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Meeting of August 6, 1987
7:00 P.M.
City Commission Chambers
Members Present:
John LeRoy
Joe Dennison
Tommy Speers
Sheila Roberts
John Morris
Jay Malone
Gary Davidson
Members Absent:
Brent Carli
Eddie Keith
Others Present:
Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, John Morris.
The first item on the agenda was the consideration of a request to rezone from SR -1 to
RMOI for the purpose of elderly care, property located at 2901 South Sanford Avenue;
owner /representative, Ilone Westmeyer.
Ms. Edith McCann of 501 East 29th Street presented a list of neighbors that all live
within one block of the property requesting to be rezoned, stating that they are in
favor of the rezoning. Ms. McCann said that the property has been kept up much better
since Ms. Westmeyer has lived there and there has been no traffic problems.
Ms. Dorothy Morrison of 1904 Sanford Avenue spoke in favor of the rezoning stating that
her mother had been a patient at this center. Ms. Morrison stated that the price was
much less than if she had been in another institution, the food excellent, house imma-
culate, there were children and pets. Ms. Morrison said that this community deserves
this type of place to take care of our elderly. This is a pleasant home life
atmosphere. The patients are well kept and well cared for. Strongly urge the
Commission to rezone.
There was no one else to speak in favor of or in opposition to the proposed rezoning.
Mr. Malone stated that what we have is one lot of spot zoning within the City and moved
to deny the request. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Five in favor. Mr. LeRoy and Mr.
Dennison in opposition to the motion. Motion carried. The Chairman stated that with
the forthcoming ordinance concerning group hones, it might allow her intended use of an
elderly care facility.
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The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a request to rezone fran SR -1 to
RI -1 for the purpose of office /light industrial, property located at 700 and 708
Airport Blvd. Owners: Marion D. & Alva L. Conway and James W. Marler.
Representative: Bob Seigler.
Mr. Seigler of 2524 South Park Drive stated that the zoning in this area is industrial
and the property has been annexed into the City.
There was no one else present to speak in behalf of or in opposition to the proposed
Mrs. Roberts moved to approve the proposed rezoning, Mr. Davidson seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a request for a conditional use in
a GC -2 zone, property located at 1509 West 13th Street, for the purpose of the sale of
alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises. Owner /representatives: Dewey and
Edna Smith.
Mr. Smith stated that he would like for it to be a cocktail lounge and restaurant.
Chairman Morris asked how many seats will there be. Mr. Smith said 100 to 200 seats
with no liquor license.
Pastor Bernard Mitchell, Faith Baptist Church, 1605 West 13th Street stated that he was
also representing Mr. Greene of the barber shop, spoke in opposition to the proposal.
Pastor Mitchell said that they feel there is enough beer and wine establishments in the
neighborhood, and that this type of establishment brings more crime. Pastor Mitchell
stated that he has pictures of the undesirables that hang around this place.
Mr. Asma Ardis of 1506 West 13th Street spoke in opposition to the proposal stating
that he owns the grocery store across the street and that there is no parking area for
the proposed lounge and restaurant and that it would create traffic problems.
Rev. McGee of Orlando was present to speak in opposition stating he was speaking for
the many friends of the community. Mr. McGee stated that they are opposed to the
rezoning because it is right next door to the church.
There was on one else to speak in favor of or against the proposed conditional use.
Mr. Simmons stated that although this is not an existing business, this will basically
be a new business to be placed in this location so that a site plan review, to answer
sane of the concerns and considerations of the people, would follow if an approval is
given on the conditional use.
Mr. LeRoy moved on denial of the request. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Mr. Malone stated
that he concur at this time with the denial of the request. However, Mr. Malone made
motion to table the motion to deny pending a report fran the Police Department as to
what they might think of this business in the neighborhood. Mrs. Roberts seconded.
All in favor. Motion to table carried.
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The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a request for a conditional use in
a GC -2 zone, that property located at 190 Persimmon Avenue, for the purpose of a used
car lot. Owners /representatives: Kevin and Sharon Sullivan.
Ms. Sharon Sullivan of 199 Lake Emma Road, Longwood, stated that her brother wholesales
cars. There will be no repair work, just washing, detailing, polishing and no storage
of wrecked vehicles. There will be no more than eight cars on the lot at any one time.
Ms. Ola Harrison, next door to the proposed conditional use, stated that the office
building now is a fire trap, debris piled against fence, junk cars in back, and she
would like to see the building upgraded.
Mr. Malone move to approve. Mrs. Roberts seconded. All in favor. Notion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a request for a conditional use in
a GC -2 zone, property located at 1538 South French Avenue, for the purpose of the sale
of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises. Owner: Sanford Centre Associates,
Inc., representative: Steve Wilkes.
Mr. Wilkes of 5351 Champagne Circle, Orlando, stated that they would like to sell beer
and wine in the sub -shop. Mr. Malone asked Mr. Wilkes if a lease has been signed and
if it was predicat -ed upon getting a license. Mr. Wilkes stated "yes ". Mr. Wilkes
stated the sub -shop will seat 40. Mr. LeRoy asked if the Police Chief could give the
Comnission a report on an establishment this size verses the conditional use request
before. Mr. Malone requested that a report from the Police Chief be required in the
future on conditonal use for the sales of beer and wine. Mr. LeRoy moved to table
until next meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Roberts. All in favor. Notion Carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the preliminary plat for a Plat of
Hidden Lakes, Phase III, Units VI and VII, a single family detached residential sub-
division, located in a PUD zone between Lake Ada and Live Oak Blvd. Owner:
Residential Communities of America, representative: W. E. Knowles.
Mr. Knowles stated that this is a continuation of an action taken by the Planning and
Zoning Cm mission of August 21, 1986. At that time the development plan was approved
by Planning and Zoning. The next step was the platting and this is the preliminary
plat. One plat has 63 lots and the other has 77 lots. Mr. Knowles stated that this
was originally platted for villas, replatted for single family residences. Mr. Simmons
called Mr. Knowles attention to the flag lots on Unit VII that have not been corrected.
Mr. Knowles stated that this would be corrected. Mr. Simmons stated that staff recur
mends approval subject to the correction of the two flag lots. Mr. Dennison made
motion to approve. Seconded by Mrs. Roberts. All in favor. Notion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a site plan for Twigs Ceramic
Tile, a retail distribution development located at 1121 Sanford Avenue in a GC -2 zone.
Owner /representative: LeRoy Terwilliger.
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Mr. Simmons requested that consideration to preserving the large oak tree with a recom-
mendation that paving block be used. Mrs. Sonnenberg said that the Parks and
Recreation Department recommends that the roots not be disturbed. Mr. Simmons said
that the alley is two -way. They are not required to pave alley. Mrs. Sonnenberg
stated that they meet the minimum requirements for parking.
Mr. LeRoy made motion to approve site plan. Mr. Malone seconded. All in favor. Motion
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Schwann's Food
Distribution Center, located at 120 Tech Drive in a RI -1 zone. Owner: Schwann Sales
Enterpriese, Inc., representative: Harry Reynolds.
Mr. Reynolds stated that frozen food will be broken down from large loads to smaller
loads that will cane in by semi and go out by van. All loading zones will be paved.
He had discussed with Mr. Holloway of the Engineering Department and the driveway to
the propane tanks would not have to be paved. There will be three company trucks.
Mr. Simmons stated that staff recommends approval. Mr. Malone made motion to approve,
Mrs. Roberts seconded, all in favor, motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a site plan for John Childer's Car
Care Center, an automotive sales and service center located at 2710 -16 Orlando Drive in
a GC -2 zone and a request for a recamimendation to approve a temporary occupational
license for auto sales. Owner /representative: John Childers.
Mr. Simmons stated that staff recommends approval of the plan as submitted. Mr. Malone
asked the proposed time -table of the project. Mr. Childers stated that it is geared
from the time he submits the permit to completion. The permit to pipe the ditch was
submitted this week and it would take at least 90 days for approval. (Three months for
DER permit approval and five months construction time). Mr. Childers stated that he
has tentative agreements with a used car lot, a transmission repair shop, a tire store
and no one lined up to occupy Building B. He does not intend to lease to businesses
that would do a complete overhaul on autos. Mr. Childers also stated that the used car
business moved temporarily because he was not able to obtain a temporary occupational
Mr. Malone recommended site plan be approved as submitted. Mr. Davidson seconded.
All in favor. Motion carried. There was no action taken on the request for a tem-
porary occupational license for auto sales because the Commission did not feel this was
in their jurisdiction.
The Ca[mission authorized Chairman Morris to sign the letter prepared by Mr. Simmons
for additional guidance fran the City Commission to Mayor Bettye Smith.
Mr. LeRoy questioned the use of blocks in the alley, as a retaining wall, at the car
wash at 2nd Street and Park Avenue. Blocks falling down. Staff is to check on this.
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Mr. Davidson moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Malone asked about the bar -be -cue place
at French Avenue and 13th Street. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that it was licensed as the
Little Barn Convenience and Bar- Be-Cue for takeout service since November. Mrs.
Sonnenberg also said that the licensing department is checking on cooking on site. Mr.
Malone seconded the motion to approve minutes. All in favor. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P:.M.
JULY 31, 1987
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Jay Marder, City Planner
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of August 6, 1987
Item No. 1: Westmever - Request to rezone from SR -1, Single
Family Residential to RMOI, Multiple Family, Office,
Institutional for property located on the west side
of Sanford Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential and
includes a single family residence.
2. Site is part of an established single- family resi-
dential subdivision that is Zoned SR -1.
3. Question is one of policy regarding.
4. Recommend denial of the request for RMOI Zoning
based on the desirability of maintaining and pro -
tecting the established single family character for
which the site -and surrounding area were intended.
Item No. 2: Conway - Marler - Request to rezone from SR -1,
Single family Residential to RI -1, Restricted
Industrial for property located on east side of
Airport Boulevard.-
1. Site is two locations and is composed of lots adja-
cent to Airport Boulevard that each appear to con-
tain a single family residence.
2. Various single family residences are located adja-
cent to site(s) on Airport Boulevard as well as on
Jewett Lane in existing SR -1 and R -1 single family
zoning districts in the City of Sanford and Seminole
County, respectively.
3. Existing industrial activities are located north,
and east of site in MI -2 (City), M -lA (County) and
M -1 (County) industrial zoning districts.
4. City of Sanford's Future Land Use Plan Map reflects
Industrial - Wholesale uses for the immediate area.
Subject: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of August 6, 1987
JULY 31, 1987
Page 2
5. Recommend approval of RI -1, Restricted Industrual
Zoning based on existing development characteristics
and planning policy in the immediate area.
Item No. 3: Wilks /Sanford Centre Assoc - Request conditional
use approval for sale of alchololic beverages for
consumption on premises for property located on east
side of French Avenue.
1. No recommendation provided for this type of request.
Item No. 4: Sullivan - Request conditional use approval to
establish used automobile sales for property located
on the east side of Persimmons Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned GL -2, fronts on Persimmon Avenue and
contains an existin- nonresidential structure.
2. Area immediately adjacent to site is zoned GC -2 and
includes a convenience store with gas pumps and
various automobile and truck repair establishments.
3. Recommend approval of request for automobile sales
based on automobile and truck - oriented establish-
ments already located in the immediate area.
Item No. 5: Smith - Request conditional use approval for con-
sumption of beer and wine on premises.
1. No recommendation provided for this type of request.