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Planning and Zoning Commission
Jan. 6, 1983
7:30 P.M.
Members Present:
J. Q. Galloway, Chairman
Jim Barks
Gary L. Davidson
C. B. Franklin
Darrell Grieme
Cliff Miller
Sheila Roberts
George Willis
Members Absent:
John Morris
Others Present:
Leah Rogers, Zoning Inspector
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Chairman, J. Q. Galloway.
The first item for consideration was a Public Hearing to consider rezoning
from RC -1 to GC -2, the property located at 1501 French Ave., represented by
William flicks. He said he needs the GC -2 zoning for a used car lot. He said
he plans to have a clean, small operation. There was no one present to speak
in opposition.
Mr. Barks moved to recommend the rezoning. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Motion
The next item for consideration was a Public Hearing to consider rezoning from
MR -2 to GC -2, the property located at 412 E. 9th St., represented by Lawrence
Prince. He said he wants to open a beauty salon at that location and because
the former beauty shop located there has not been in operation for six months,
the location reverted back to the original zoning of MR -2. Mr. Prince rents the
property from D.C. McCoy and Mr. McCoy signed the application for rezoning.
There was no one to speak in opposition.
Mr. Franklin moved to recommend the rezoning. Mr. Grieme seconded. Motion
The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use of used auto
sales at 1501 French Ave. in the GC -2 zoned district, represented by William
Hicks. The property is presently zoned RC -1 but is in the process of being
rezoned to GC -2. Mr. Hicks said there would be no repair work done and the
hours of operation would be 9 :00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. There was no one to speak
in opposition. Mrs. Roberts moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Franklin
seconded. Motion carried.
The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use of two duplexes,
to be located at 2506 & 2506 Princeton Ave. in the RC -1 zoned district, rep-
resented by David Stump. He said the lots are 75 x 125 and the site plan pre-
sented by Winsong Development, who are not the present owners of the property.
Present to speak in opposition to the conditional use: Earl Vaughn, 2505 Princeton;
Dorothy Chandler and E.H. McAlexander, 601 E. 25th St.; Cheryl Betts, 2516
Princeton; Lillian Rawley, 2511 Princeton; William Mayler, 2513 Princeton;
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Benton, 707 E. 25th St. All the people present to speak in
opposition objected to the duplex being built in a single - family, owner - occupied
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Mr. Miller informed those in opposition that the area is presently zoned RC -1,
which would allow uses such as mini- markets, barber shops, etc. After dis-
cussion, Mrs. Roberts moved to deny the request for conditional use. Mr.
Davidson seconded. Motion carried.
The next item for discussion was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use
of a duplex at 1809 & 1811 Mellonville Ave. in the SR -1 zoned district, rep-
resented by Cliff Wolfe. He said the preliminary plan was laid out to save the
trees on the lot and the garages will be to the side and the rear. He said they
will be complete with central heat & air and washer & dryer.
Present to speak in opposition were: Mrs. Emile Casiglio, 1814 Mellonville Ave.;
Carolyn Sanborn, 1812 Mellonville Ave.; and Frank Ham,. Jr., all owners of prop-
erty in the area and all in opposition to a duplex in a single family neighbor-
After discussion, Mrs. Roberts moved to deny the request. Mr. Grieme seconded.
Motion carried.
The next item for discussion was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use
for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, to be lo-
cated at 203 Magnolia Ave. in the SC -3 zoned district, represented by Charles
Williams and Dennis Braziel. They said they want to show first -run movies and
serve Mexican food with alcoholic beverages offered.
Present to speak in opposition: Dick Schmidt, Ed Senkarik, Dot Powell, Gordon
Sweeney, Tammy Webb, Marion C. Webb, Bill McLaughlin and Eleanor Russell.
The people in opposition said they felt the alcoholic beverage use would create
problems for the businesses in the area and that parking would be a problem and
were speaking from their experience with former establishments serving alcohol.
Mr. Willis said he did not feel the under -age public could be adequately policed
and moved to deny. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Motion carried.
The next item for discussion was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use
of a gasoline service station at 1901 Country Club Rd. in the GC -2 zoned district,
represented by Patricia Baxley, owner of the Snack Shack presently located at
that address. She said there would be no major changes because the gas tanks are
there and it would be a modified self- service station with two double pumps,
operating 7:00 A.M. -9:00 P.M. Monday thru Saturday. There was no one to speak
in opposition.
After discussion, Mr. Miller moved to approve. Mr. Barks seconded. Motion
The next item was a Public Hearing to consider a Conditional Use of a private
Christian School, beginning at the kindergarten level up through the secondary
level at 801 W. 22nd St. in the SR -1 zoned district, represented by Rev. William
Thompson of the Church of God.
He said they have eight (8) acres of land and would have certified teachers with
conventional classrooms, wholly operated and directed by members of the Church of
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Present to speak in opposition: Janet Hardy, 2020 S. Lake Ave.; Darwin Smith,
2013 Chase Ave.; Martha Luke, 2016 Lake Ave.; Orlando Ricalde; Delores Lunsford,
2021 Chase Ave.; Mrs. Ricalde, 805 W. 245th St.; Steven Kaufmann, 904 f4. 22nd St.;
Howard Brigham, Cedar Ave. The people speaking in opposition were all residents
of the area and objected to the school because of additional traffic and felt
the residential area not well suited for a school.
Mr. Willis felt that a ruling should be obtained from the City Attorney to de-
termine whether the school would be a permitted use or a Conditional Use and
moved to postpone the decision until the City Attorney can rule on it.
Mr. Franklin seconded. Motion carried over the dissenting vote of Mr. Miller.
The next item for consideration was a Public Hearing to consider a change and
amendment to the Sanford City Code and Zoning Ordinance, Appendix A, Article V,
Sec. I. SR -lAA, Single - Family Residential Dwelling District, Paragraph B, Con-
ditional Use Permitted, and amending Article V, Sec. 8, RC -1, Restricted Com-
mercial District, Paragraph B, Conditional Use Permitted,.as follows:
"interment of cremains on church property"
Father Soper was present to represent the Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 401
Oak Ave. Mr. Miller moved to recommend the change and amendment. Mrs. Roberts
seconded. Motion carried.
The next item for discussion was a site plan of a 9,000 sq. ft. building for
Sherwin - Williams, to be located at 3 ando Drive in the GC -2 zoned district,
represented by Mr. Madaus. It was`' 5r that all requirements had been met
and permit had been applied for from D.O.T. Mr. Barks moved to approve, con-
tingent upon D.O.T. approval. Mr. Miller seconded. Motion carried.
The next item was a site plan for the Seminole County Humane Society and Animal
Shelter, located on the NE corner of Hwy. 17 -92 and County Home Rd. in a GC -2
zoned district, represented by Bryce Baker.
Mr. Baker said that in order to qualify for a sizeable grant, they had a dead-
line of Dec. 31, 1982 to have a foundation in the ground and so a foundation
permit was obtained and a foundation in the ground prior to Planning & zoning
approval. He said they have a 5 -yr. lease on the property with unlimited option
to release.
After discussion, Mr. Barks moved to approve, subject to landscaping and paving
requirements. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Robert Morris requested from the floor, approval of a site plan for a change
of use from a S/F residence to a law office, the property at 615 W. 25th St.
After discussion, Mr. Miller moved to approve. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Motion
Mrs. Rumbley, Franklin Arms Apt., 1120 Florida Ave. requested from the floor,
a home occupation in an MR -2 zoned district, for telephone service only, to
teach piano in pupil's homes. Mr. Willis moved to approve. Mrs. Roberts seconded.
Motion carried.
Mr. Clarence Fogg, 165 Pinecrest Drive, requested from the floor, a home occupation
for appliance repair business, telephone use only, with no storage at the residence.
Mr. Franklin moved to approve. Mr. Barks seconded. Motion carried.
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Mr. Eddie Martin, 2021 Summerlin Ave., requested from the floor, a home occu-
pation for a shampoo and carpet cleaning business, telephone service only.
Mr. Franklin moved to approve. Mrs. Roberts seconded. Motion carried.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. There being no further
business, the meeting was adjourned.
J. Q. Galloway, Chai