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Meeting of July 2, 1987
7:00 P.M.
City Commission Chambers
Members Present:
Eddie Keith
Joe Dennison
John Norris
Gary Davidson
Sheila Roberts
Brent Carli
Jay Malone
Members Absent:
John LeRoy
Others Present:
Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning Inspector
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Morris.
The first item on the agenda was the consideration of a request to rezone from RMOI to
GC -2 for the purpose of retail sales and service /appliances, the property located at the
northeast corner of the intersection of Mulberry Avenue and West lst Street, represented
by Mr. Kirby Dale Morrison. Mr. Morrison stated that he has been renting across the
street for about 15 years and would to stop renting and have his own store. Mr. Carli
asked the dimension of the lot and the anticipated size of the building for the lot.
Mr. Morrision replied that it is 135'x100 and that he would like to build the biggest
that he can. Mr. Carli asked what are the City plans for this area relative to
drainage, and if the City anticipates giving away right-of-way which would make him have
a larger commercial area. Mr. Simmons stated that there are no particular plans at this
time and that he has never originated a recommendation to dispose of City property and
he does not intend to. Mr. Simmons stated that the City reponds to requests for
vacating as appropriate; if Mr. Morrison asked for a public dedication of right -of -way
to him, Mr. Simmons would review the entire matter regarding ingress and egress to the
area being served by the unclosed part of Mulberry including all land owners. Mr.
Simmons stated that he probably would recommend to retain, he does not like to dispose
of land for no particular reason. There was no one else present to speak for or in
opposition to the proposed rezoning. Mr. Malone moved to approve the request. Mrs.
Roberts seconded. Mr. Keith voiced concern that it would be spot zoning and Mr. Carli
expressed concern that the proponent would at sore future date request the abandonment
of Mulberry Avenue from the City Commission expanding his property site. Five in favor
of the motion with Mr. Keith and Mr. Carli opposed. Motion carried.
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The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan tabled for an automo-
tive center, sales and service for John Childers, located at 2710, 2714, and 2716
Orlando Drive in a GC -2 zone, represented by Mr. John Childers. Mr. Childers stated
that the entire property would be for automotive service. Mr. Carli asked if oil
spillage and radiator overflow had been taken into consideration. Mr. Childers stated
that there would be underground storage for any type of chemical and it is spot checked
by E.P.A. Mr. Carli asked the size of and location of storage tanks. Mr. Childers
stated that there would be one per tenant, there would be five tenants and at least five
tanks under the drain area. Mr. Malone asked if the parking spaces would be used for
anything other than customer parking. Mr. Childers replied "no." Mr. Childers stated
that in the display area shown there will be five cars displayed there and six inside,
the rest of the area would be for automotive repair. There will be two parking spaces
outside each bay, 30 bays. The Chairman asked if the most autos on display for resale
would be 11. Mr. Childers stated "11 ". Having gone by there today, Mr. Carli asked if
the cars that are parked there are for sale or repair. Mr. Childers could not give a
correct answer but he would have to say the cars out front are for sale and the cars in
back are for detailing.
Mr. Simmons stated that there is a need to have the building sprinkled and the need for
additional landscaping. Mr. Simmons said that he reviewed the plan as a preliminary and
it is almost to the point of being what could be a final site plan, then we get to the
questions of what do we do relative to the business license question that brought Mr.
Childers here in the first place. If the Board choose to approve the site plan with the
reservations shown on the mark up, what do you do, if anything, in recommending some
form of temporary license and what type of time -frame do you place on Mr. Childers for
further performance under this site plan. The Chairman asked Mr. Childers if the
gentleman detailing autos, under this site plan, would be there. Mr. Childers stated
"no." Mrs. Roberts asked if a three-month temporary occupational license would be suf-
ficient. Mr. Simmons said he would not recommend that the Board wait that long for the
final site plan, he could see no reason why it would take no more than two more weeks to
get the site plan into final form. Mr. Malone stated that it is a preliminary concep-
tual site plan and asked if the Board could not give conceptual approval on the site
plan and do nothing on the license. The Chairman stated that "yes" the Board could do
that and Mr. Malone so moved. Mr. Davidson seconded. Mr. Childers stated that at the
last meeting this is what the Board requested so he could get a temporary license. Mr.
Malone stated that the Board asked for a site plan, that this is a conceptual prelimi-
nary site plan which is beginning to look like what the Board wants to see, this is not
a final site plan and it does not meet the criteria for a site plan and the Board cannot
give approval. Mr. Carli expressed concern with the set - backs, green areas and the
like. Mr. Simmons stated that the site plan has deficiencies and there is no concern he
has with this other than final engineering which is not a site plan matter.
Chairman Norris stated, "that Mr. Childers understood the Boardlast time that we were in
the mood to try to accommodate and allow him the opportunity to get a temporary occupa-
tion license for one of his tenants; and this is what he is looking for now, in his good
faith efforts to come up with what we want, albeit a little short of what we were hoping
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for, and he's looking now, in conjunction with a conceptual site plan, for some type of
recommendation from this Board to help him take care of his tenant in terms of a tem-
porary occupational license which could be tied to the final site plan." Mr. Carli
stated that he personally would be looking for the lanscaping as it encroaches upon Lake
Jennie. No further discussion on the original proposed motion. All in favor. No
opposed. Notion carried. Chairman Morris stated to Mr. Childers that the Board
approved the concept of the site plan and the Board did not act upon the request for a
temporary occupational license.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Scotty's #32
replacement and Sonny's Bar -Be -Cie, a retail development and a restaurant, located at
3506 and 3508 Orlando Drive in a GC -2 zone, represented by Richard A. Connell. Chairman
Morris asked if there is about 100' between the entrance into the bar -be -cue and the
entrance into the main area. Mr. Connell stated yes and that this entrance was
discussed in detail with D.O.T and the City's Engineering Department. Mr. Malone asked,
"when coning north on 17 -92, how do you get in." Mr. Connell stated that there is an
existing left turn storage lane there. Mr. Carli expressed concern with the two busi-
nesses using the same entrance. Mr. Connell stated that for Phase I they would like to
get started as quickly as they could utilizing the existing building. Phase II would be
about 6- months behind the finished construction of Phase I; probably starting around
this time next year on the Scotty's store. Mr. Carli questioned the interior
landscaping. Mr. Connell stated that they met City requirements and Scotty's would
maintain landscaping.
Mr. Carli asked where would wood be stored for the bar- be- cueplace. Mr. Connell stated
that there would not be a large storage of wood. Mr. Carli suggested that they have
some type of enclosed area to keep the wood. Mr. Connell stated that he would make a
recommendation to Sonny's engineering group. The Chairman asked Mr. Simmons if Phase I
landscaping separate from Phase II meets all City landscaping codes. Mr. Simmons
replied that in the amount of frontage on 17 -92 associated with Phase I it would appear
that Phase I gets ahead of the landscaping; if reversed, concern would be that the part
of the landscaping necessary to carry Scotty's would be associated with Sonny's, more
landscaping than necessary with Phase I. Chairman Morris stated that the Board has
discussed the possible widening of the entrance way, the possible requirement for wood
storage capacity for the bar- be-cue and the landscaping requirements for the bar- be-cue
area. Mr. Carli suggested that the 5' landscaping on south side of property be done in
Phase I. Mr. Connell stated that the only problem that he sees in doing this is because
they are going to do a jack and bore operation there for an 8" fire protection line.
Chairman Morris asked if Mr. Connell has any reservation of doing the landscaping along
the phase line, the islands. Mr. Connell replied "no ". Mr. Keith made motion to
approve subject to widening of entranceways, the wood storage and the landscaping
requirements of the bar- be-cue site and separation of the two site plans. Seconded by
Mrs. Roberts. All in favor. No one opposed. Notion carries.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Hanson's
Automotive sales and service, located at 185 West Airport Blvd. in a GC -2 zone, repre-
sented by Norman R. Hanson. Mr. Carli asked Mr. Hanson if he was going to try to sha-
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dow in the chain link fence area. Mr. Hanson stated that storage of any cars would be
inside the building, six bays in back for storage. Seven or eight cars could be stored
inside, on the southwest corner, sightproofed on one side, for storage in the future.
Mr. Hanson also stated that there will be no storage of wrecks, only mechanical break-
downs. Mr. Carli questioned the signage. Mr. Hanson stated that there would be a 10x20
sign on the northeast corner that says no parking. Mr. Carli asked the Chairman if
tennis greenery would be acceptable as sight - proofing. Chairman Morris stated that it
is a form of sight - proofing. Mr. Carli made motion to approve with the requirement that
Mr. Hanson use a type of tennis greenery on the chain link fence in the southwest corner
of the property for sight - proofing. Mr. Keith seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for change of use
from a retail /office use to a duplex, property located at 714 West 1st Street, in a GC -2
zone, represented by Garfield Walker. Mr. Simmons stated that he indicated to Mr.
Walker that his only concern was for him to find a way to introduce a little bit of
landscaping. Mr. Walker explained that he does not furnish water to the apartments and
that he would probably have problems using the tenants water for landscaping. Mr.
Walker felt that it is impossible for him to go around to his twenty apartment houses in
town and water because he does not pay for the water. Mr. Carli suggested that Mr.
Walker make it a part of his leases to use water for landscaping. Mr. Keith moved to
approve the change of use. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Mr. Carli asked if this was simply
an interior change. Mr. Walker replied "yes ". All in favor. Notion carried.
Mr. Bob Jackson of Jackson's Auto Sales, 1315 West lst Street, GC -2 zoning requests per-
mission to use part of the auto display area and the back portion of his approved site
plan for U -Haul trailor and truck parking. The Chairman asked Mr. Jackson how many
units would be parked. Mr. Jackson replied that he didn't know and he would use the
area to the maximum. The Chairman asked if he wanted to hold off on landscaping. Mr.
Jackson stated "yes ", only on the back area along the alley where the trees are proposed
because Dewitt Construction is using it for storing pipes. Mr. Jackson stated that
there will be no gasoline pumps, no repairs, only rental of U -Hauls and selling cars.
Mr. Malone move for approval. Mr. Davidson and Mr. Carli seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Mr. William Wert of 2831 Central Drive requested a home occupational license for a type-
setting business in an SR -1 zone. Mr. Wert stated it would be a PC based operation,
personal computer. Mr. Wert stated that the business is picked up and delivered, by
Federal Express. Mrs. Wert picks up the business and delivers it to the Federal Express
box here in town, with no traffic in or out of the residence. Mr. Malone moved for
approval of the home occupational use. No objections. Home occupational use granted.
Mr. Keith moved to entertain a motion to approve minutes. Mr. Malone pointed out that
on the second page, last paragraph, the address for Mr. Childers' property should be
2710 -2716 Orlando Drive. Mr. Carli moved to entertain a motion to approve minutes as
amended. Mrs. Roberts seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
Mr. Carli questioned staff as to what is going on at the Marina relative to parking.
Mr. Simmons stated that it is in the fragile idea stage and those ideas have to be
pulled together into more complete alternatives.
Mr. Carli asked who is responsible for maintaining the north median of Americana Blvd.
Mr. Simmons stated that is is a City right-of-way and he would get someone on it.
Mr. Carli asked what was found out about Aristocrat Motors. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that
car are not parked in the retention area and an as -built site plan was submitted for the
Mr. Carli wanted it noted that the stop sign is faded out at the corner of Briarwood and
Mr. Davidson expressed concern that the drainage is stopped up in front of Mr. Carli's
Mr. Malone suggested the City Commission provide a written set of guidelines as to what
they expect from the Board.
Unanimously reelected Mr. Morris as Chairman and Mr. Malone as Vice Chairman of the
Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Carli suggested that all meetings, i.e., workshops,
City Commission meetings, whatever applies to Planning and Zoning be attended by the
Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Meeting adjourned 9:15 P.M.
TO: All City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commissioners
FROM: Jay Marder, City Planner
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of July 2, 1987
Item No. 1- Morrison Request to Rezone from RMOI, Multiple Family
Residential, Office and Institutional to
GC -2, General Commercial
1. Site is located on State Road 46 /West
First Street, is Zoned RMOI, Multiple
Family Residential, Office and Institu-
tional and appears to be vacant at the
present time.
2. An existing retail appliance sales and
service establishment is located adja-
cent to site in an existing RMOI
Zoning District. An air conditioning
service establishment is located
directly across from site in an
existing GC -2 Zoning District. The
hospital is located north of site in
an RMOI Zoning District.
3. Recommend approval of GC -2 Zoning
District based on similar existing uses
established adjacent to site and
existing GC -2 Zoning Districts already
established in immediate area along
West First Street.
xc: City Clerk