HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.04.73Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1973 Minutes Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Arthur Harris, Chairman Victor Gischler Jeff Davis Robert Karns David Berrien Edward Blacksheare Rudy Sloan Philip Logan C.B. Franklin None W. E. Knowles, City Manager L. J. Risner, Zoning Official Mack LaZenby, City Engineer Gerald Dake, City Planner The meeting was called into executive session at 8 :00 P.M. by Arthur Harris, Chairman. The first item of business was consideration of several site plans. 1. Americana Complex - -PUD (Planned Unit Dev- elopment. Mr. Don Gibbs was present to re- present the plans to be considered. Pre- viously approved as a PUD, it is a parcel of the Dreyfus Community, located South of Airport Blvd., East of 17 -92, and North of the Old Orlando Highway. This will include 173 Acres, with 285 Single - Family dwellings, with gross density being 13 units per acre. Townhouses will be constructed with density being 10 units per acre. He stated that all structures will far exceed minimum set back requirements and open space require- ments, noting that the Greenbelt areas are Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1973 Page 2 strictly for recreational facilities, includ- ing boat storage facilities. Gerald Dake noted several points for concern: A. Circulation - The driving area passes through the proposed parking lots. Due to quite a large density, police protection in these areas would be difficult. B. The plans did not show that the platted streets would not have access to Lake Mary Boulevard. C. The possibility of greenbelts not being suitable for playfields, parks, etc. D. No details for garbage and trash pick- up. W.E. Knowles stated City garbage trucks cannot and will not go on private streets for pick -ups. E. Dreyfus is to submit total plans, that is, a Master Plan, including traffic, util- ities, greenbelts and playgrounds. F. This plan did not show parks. Mack LaZenby stated that these plans were not coordinated enough. On recommendation of C.B. Franklin, seconded by Rudy Sloan, it was moved to table this discussion due to the preliminary stage of these plans. The second Site Plan for approval was for an office building for Conklin and Porter. Mr. Cal Conklin was present and explained the building would con- tain 4,000 square feet of office space, employing 12 or 13 persons. The plan showed no landscaping and insufficient parking spaces, and was there- fore moved by C.B. Franklin and seconded by Dave Berrien that with a landscaping plan and twenty (20) paved parking spaces, these plans be approved. The third Site Plan was for Mr. H.B. McEachern, who resides at 1801 Maple Ave, Sanford. He asked that the Board give approval for a small green- house to grow orchids in, to be located on his Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1973 Page 3 �. lot at the same address. His property is zoned RC -1, Restricted Commercial. It was moved by Rudy Sloan, and seconded by Edward Blacksheare and duly carried, that if properly screened by fence or shrub on the South side, these plans be approved. Seminole Fire and Equipment submitted the next plan for approval. He proposes to build a 750 square foot building for his business. He stated that the access to the parking area is off of the alley. On recommendation by Dave Berrien, seconded by Edward Blacksheare, it was moved to approve these plans on condition of five (5) paved parking spaces to be included. Next was a plan for a metal building to be con- structed for B. Edwards Builders Supply. It is presently zoned MR - 2, and the business is now of a non - conforming use. Chairman Harris stated that due to the non - conformity of the present business, the Board could not approve an addition. He further stated that the owner could request for a change in zoning. The next item for consideration was a plan for the entrance of Hidden Lake Estates. The size of the sign was not marked on the plans, but on recommendation by Philip Logan and seconded by Victor Gischler, it was moved to approve this plan if the sign complies with the present sign ordinance and lighting ordinance, with the under- standing that the Home - Owners Association will maintain these areas. Chairman Harris instructed Mr. Risner to contact Dick Bond as we have yet to receive the Revised Home - Owners Association Charter. Northridge Condominium Complex was the next item of discussion, represented by Mr. Gerald Tannenbaum. This project will be located South of Lake Minnie. Mack Lazenby, City Engineer, Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1973 Page 4 stated the utility and drainage plans look good. Although the property has not yet been annexed, the density conforms to present standards. Subject to City Approval of trash and garbage pick -up plan, it was moved by Bob Karns and seconded by C.B. Franklin that the Site Plan be approved. Mr. Jackman, representing Lake Mary Estates, was present with the final plat. The plat did not show six (6) acres of suitable land to be dedicated to the City for use as a park. It was previously agreed to show the playground area, but these plans showed no finished park. Also a third sheet was missing from these plans and is to be attached prior to approval. It was moved by Robert Karns and seconded by Jeff Davis that these plans be approved pending a third sheet of plans to be attached, showing a six (6) acre finished park area. The City Commission has instructed the Mayor to execute these plans immediately after Planning and Zoning has approved them. Consideration was next given to amending the Zoning Ordinance as follows: GC -2, General Commercial Zone, "Uses Permitted" -Item "q" to read as follows: Hotels, Motels and Apartments with density conforming to 15 -17 Units per Acre. Elections were then held for Chairman and Vice- Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the upcoming year. Arthur H. Harris was unanimously re- elected as Chairman, and Philip LoW4i by unanimous vote, was elected as Vice - Chairman. It was again brought to the Commission's atten- tion that all Site Plans be submitted ten (10) days prior to each Planning and Zoning Meeting, Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1973 Page 5 and that these plans must include surrounding areas and their zoning. Gerald Dake, City Planner, lead a discussion concerning the Florida State Comprehensive Planning Act of 1972, which established reg- ional Planning Districts. A general discussion concerning the feelings of the Commission regarding the possibility of zoning for Townhouses on a five (5) acre tract west of Idyllwilde, North of Country Club Road, with density being 5 to 6 units per acre. This area is not in the City limits presently. This property is contiguous with Idyllwilde 3rd Section, and the Upsala Church. Jeff Davis voiced opp- osition citing traffic situations are hazardous in that area now. Gerald Dake, City Planner, said he would not recommend density over 2 to 3 units per acre. This seemed to be the entire Commission's feelings. Mr. Risner presented a drawing to the Commission which would extend present fire districts to include all SC -3, Special Commercial zoned areas. In the SC -3 zone, there are no front, rear or side yard requirements, and this increases chances of fire due to the closeness of buildings. It was moved by Robert Karns and Seconded by Victor Gischler to recommend to the City Comm- ission that the present fire zone be extended to include all SC -3 zoned areas. Discussion was held concerning a proposed in- dividual type warehousing concept for the Lee property at the N.W. corner of Fulton Street and Maple Concourse. This area is presently zoned GC -2 but the zoning ordinance allows uses of RI -1 to be used as conditional uses in the GC -2 zones. The general consensus was that if properly landscaped and subject to Site Plan Approval, the plan would be accepted. Planning and Zoning Commission Janurary 4, 1973 Page 6 Consideration of recommendations for zoning for newly annexed properties was next. After a general discussion, on the motion of Mr. Logan, seconded by Mr. Blacksheare and carried, the following zones were recommended to the City Commission: 1. Lot:- and Lots 4 through 12, Lake Minnie Estates, MR -1 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. 2. Beg at int of W line of St Rd 15 & 600 & S line of Sanford Grant 737.4 ft NELY alg Rd for POB, Run N 64k deg W 896 ft N 25k deg E 710 ft S 64k deg E 896 ft SWLY alg Rd 710 ft to POB, Sec 11- 20 -30; and Beg 51 ft N25k deg E of int Wly R/W H/W 17 -92 & S line Sanford Grant Run N 25k deg E 88.87 ft N 64k deg W 10 ft N 25k deg E 391.53 ft N 64k deg W 241:4 ft S 64k deg E 100 ft S 25k deg W 290 ft S 64k deg E 495.87 ft S 25k deg W 101.3 ft S 64k deg E 151.19 ft S 64k deg E 210.25 ft to beg. Sec 11- 20 -30; and Lot 29 less W 300 ft & S 20 ft for Rd, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92; and Ely 170.7 ft of Lot 30 Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92; and, Beg int WLY R/W 17 -92 & S Line Sanford Grant Run N 25k deg E 51 ft N 65 deg W 125.25 ft S 25k deg W 151.19 ft S,65 deg E 125 ft N 25� deg E to beg, Sec 11- 20 -30; — and,(Beg 200 ft S of NE cor of SWk of SEk Run W to H/W Sally alg H/W 100 ft E to E line of SWk of SEk N to beg, Sec 11- 20 -30;� and, Beg at int WLY line H/W 17 -92 & N line of SWk Run NWLY alg Rd 100 ft N 59 deg 26 min W to line of SWk E to POB, Sec 14- 20 -30; and, All NE'k ofSW'k Run SWLY alg Rd 100 ft N 59 deg 26 min W to N line SWk E to POB, Sec 14- 20 -30; and, Beg NE cor of NWk of SWk Run S 351 ft to US 17 -92 N 22 deg 25 Min W 379.9 ft to pt W of BEg E 144.7 ft to beg, Sec 14- 20 -30; and, Ely 250 ft of: Beg 144.7 ft W of NE cor of NWk of SWk Run W 1172.7 ft S 300 ft S 59 deg 39 min E 1054.9 ft to US 17 -92 N 41 deg 18 min E 650 ft N 22 deg 25 min W 379.9 ft to beg, Sec 14- 20 -30; and, Ely 250 ft of: Beg 300 ft S of NW cor of SWk Run S 1025.3 ft E 477.7 ft to US 17 -92 N 41 deg 18 min E 650 ft N 59 deg 39 min W 1054.9 ft to beg less St Rd Sec 14- 20 -30; and, W 6 3/4 ch of SWk of St Rd, Sec 14 - 20 -30; and, Beg at the NE cor of the SEk of Sec 11720S -30E, run S 89 deg 31' 19" W 1009.73 ft to a point of beg; continue thence Westward 400 ft to apoint of the E ROW line of US 17 -92. Run thence S 20 deg 48'41" W 214.64 ft; run thence N 89 deg 31'19" E ,166.16 ft; run thence due mouth 460.92 ft, run thence Planning and Zoning Commission January 4, 1973 Page 7. N 89 deg 31'19" E 310.11 ft; thence run North tothe point of beginning; GC -2 (General Commercial) District. 3..' Lots 1, 2 & 3, less roads Browning & Heppe Survey PB162 Pg 49; and, Beg 144.7 ft W of NE cor of NWk of SWk Run W 1172.7 ft S 300 ft S 59 deg 39' E 1054.9 ft to US 17 -92 N 41 deg 18' E 650 ft N 22 deg 25' W 379.9 ft to beg, less ELY 250 ft, Sec 14- 20 =30; and, Beg 300 ft S of NW cor of SWk Run S 1025.3 ft E 477.7 ft to US 17 -92 N 41 deg 18' E 650 ft N 59 deg 39' W 1054.9 ft to beg less St Rd, less Ely 250 ft, Sec 14- 20 -30; and, E� of SEk, less St Rd, Sec 15- 20 -30; and, Lots 52 and 64 & Vacated Roads less beg SW cor Lot 56 Run N 636 ft E 2054.72 ft S 635. -99 ft W 2055.1 ft to beg & Rds Sanford Substantial Farms PB 5, Pg 84; and, NW'k of SWk less Rd. sec 15- 20 -30; and, That part of lots 53 to 57 beg SW cor lot 56 Run N 636 ft E 2054.7 ft S 635.99 ft W 2055.1 ft to beg less Rd Sanford Substantial Farms Pb 5 Pg 84; and, NLY 240 ft of Lot A I q less NLY 20 ft for Rd Lake Minnie Estates PB 6 Pg 92; and, S 75.52 ft of Lots 1 & 3 less beg SE cor Lot 1 RunNELY alg rd 100 ft W 275 ft S 12 deg min W 59.5 ft.,S 59 deg 24 min E to S line lots 1 & 3 E to beg, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92; and, Beg SE cor Lot 1 Run NELY alg Rd 100 ft W 275 ft S 12 deg 25 min W 59.5 ft S 59 deg 24 min E to S line Lots 1 & 3 E to beg, Lake Minnie Estates, PB 6 Pg 92; NR,;,l (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. 4. Gov't Lot 1 & all S� of SEk of SEk W of E line Sanford Grant, Sec 11- 20 -30; and Lots 8 & 9, Block S, Sunland Estates, PB 11, Pgs 16 through 22; and, The northerly 200 ft of the SWk of the SEk lying east of US 17 -92 and the N� of the SEk of the SEk, less Begiinning at the NE cor of the SEk of Sec 11- 20S -30E, run S 89 deg 31'19" W 1009.73 ft to a point of beginning. Continue thence westward 400 ft to a point on the E R/W line of US 17 =92. Run thence S 20 deg 48'41" W 214.64 ft; run thence due south 460.92 ft., run thence N89 deg 31'19" E 310.11 feet; thence run North to the point of beginning. MR -2 (Multiple Family Residential Dwelling) District. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. e � � - , - 4 -/ 2-a Arthur Harris, Chairman