HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.17.86MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION April 17, 19B6 7:00 P.M. Members Present: John Morris, Chairman John LeRoy Dr. Hortense Evans Eddie Keith Gary L. Davidson Jay Malone Brent Carli Members Absent: Darrell Grieme Sheila Roberts Others Present: Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning Inspector Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering & Planning Jay Marder, City Planner The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, John Morris. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a rezoning from SR -1 to MR -1 zone, that property located at 1895 W. 18th Street for the purpose of duplexes, represented by Mae Jackson. Mrs. Jackson stated that they would start with one duplex at the present and not sure how many they will build. They live on lot 80 and would put the duplex on lot 79. The board informed Mrs. Jackson that a conditional use would permit her to build one duplex. No one was present to speak in opposition. Mr. Carli moved to deny the request for discussion. Mr. Malone seconded. Mr. Carli questioned the setbacks for lot 79 for the duplex. Mrs. Jackson stated that she would like to have it rezoned instead of a conditional use because she would like to build other duplexes later on. After discussion, the motion was carried unanimously to deny the rezone request. The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning from AD zone to SR -1 zone, that property located at 1701 Celery Avenue for the purpose of single- family residences, represented by Russell Siperella. Mr. Siperella stated that it would be detached single- family residences with 950 to 1200 sq. ft. living area and 7500 sq. ft. lot area. They would possibly be developing 3 to 3� units per gross acre compated to the allowable 5 units per acre. The houses would be valued around $50,000. There would be about 210 to 245 units. There would be plenty of culdasac streets in the subdivision. Mr. Carli informed him that he could go to SR-1A which allows 7500 sq. ft. lot area. The City would be able to handle the water and sewer capability. There was no one present to speak in opposition. After discussion, Mr. Keith moved to approve the rezone. Mr. LeRoy seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a request for rezoning from MR -1 to GC -2 zone, that property located at 120 W. AIrport Blvd. for the purpose of offices and any commercial use of a retail or service nature, represented by Tommy Jacobs, Pastor of Pinecrest Baptist Church. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - April 17, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Mr. Jacobs stated that in order to be able to sell the property, it would need to be rezoned. There are approximately 1.92 acres with 404 ft. of road frontage on Airport Blvd., a drainage ditch on the west property line and 1/3 of the property is woods to the north. The property would not be used against the nature of the church or the community. Present to speal in favor was Andy Lathan. He works for the corporation who wants to buy the property for a small single story strip center with offices. There would be no convenience store and the stores would possibly be like a bookstore, locksmith, etc. Present to speak in opposition were: Henry O'Connor, Florence Pendleton and Mrs. Foggs. Mr. O'Connor presented a petition to the board. He stated that residential abutts the north area, commercial to the west. With Grace Methodist selling, all of that piece could possibly go the commercial and would cause a traffic problem. It would cause the property to devalue and the traffic flow to increase. The possible Airport Blvd. ex- pansion from 2 to 4 lanes would cause the property to decrease and with Americana Blvd. going through to Airport Blvd. with single - family residences, it would cause even more traffic. Mrs. Pendleton stated that the subdivision has been there for 25 to 30 years. She stated they should go to the west of Gramkow and buy that property since it is commercial, but they want to buy the residential zoned property because it is cheaper to buy than commercial zoned property. When property is rezoned and is later sold, no telling what would go in there. She said it would decrease their property and the people living there for 30 years should be protected. Mrs. Foggs stated that she did not want to see it zoned commercial. There were approximately 30 people, by a show of hands, present in opposition of the rezone. The City Planner stated that it is not necessarily the best for that area, but might consider rezoning it to RMOI. After discussion, Mr. Carli moved to deny the rezone request. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional use in a MR -1 zone, that property located at 118 W. Airport Blvd. for the purpose of elementary and middle schools for pre school through 8th grade, represented by Mr. Vaughn, Pres. of the Page school in California. Mr. Vaughn stated that there are 5 schools throughout California. The opportunity arose in Florida. The principle to the kids is to give them a moral and intellectual background. Reasons why this area was chosen were: 1) bounded by Airport Blvd, Woodland Drive and a group of trees; 2) over 5 acres of land with ample grounds for a soccer field, swimming pool and a playground; 3) 1 building has 8 classrooms and the sanctuary can be used as an assembly hall; 4) would be an easy access for the parents to get to the school. The children would be from the Central Florida area. There would be no boarding at the school, hot lunchs would be provided and there would be a limit to the number of students with approximately 15 to 20 students in a classroom. The school willhave the same placement scores as the public schools. The school would be open from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. for the parents who have to go to work early. It would possibly start with Kindergarden through the 3rd grade or what ever the demand would be. Present to speak in favor of were: Mr. TOrrin and WIlliam Boyer. They feel it would be a definite plus to the area and would put � million dollars on the tax roll. Present to speak in opposition was Robert Ashby. Mr. Ashby feels traffic situation, that people are presently using Woodland Drive soccer field and swimming pools could cause noise problems in the bring in commercial. Mr. Vaughn stated that it is not considered 4 to 5 percent come early and leave late. They will be licensed requirements will be met. it would overload the as a short cut. The neighborhood and could as a day care. Only oy the State so the After discussion, Mr. Malone moved to approve the conditional use request. Dr. Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - April 17, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional use in a GC -2 zone, that property located at 2414 French Avenue for the purpose of a shopping center represented by Gloria Schneeman. Mrs. Schneeman stated that the shops would be the standard type stores like beauty shops and smallneighborhood shops. There are no tenants at the present. There is approximately 19,000 to 20,000 sq. ft.; so there would be 19 to 20 shops with 1,000 sq. ft. per each unit. The soil test is to be made after conditional use is approved. There was no one present to speak against the request. Mr. Otto Thomas was present to speak. He would like to see the drainage problem resolved and would like to see the water drain away from his property and not on it when the center is built. Mr. Simmons stated that the City would look at the drainage problem separately and it is a situation that they are aware of. After discussion, Dr. Evans moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Carli seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional use in a GC -2 zone, that property located at 3701 CR 427 for the purpose of self - service gasoline pumps, represented by Jim Edmonds. Mr. Edmonds stated that the egress and the ingress will be taken care of. There was no one present to speak in opposition. After discussion, Mr. Malone moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Keith seconded. Motion carried. The next item was to consider the site plan for Orkin Exterminating Co., a pest control service, located at 123 Commerce Way in a RI -1 zone, represented by Paul Porter. Mr. Porter stated it would be a 2400 sq. ft. sales and service center, located adjacent to the retention area for Sanford Commerce Park. Orkin has provided 10 - 10' x 20' parking spaces for employees outside the fenced area. It was agreed that since the area was not open to the public and the total sq. footage meets the total sq. footage minimum requirement, it would be permissable. The total required number of parking spaces is 32 with 40 provided. After discussion, Mr. Keith moved to approve the site plan. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item was to consider a site plan for an addition to an Insurance Office located at 720 Park Avenue in a SR -1 zone, represented by Vic Richburg. Mr. Richburg stated that there is existing landscaping on the north line. There will be additional landscaping in the rear to buffer the parking and a fence would be placed along alley way. Mr. Simmons stated that there is sufficient screening along the north side. Mr. Carli questioned how an insurance company could be permitted in an SR -1 zone. The Chairman stated it was grandfathered in and the City Commission approved the use. After discussion, Mr. Carli moved to approve the site plan. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item to consider the conceptual site plan for Phase II and Phase III of Northlake Village and the site plan for Phase II, Northlake Village, located at 500 Lake Minnie Drive in a MR -1 zone was withdrawn. MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION - APril 17, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. Page 4 The next item was to consider the site plan for Sanford Center, a shopping center, located at 1500 French Avenue in a GC -2 zone, represented by Jack Bridges. Mr. Simmons informed the board that the landscaping plan has not been received. It could be recommended subject to approval of the plan. All the previous problems have met the requirements. There is a 6 ft. wall buffering the south side along the school property. Mr. Carli stated that he would like to see the fire lane striping put out 4 feet around the parking area. The sign will be located on the north corner. Any questions raised about car stacking at the proposed bank would be addressed if there were any changes, by submittal of a new site plan. There will be landscaping in the parking area and there will be 4 dumpsters on the site. After discussion, Mr. Keith moved to approve the site plan subject to the landscaping. Dr. Evans seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Carli stated that it was an improvement to the area. The next item to consider the revised site plan for signage at Country Club Square, Phase II, a shopping center, located at 2439 - 2459 Airport Blvd. in a GC -2 zone was withdrawn. From the floor, Brent Adamson requested conceptual site approval in order to get a building permit. It would be for the Rich Plan, on property that was rezoned by the City Commission from residential to commercial. Electrical renovations being made, garage doors removed and replace them with a wall. Needs to get a building permit to do the renovations. The garage will be used for a print shop. When the official site plan is approved, the building will be utilized. After discussion, Dr. Evans moved to conditionally approve the conceptual site plan for permit purposes with no certificate of occupancy issued until the site plan is approved. Mr. Keith seconded. Motion carried over the dissenting votes of Mr. Malone, Mr. Davidson, and Mr. LeRoy. Those voting for the motion: Dr. Evans, Mr. Keith, Mr. Carli, Mr. Morris. Mr. Simmons asked for,clarification on the motion. The Chairman stated that the building department was caught in "no mans land ", and it would not remove the project from the procedural mainstream, but give the applicant the ability to proceed with his renovations until he returned with his final site plan. There is to be no C.O. before submittal of the final site plan. All such requests are to come before the commission. Mr. Malone brought up that several meetings ago, there would be clarification on the parking area and signage for Seminole Centre. Mr. Carli stated that the signs are in the wrong place and the paint is worn off of the road. Mr. Simmons will write a letter to Seminole Centre in reference to their statements in regards to what they were planning to do. Mr. Carli asked about the sign ordinance in reference to garage sale signs, why can't a permit be issued with a fee. The Chairman stated that the City Commission is responsible for it. The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. h Morris, Chairman