front what conditions were going to be placed upon him so that he could incorporate them into his plan. An amendment was made to place the following conditions on the site. 1. There will be no burning at the time of lot clearing. 2. There will be no visible storage of vehicles on the northerly and westerly site, including large boats, trailers, etc. 3. There will be a double buffer of landscaping and a wall. 4. All lighting will shine internally. 5. Access will be limited to US Hwy 17 -92. 6. A/C units will have limited hours of operation. The amended motion carried over the dissenting vote of Mr. Keith. During the discussion period, Mr. Carli requested that a letter be addressed to the County regarding the proliferation of used car lots on Sanford Av., particularly the lot on Lemon Av. This use is not in keeping with the City's intentions and land use. He also requested a letter be sent to the County regarding the dump /landfill south of Kindercare on Lake Mary Blvd. Mr. Carli also asked about the car lot that has been placed on the site where the City had the bill board removed on 17 -92. Mrs. Sonnenberg said that he had been sent a notice and that Mr. Childers, the owner of the property, had been given an application for a site plan and a conditional use request. Mr. Carli also wanted to change item #8 on the list of the Planning and Zoning achievements for 1986 from "hired" to concurred with the hiring of ". Mr. Marder said he had already made that change. Mr. Carli also asked about the parking on the MPO site. He was told that it has been turned over to the Code Enforcement Inspector. The Chairman asked the commission to list any items they would like to be addressed at a workshop with the City Commisssion. The minutes were approved on a motion by Mr. Carli, second by Mrs. Roberts. Staff recommendations regarding the public hearing and site plans are attached. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M. oh Morris, Chairman