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Meeting of September 3, 1987
7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Brent Carli
Jay Malone
Gary Davidson
Sheila Roberts
John Morris
Tan Speer
Joe Dennison
John LeRoy
Members Absent:
Eddie Keith
Others Present:
Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Morris.
The first item on the agenda was the consideration of a request for a conditional use
in a GC -2 zone, that property located at 1601 West 6th Street for the purpose of a
church. Owner: J. Russell Grant and Volie williams; representative: Bo Simpson.
Mr. Simpson stated that he was representing Rev. Dumas of the True Church of God with a
congregation of 200 people. Mr. Simpson stated that the intention is to build a 3750
square foot church. Mr. Malone asked if the land was cleared. Mr. Simpson said that
the land had been underbrushed only, no trees were taken out. There was no one else to
speak in favor of or against the proposed conditional use.
Mr. Davidson made motion to approve. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Mr. Malone asked who owns
the property and if the sale was conditioned on approval. Mr. Simpson stated that Mr.
Grant and Mr. Williams own the property and that the sale of the property is con-
ditioned upon the approval tonight. Seven in favor. Mr. Carli in opposition. Motion
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Insurance World,
a change of use and an addition to property located at 2555 French Avenue in a GC -2
zone. Owner: John L. Metzger; representative: Bo Abernathy.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that staff recommends approval. Mr. Metzger of 738 5th Street,
Port Orange, Florida, 32019 stated that he wanted to add on to the existing Hamburger
Station and that there would be 4 to 5 employees. Mr. LeRoy asked if on the south pro-
perty line where the paving is being taken away if it has the same amount of square
footage as the landscaped island in the middle that is being deleted. Mrs. Sonnenberg
stated she did not know but the drainage retention was adequate for the site.
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Mr. Dennison made motion to approve the site plan. Mr. Davidson seconded. All in
favor. Motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for an
office /warehouse /distribution for Southern Bell, located at 132 Commerce Way in a RI -1
zone. Owner /representative: Mr. Robert E. McKee.
Mr. Simmons stated that comments from Staff require 3 additional stop bars and a
painted traffic control island and 10 additional trees to buffer the cable storage area
and adjacent residential area. Chairman Morris asked if there would be a chain -link
fence around the cable storage area. Mr. McKee stated that the surrounding residents
did not want sight proof fencing.
Mr. Malone moved to approve with the addition of 3 stop bars, a painted traffic island
for circulation, and 10 additional trees to buffer the cable storage area and the adja-
cent residential area. Mr. Carli seconded. All in favor. No opposed. Motion
The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a warehouse addition to R & M
Manufacturing, an automotive machine shop /parts distributor located in a MI -2 zone at
1200 Albright Road. Owner: Lars J. Eriksson; representative: Mr. Robert E. McKee.
Mr. Simmons stated that the Fire Department thinks there needs to be a continuous fire
lane. For the fire lane to be functional it has to impact on part of the existing
right -of -way of Bevier Road. There needs to be a right-of-way use permit granted
before the Planning and Zoning Commission can approve the site plan or that would be a
very strong condition of the approval. The Engineering Technician indicates that he is
not satisfied with the drainage calculations. Mr. McKee stated that the existing fire
lane that is shown on the plan was approved by the City some time ago, the fire lane is
a considerable distance from the building. Mr. McKee stated that he felt it was
somewhat of a penalty set upon to penalized this building because of the approval the
City did on the fire lane some time ago. Mr. McKee stated that there is no additional
space on Mr. Eriksson's property to provide additional right -of -way.
Chairman Morris asked when is that portion of Bevier scheduled to be opened. Mr.
Simmons said that it is not and there are no particular plans to open it. Mr. Simmons
also stated that the Board might be seeing some site plans and development requests in
the not to distant future that could call for the extension of Bevier southward from
Jewett; however, there is nothing that has any official status at this time. Mr.
Dennison asked if Bevier was in a condition that a fire truck could drive over it. Mr.
Simmons said no that it would have to be stabilized; there is an existing building
there and part of it is an existing fire lane, it just doesn't go all the way around.
Chairman Morris asked if the old shed along side of the road would be maintained. Mr.
Eriksson stated that his night watchman keeps things in it. Mr. Carli made motion to
approve the site plan with the condition of approval of the right -of -way use of Bevier
Road by the City Commission, submittal of drainage calculations and stabilization of
the fire lane. Mrs. Roberts seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
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The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the site plan for Phase II, the
Sanctuary for Westview Baptist Church, located at 4100 Paola Road in an AD zone.
Owner: Westview Baptist Church; representative: Rev. Roger Maslin.
Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that this is the second phase, they had to cane back because it
has taken a longer period of time than was anticipated. Rev. Maslin stated that there
has been no change from the original site plan that was submitted. Mr. Davidson moved
on approval of the site plan. Mrs. Roberts seconded. All in favor. Motion carried.
On the addendum to the agenda was the consideration of a site plan for Discount
Grocers, a convenience retail store located at 1113 -A Sanford Avenue in a GC -2 zone.
Owner /representative: Sanford Gould. Chairman Morris stated that it appears Mr. Gould
has a parking problem. Mr. Gould stated that the site plan is fundamentally the same
as before, a retail operation. Mr. Gould said that Mr. Wells is planning on using 400
square feet of the store with the rest being used for storage. This will be a discount
grocery store plus other items. The groceries will be delivered by a cube van or a
small truck. There being no further discussion Mr. Carli moved for approval on the
condition that utilization of 400 square feet maximum for the retail sales area because
of the four limited customer parking spaces. Mr. Dennison seconded. Seven in favor.
Mr. Davidson opposed. Motion carried.
Mr. Marder stated that a completed draft copy of the entire Comprehensive Plan would be
presented to the Board by 9/17/87. Mr. Carli asked whatever happened about the public
hearing for the church. Mrs. Sonnenberg stated that we corrected and readvertised it,
but she has not heard back from the Attorney as yet. Mr. Carli stated that he wanted
the other members of the Board to know that he did receive a couple of phone calls and
the people that did call him stated that it is being operated as a child day care
Mr. Morris asked what has happended relative to information regarding availability of
financial incentives relative to downtown core areas. Mr. Simmons stated that Jay
Malone and he did not have a chance to get together and take any action on this. They
will try to meet before the next meeting and have some information.
Mr. Davidson wanted the minutes of the last workshop meeting to reflect that he was
here as it was in the minutes that he was not.
Mr. Davidson made motion to approve minutes. Mrs. Roberts seconded. All in favor.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
TO: City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission
FROM: Jay Marder, City Planner
SUBJECT: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of September 17, 1987
Item No. 2: First Shiloh M.B. Church - Request to rezone from SR -1,
Single Family Residential Dwelling to RC -1, Restricted
Commercial for property located on the south side of
West 7th Street between Elm Avenue and Laurel Avenue.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1 and appears to contain two
institutional -type buildings.
2. An existing day care establishment is located
adjacent to site within an RC -1 Zoning District.
3. An old school building, a City park and various
single family dwellings are located in the imme-
diate area in an SR -1 Zone. Site is also adjacent
to a GC -2 Zone that contains single family
dwellings along Laurel Avenue as well as commer-
cial.uses along French Avenue.
4. Recommend approval of request for RC -1 Zoning
based on existing RC- 1-Zone already established
adjacent to site, existing and proposed
institutional -type - activities of _site and
existing character of-immediate area at the-pre-
sent time.
NOTE: This is the .same recommendation submitted
for this request on August 20, 1987.
item No. 3: Sander - Request to rezone from AD, Agricultural
District to RI -1, Restricted Industrial for property
located at southwest corner of Jewett Lane and
Bevier - Road.
1. Site is Zoned AD, Agricultural and is basically
vacant at the present time.
2. Site is adjacent to existing RI -1, Restricted
Industrial and MI -2, Medium Industrial Zoning
Districts that include an industrial facility
presently under construction and vacant land.
3. Site is also adjacent to undeveloped land Zoned
AD, Agricultural and a single family residence =
located in an unincorporated area.
4. Future Land Use Plan Map of Comprehensive Plan
reflects an Industrial - Wholesale land use
5. Recommend approval of RI -1, Restricted
Industrial District based on similar existing
zoning and existing land use already established
Planning and Zoning Commission
Re: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of September 17, 1987
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Item No. 4: Morhberi - Request rezoning from AD, Agricultural
District to GC -2, General Commercial District for
property located on east side of U.S. 17 -92 south of
Lake Mary Boulevard.
1. Site is Zoned AD, Agricultural and appears to be
vacant at present time.
2. New and used automobile sales and service faci-
lities are located immediately adjacent to site
in existing GC -2 Zone.
3. This recommendation assumes that property adja-
cent to west boundary of requested site is to be
developed concurrently based on similar requests
and same ownership noted on applications.
4. Recommend approval of GC -2, General Commercial
Zoning based on existing GC -2 Zoning already
established in the immediate area and the
assumption that the parcel immediately west of
site will be developed in a coincidental manner
and will thereby provide access to the site.
Item No. 5: Evergreen Enterprises - Request -to rezone from AD,
Agricultural to RI- 1,- Restricted Industrial for pro -
perty located south of Jewett Lane and west of
Airport Boulevard. -
1. Site is Zoned AD, Agricultural and appears to be
vacant at the present time.
2. Site is adjacent to vacant land Zoned RI -1,
Restricted Industrial and a manufacturing faci
lity Zoned MI -2, Medium Industrial.
3. Site is also adjacent to land Zoned A -1,
Agricultural in an unincorporated area.
4.. Future Land Use Plan Map of Comprehensive Plan
reflects an Industrial - Wholesale designation
for site and surrounding area.
5. Recommend approval of RI -1 Zoning based on simi-
lar industrial zoning districts already
established in immediate area and existing
character of area at the present time.
Item No. 6: Morhberi - PHH Vehicle Sales, Inc. - Request con-
ditional use approval to establish used vehicles
sales and service for property located on east side
of U.S. 17 -92 south of Lake Mary Boulevard.
1. Site is Zoned GC -2 and appears to be vacant.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Re: Planning Recommendations for Meeting of September 17, 1987
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Item No. 7: Central Baptist Church - Engineering_ Services -
Request conditional use approval to establish a
church for property located on West State Road
46 /West First Street.
1. Site is Zoned AD, Agricultural, appears to be
vacant at the present time and is adjacent to
State Road 46.
2. Area adjacent to site is basically vacant and agri-
cultural at the present time. Various single
family dwellings and a small truck repair acti-
vity are located in general vicinity of site.
3. Recommend approval of conditional use to
establish a church based on existing character
of area at present time.
Item No. 8: Cartier - Request conditional use approval to permit
a duplex in a SR -1, Single Family Residential
District for property located at northeast corner of
Holly Avenue and West 24th Place.
1. Site is Zoned SR -1, Single Family Residential
and is vacant -.
2. Various single family residences are located
adjacent to site.
3. Several existing duplexes are - located on Cedar
Avenue in Block 11. The next closest duplexes
are located on South Lake Avenue south of West
24th Place.
4. Recommend denial of conditional use to permit a
duplex based on existing - - single family character
established on Holly Avenue in immediate vicini-
ty of site.