HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.21.86MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 21, 1986 7:00 P.M. Members Present: John Morris, Chairman Brent Carli Jay Malone Gary L. Davidson Lon Howell John LeRoy Members Absent: Dr. Hortense Evans Sheila Roberts Eddie Keith Others Present: Bettie Sonnenberg, Zoning Inspector Bill Simmons, Director of Engineering & Planning Jay Marder, City Planner The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by the Chairman, John Morris. The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider the request for a rezoning from MR -1 to PUD, that property located at Edgewater Circle and Lakeside Circle for the purpose of detached residential dwellings, represented by W. E. Knowles. Mr. Knowles stated that the density will be lower than the present density for the villas. It is presently allowed for 15 units per acre, but they will have units per acre. The market has dropped on sales for villas. There will be 900 sq. ft. living area with 50 ft. lot width compared to the villas 20 ft. lot width. They will have the required set- backs on the sides and in the rear for each unit compared to the 10 ft. distance between the villas. There will be a lower traffic density and the open space is given under the higher density. Everything will be the same except reducing the acreage. There was no one present to speak in opposition. Mr. Carli moved to approve the rezone. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to consider a request for a conditional use in a GC -2 zone, that property located at 3639 -3641 Orlando Drive for the purpose of sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises, represented by Larry Scherer. Mr. Scherer stated he would like to have the liquor license to increase food sales to be competitive with other restaurants in Sanford or in the area. There will be more manage- ment and supervisors overlapping to keep patrons from over indulging. They would not object to having the Bat Mobile placed in the area. Mr. Carli stated that Doris Presley, from Horne Properties, was not aware of the request but have a verbal approval. There is a requirement of seating for 150 with 2,500 sq. ft. and 50% of business is sell of food. The business will close one hour earlier than required. One pool table will be removed and a booth and 6 tables will be added. There will be no entertainment, only a TV set. There is an existing bar plus a small service bar will be added. There was no one present to speak inopposition. Mr. Carli moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried over the dissenting vote of Mr. LeRoy. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - August 21, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. PAGE 2 The next item was to consider the development plan for Hidden Lakes PUD and the preliminary Plat for Hidden Lake Phase III, Units VI and VII, a 140 detached single- family development located E. of Live Oak Blvd and S. of Airport Blvd., represented by W. E. Knowles. They are asking the board to look at the plan and instruct the owner to come back for final approval. Mr. Simmons stated that the board does not have to vote on the preliminary plat, only the development plan. It was pointed out that there are a few inconsistencies, but they would be addressed on the final plat. Mr. Carli moved to approve the development plan for Hidden Lakes, Phase III, Units VI and VII. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The next item was to consider the site plan for a change of use from a single family residence to a boot outlet retail store, located at 2700 Country Club Road in a GC -2 zone, represented by the owner, William Cagle. Mr. Cagle stated he would like to make some changes on the site plan. He has talked with Bettie and Engineering about the changes. He would like to put a sign on Airport Blvd. 20 ft. from the corner. There is an existing fire hydrant that is approximately 30 ft. so there should be no problem with it. The other change would be to retain 2 oak trees in parking space #1. There is 600 sq. ft. in the present building and would have approxi- mately 1,000 pairs of boots on the racks. It will basically be all display on racks on the walls, with very little storage. The garage is planned to be removed. Mr. Howell stated he felt it would be crowded with so many boots and people. The loading hours could be after 6:00 P.M. Mr. Cagle would like to have approval on the addition to the building along with the parking. The site plan shows 2 spaces in the front and 5 in the rear. There will be a 6 ft. sightproof fence installed. Mr. Simmons stated they reviewed the existing building only and there were no elevations on the addition. The discussion was limited to the existing building and talked about parking on Phase II. Mr. Carli questioned the buffer or landscaping between the parking and the property line and when Airport Blvd is expanded, how should it be handled with his drainage being taken? Mr. Simmons said the county would be widening in 1995 -2005 and if it does take his drainage, it would be between him and the county. Mr. Morris questioned if it was necessary to pave the entire parking or if it could be mulched on phase II? Mr. Simmons said mulch is not allowed in commercial are according to the code. Mr. Cag. asked if he took down the garage could he put 2 parking spaces there. Mr. Carli stated he liked the idea of using the garage area for parking, but questioned how they would get out. Mr. Morris said theycould limit the parking on the west to employee parking. Mr. Cagle said it would be himself and his wife working in the store. The County Engineer fiqured there would be approximately 4 cars per hour with 48 cars a day. Mr. Simmons questioned the board if they were leading to approve the request to delete parking space #1, save a tree, 2 additional parking spaces on the west side , not provide any paving on Phase II, go ahead with retention as shown in Phase I and end up with 4 parking spaces in Phase I? The two spaces on the west side are going where the garage is now and the pavement is extending to the existing garage. The Chairman asked Mr. Cagle if he had any problem with paving the front area and remove the northerly extension of the garage and leave Phase II parking alone until such time to expand the building. Mr. Cagle said he had no problem with that. MINUTES - PLANNING AND ZONING COMMLSSION - August 21, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. Page 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Mr. Simmons stated that he sees 4 parking spaces to begin with and would like to see them on the west side of the building without trying to get them around the back. From the Engineer standpoint, would like to see 2 spaces put where existing garage is. Mr. Malone moved to approve the modified site plan. Mr. Davidson seconded. Motion carried over the dissenting vote of Mr. Carli. Mr. Howell abstained. The next item was to consider a site plan for the change of use from a country store and 3 apartments to 5 apartments only, property located at 508 Cypress Avenue in a GC -2 zone, represented by Herbert Cherry. Mr. Cherry stated that the site plan was approved with 3 apartments and a country store. Due to Mr. Gaines passing away, his mother would prefer not to have the country store, but would like to have a total of 5 apartments. Mrs. Sonnenberg informed the board that Mr. Cherry is coming back because it required additional parking. There are a total of 10 parking spaces. The City Commission previously approved stacked parking on the store. Three apartments are finished which meets the codes. Mr. Simmons said the only change from the previous plan is the country store's stacked parking. Mr. Carli moved to approve the site plan. Mr. Howell seconded. Motion carried. The board commended Mr. Cherry on bringing in a site plan with a floor plan. The next item was a request for an extension of the approval on February 6, 1986 of the siteplan for a 6 unit industrial building located at 750 Wylly Avenue in a MR -2 zone, represented by Thomas Lyon. Mr. Lyon stated that they are requesting a 6 month extension because the final drawings of the structure are not ready. Mr. Carli asked Mr. Lyon if he would have any problem finishing in 6 months and Mr. Lyon said there would be no problem with that. Seminole County is asking for a 10 ft. right -of -way. Mr. Simmons stated if the county takes an additional 10 ft., the parking and drainage might have to be brought back through site plan for approval. It was noted that the 10 ft. was taken into consideration at the ?revious site plan approval. Mr. Carli moved to approve the 6 month extension. Mr. LeRoy seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Sonnenberg informed the board that the site plan was checked for the Sanford Motor Co. and they do need landscaping. The Code Enforcement Officer went to Bob's Used Furniture and got him to clean it up for awhile. There is nothing that can be done about the outside display for Bob's Used Furniture since they are maintaining 10 ft. from the property line as the code requires. The code does not mention anything about outside storage in reference to the trailer. Mr. Davidson questioned the road behind the courthouse about the trash sitting there for about 6 months and asked if something could be done about it. Mr. Simmons informed him that the road is officially closed for construction site. The Chairman asked Mr. Simmons to write a letter to the county maintenance department asking them to clean it up some. The Minutes were approved as modified with Mr. Carli questioning the site plan for Sanford Motor Co. instead of him stating they were not in compliance with the site plan. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. John Morris, Chairman FORM 4 MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT LAST NAME —FIRST NAME — MIDDLE NAME Howell Lon MAILING ADDRESS 1109 S. Park Avenue CITY COUNTY Sanford Seminole DATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED 8 -21 -86 NAME OF BOARD. COUNCIL, COMMISSION. AUTHORITY. OR COMMITTEE Planning and Zoning Commission THE BOARD, COUNCIL,COMMISSION. AUTHORITY, OR COMMITTEE ON WHICH t SERVE IS A UNIT OF: WCITY a COUNTY G OTHER LOCAL AGENCY C STATE NAME OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OR STATE AGENCY City of Sanford WHO MUST FILE FORM 4 This form is for use by any person'servirlg on either an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority, or committee, whether state Or focal, and it applies equally to members of advisory and non - advisory bodies who are faced with a voting conflict of interest. As the voting conflict requirements for public officers at the local level differ from the requirements for state officers, this form is divided into two parts: PART A is for use by persons serving on local boards (municipal, county, special tax districts, etc.), while PART B is prescribed for all other boards, i.e., those at the state level. PART C of the form contains instructions as to when and where this form must be filed. PART A VOTING CONFLICT DISCLOSURE FOR LOCAL PUBLIC OFFICERS [Required by Section 112.3143(3), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1984).] The Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees PROHIBITS each municipal, county, and other local public officer FROM VOTING in an of Fial capacity upon any measure which inures to his special private gain. Each local officer also is prohibited from Knowingly voting in his official capacity upon any measure which inures to the special gain of any principal (other than a government agency as defined iii Section 1] 2.312(2). Florida Statutes) by whom he is retained. In any such case a l public officer must disclose the conflict: (a) PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of his interest in the matter on which he is abstaining from voting; and (b) WITHIN 15 PAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by describing the nature of his interest as a public record in this part below NOTE: Commissio4ers of a Community Redevelopment Agency created or designated pursuant to Section 163.356 or Section 163.357, Florida Statutes (Sy pp. 1994), or officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one -acre, one -vote basis are not prohibited from voting. In such cases, however, the oral and written disclosure of this part must be made. 1, the undersigned local public officer, hereby disclose that on .19 (a) 1 abstained frond voting on a matter which (check one): inured to my special private gain; or i inured t4 the special gain of , by whom 1 am retained. ^_E FnRU t_ Ysv Fn_v. PAGE I (b) The measure on which 1 abstained and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: (� �S4 IG5 4 Date Fled / Signature Please we PART C for instructions on when and where to file this form. PART 6 VOTING CONFLICT DISCLOSURE FOR STATE OFFICERS [Required by Section 112.3143(2), Florida Statutes (Supp. 1484).] Each state public officer is permitted to vote in his official capacity on any matter. However, any state officer who votes in his official capacity upon any measure which inures to his special private gain or the special On of any principal by whom he is retained is required to disclose the nature of his interest as a public record in Part 8 below within 15 days after the vote occurs. 1, the undersigned officer of a state agency, hereby disclose that on (a) I voted on a matter which (check one): inured to my special private gain; or inured to the special gain of (b) The measure on which I voted and the nature of my interest in the measure is as follows: Date Filed , 19 . , by whom 1 am retained. Signature Please we PART C below for instructions on when and where to file this form. PART C FILING INSTRUCTIONS This memorandum must be filed within fifteen (15) days following the meeting during which the voting conflict occurred with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the memorandum in the meeting minutes. This form need not be riled. merely to indicate the absence of a voting conflict. NOTICE: UN btR PROV ISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES# 112-317(1963), A FAI LU RE TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNDS FOR AND MAY 111E.PUNI$Htp BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT, DEMOTION. itfDUCTION IN SALARY, REPRIMAND, OR A CIVIL PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED S5.0W. CE FORM 4 . REV. 10-84 PAGE 2