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Planning and Zoning Commission
Nov. 3, 1977
8:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Bob Karns
J. Q. Galloway
Wm. Royster
C. B. Franklin
Rudy Sloan
Vic Gisch1w
Jeff Davis
Jack Bridges
Arthur Harris, Chairman
Al Payne, Zoning Director
Mack LaZenby, City Engineer
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Bob Karns, Vice -
Chairmen, in the absence of the Chairman, Arthur Harris.
The first item on the agenda was a Public Hearing to rezone from
MR -2 to RMOI, Lots 1,2,3,4, and 17, 18, 19 & 20, 3rd Sec. Dreamwold,
north side of 25th St. between Lake & Cedar. Mr. Gerald Myers, owner
of Lots 1, 2 & 3 was present to speak in favor, and applications
from the other lot owners were presented. There was no one present
to speak in opposition. After discussion, Mr. Galloway moored to
recommend the rezoing, based on the fact that it is contiguous to
RMOI; and therefore, is not spot- zoning. Mr. Gischler seconded.
Motion carried. Mr. Sloan was not present at the end of the meeting
when this action was taken.
The next item was a Public Hearing to change the Zoning Ordinance,
Article V. Section 7.(8) and Article VI. Sec. 6. Mr. Hawkins, Exec.
Sec'y. of Professional Wreckers of Florida, was present to speak of
their concern of banning wreckers as emergency vehicles, from going
home at night with the driver. Mr. Sloan moved to recommend the
following changes to the Sanford City Code, Appendix A, Zoning Ord-
inance, as follows:
Article V. Use Provisions. Sec. 7. RMOI, Multiple - family Residential,
Office and Institutional District.
Paragraph A. Uses Permitted
Change Item (8) to read: "Signs conforming to the provisions of the
Sanford City Code, Chap. 22. Art II. Signs
Article VI. Off- street Parking and Loading Regulations. Sec. 6
Restrictions on Parking of Certain Vehicles.
MINUTES - Planning & Zoning Commission - Nov. 3, 1977
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Change to read: "Certain Vehicles subject to the following clas-
sifications shall not be parked in off - street parking areas, access
to highways thereto, or in any residential district except as may
be required for normal loading or unloading of such vehicles and
during the time normally reauired for service at dwellings, or at
structures or activities permitted or permissible in such residential
districts by the terms of this Zoning Regulation: Commercial trucks
over 5,000 lbs.;commercial and school buses; commercial wreckers (except
wreckers on call) hearses (except ambulances); agricultural trucks;
truck - tractor and semi - trailers.
Mr. Galloway the motion to recommend. Motion carried.
Rev. Don Cox, Assembly of God Church on 27th St. was present to rep-
resent a request for a change of use for a single - family dwelling to
a Sunday School & Youth Hall, after it is reRired and brought up to
the requirements. Mr. Gischler moved to approve. Mr. Franklin
seconded, motion carried.
The next item for discussion was a site plan for a Greenhouse at
1501 W. 1st St. represented by Mrs. Lillian Bower. After discussion,
Mr. Galloway to approve the plan, with the stipulation of marked
parking spaces. Mr. Franklin seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Payne reported to the Board on the time limitation for rezoning
after annexation, requested by the Board at the last meeting. He con-
firmed that the Rugenstein property on Lake Mary has been an-
nexed the required two years. Mr. Dave Farr was present to represent
the Rugenstein property'. Mr. LaZenby requested the remainder of the
report be placed on the agenda for the Nov. 17, 1977 meeting.
Mr. Kenneth McIntosh was present to speak in favor of the site plan
for Keller Industries on Cornwall Road. He said Keller would meet
all requirements for the City, so stated in prior correspondence.
Mr. Galloway moved to approve the plan with all correspondence re-
garding the operation to be included as part of the plan. Mr. Gischler
seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion from the floor resolved that a Locksmith Shop is a permitted
use in RC -1 zone, that a Barber & Beauty Supply business is permis-
sible in RC -1 zone, and that setback requirements for a church in MR -1
would be the same as single - family residence in SR -lAA district.
The next item for discussion was on a request from Mr. Wayne Sanborn
for a change from townhouses to single family dwellings in the pland
for Unit II of Sanora. After discussion it.was determined that this
would not require resubmission of new plans for the previously ap-
proved PUD. Single family dwellings to meet the SR-1A requirements.
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The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. There being no
further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Arthur Harris, Chairrpa.n