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Planning and Zoning Commission
Meeting of October 15, 1987
City Commission Chambers
7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
John Morris, Chairman
John LeRoy
Tom Speer
Joe Dennison
Eddie Keith
Gary Davidson
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Sheila Roberts
Jay Malone
Brent Carli
Others Present:
Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning and Arbor Inspector
Jay Marder, City Planner
Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering and Planning
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:00 P.M.
The first item on the agenda was a public hearing to consider the request to rezone from
AD to RI -1 for the purpose of light manufacturing and office warehouse, that property
located on the south side of Narcissus Avenue, west of Rand Yard Road at 3131 Narcissus
Avenue for Continental Equity Ltd. Partnership #6. Mr. Michael W. Spinos of 1655
Augusta Way, Casselberry, representative, stated that the owners had a truck - transfer
terminal user for the property and that he did not feel that it would be harmful to the
Mr. Tan Jimenez, 371 San Roque, opposed because he does not want a business in his back
yard. The roads are inadequate to handle traffic, and there was no water and sewer in
the area.
Mrs. Jean Jimenez of 3309 Narcissus Avenue expressed the same concerns and stated that
she had moved to the country to be away from the City.
A letter of opposition from Mr. & Mrs. Zurvalec from Jacksonville was entered into the
The Chairman stated that the Board had a recommendation from the Planner to approve. He
felt the concerns over the roads, water and sewer were all site plan concerns.
Mr. Keith moved to recommend the approval of the request. Mr. Dennison seconded.
Motion carried over the opposing vote of Mr. LeRoy.
The next item for consideration was a public hearing to consider the request for a con-
ditional use in a GC -2 zone, property located at 410 E. Mattie Street for the purpose of
a machine shop for Bammac Corporation, owner.
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Mr. Greg Yeilding, representative for the company wishing to lease with option to buy,
stated that it was a screw truning plant that manufactured screws for Mobilite
Corporation, of Silver Lake Drive. He stated that deliveries are made in either a
pickup or small trucks with only two or three incoming deliveries of steel per month.
There would be ten employees with an addition of four in the future and no shift work.
All materials, finished products, and scrap would be stored inside.
Mr. Harold Highsmith, 405 Mattie Street presented a petition of 50 names in opposition.
He lives directly across the street from the site, and stated that there is a small area
of commercial amid a primarily single family area. An industrial use would lower the
value of the property in the area. Antonio Panzina, John Blount, Judy Blount and Sam
LaCasio all expressed their opposition based on the same reasonings.
Mr. LeRoy moved to deny the request based on the City Staff's recommendation for
denial. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
The next item for consideration was the site plan for Central Baptist Church located at
3101 West lst Street in an AD zone. Mr. Kim Townsend and Mack LaZenby were the repre-
sentatives for the owner, Central Baptist Church. Mr. Townsend stated that a con-
ditional use for the church use was granted on 9/17/87. The site plan shows that all
setbacks, parking requirements, drainage, signage setback have been met. An irrigation
plan will be submitted before the issuance of the building permit. Mr. LaZenby showed
the architectural rendering of the floor layout and the building elevation. It is to be
constructed of two pre - engineered buildings, two stories each. There will be a large
sanctuary with 750 seats, administrative offices, Sunday School classrooms for han-
dicapped and the elderly in the front section with two stories of classroom in the back
section and a large multipurpose gymnasium. Total is 36,000 square feet. There will be
a 2,000 square foot residence for security purposes. There is to be no school or
daycare facilities provided, but they will have youth programs in the gymnasium area.
The trash will be stored in the rear area for City of Sanford pickup.
Mr. Keith moved on approval subject to the items on the staff recommendation sheet: 1)
signage for circulation, 2) irrigation plans submitted prior to building permit
issuance, 3) curbcut permits, 4) sign setbacks provided and 5) detector check valve to
be on the right-of-way. Mr. Dennison seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
As part of the public participation process Mr. Marder announced that he had met with
the Board of Seminole County Realtors Zoning Committee and reviewed the Comprehensive
Plan draft. He plans to meet with the Kiwanis Club in the near future.
The minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved as circulated on a motion by
Mr. Davidson, seconded by Mr. LeRoy.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.