April 19, 1973
8:00 P. M.
Members Present:
Arthur A. Harris, Chairman
Robert E. Karns
Philip Logan
Rudy Sloan
Victor Gischler
Members Absent: David N. Berrien
Edward Blacksheare
Jeff R. Davis
C. B. Franklin
Others Present:
Gary Winn, Building Inspector
W. E. Knowles, City Manager
M. LaZenby, City Engineer
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman.
The first item of business was a Public Hearing to consider a
request to rezone that property described as Lots 5 through 16,
Block 8, Dreamwold 3rd Section, from SR -1, Single- Family Resi-
dential Dwelling District, to that of MR -2, Multiple- Family
Residential Dwelling District. The general location of the
property being located between 25th Street and 24th Place and
Chase Avenue and Lake Avenue, Sanford, Florida.
The Chairman announced that he would hear first from anyone in
favor of the rezoning.
Mr. knd Mrs. Donald Howe, owners of the property were present.
Mr. Howe asked the board for a recommendation for the rezoning
as they propose to construct an apartment complex awnsisting of
50 units of efficiency apartments on Lots 5 through 16 and on
four contiguous lots which are presently toned MR -2, Multiple -
Family Residential Dwelling District. Mr. Howe said they felt
these apartments would fill a demand for low cost rental housing.
Appearing in favor of the rezoning were Rosie and Ronald Robinson,
owners of Lots 19 and 20, Block 7, Dreamwold 3rd Section; Mrs.
Robinson also submitted a letter in favor of the rezoning from
her uncle, owner of Lots 15 through 18. Mr. B. J. Meusil, owner
of Lots 4 through 7, also spoke in favor of the rezoning.
Planning and Zoning Commission
April 19, `.1973
Page 2
The Chairman announced that he would hear from anyone opposed to
the rezoning request. No one appeared in Apposition.
After discussion, Mr. Logan made a motion to recommend to the
City Commission that Lots 5 through 16, Block 8, Dreamwold 3rd
Section be rezoned from SR -1, Single - Family Residential Dwelling
District to that of MR -2, Multiple.- Family Residential Dwelling
District. The motion was seconded by Mr. Karns and carried by
a unanimous vote.
The next item of business was holding a Public Hearing to consider
the request of Fleetwood Engerprises, Inc. to rezone that property
described as Blocks 53, 54, 55, 62 and 63, M. M. Smith's Subdi-
vision from MR -1, Multiple- Family Residential Dwelling District,
to that of MI -2, Medium Industrial District.
The Chairman announced that he would hear from anyone in favor or,
or against the rezoning request.
The City Manager, in the absence of the representative of Fleetwood
Enterprises, informed the board that they were ready to start con-
struction immediately upon completion of the zoning change. No
one appeared in opposition.
After consideration, on motion of Mr. Logan, seconded by Mr. Sloan
and carried unanimously, a recommendation was approved to be for-
warded to the City Commission for the rezoning of Blocks 53, 54,
55, 62 and 63, M. M. Smith's Subdivision from MR -1, Multiple - Family
Residential Dwelling District to that of NM WAd&umJIrUm&trW
The date of May 3, 1973, was next set to hold a Pbblic Hearing
to consider a request to rezone Lots 11 and 12, Block 8, Tier B.
E. R. Trafford's Map of Sanford, from SR -1, Single- Family Resit.
dential Dwelling District to that of MMOI, Multiple - Family Resi-
dential,DQM4.�agand Institutional District.
The date of May 3, 1973, was set to hold a Public Hearing to con-
sider a request to rezone Lots 8 and 10, Erank L. Woodruff's
Subdivision from RC -1, Restricted Commercial District to that of
GC -2, General Commercial District.
After review of the Parking Analysis for Downtown Sanford, prepared
by the City Planner, a motion was made by Mr. Sloan and seconded
by Mr. Gisehlierthat a recommendation be made to eliminate from
the Zoning Ordinance the provision that no off - street parking be
required for uses located within 300 feet of a city -owned parking
lot. After a general discussion, it was the consensus that such
Planning and Zoning Commission
April 19, 1973
Page 3
action would not change the overcrowded parking situation, just
keep the problem from increasing.
The City Manager explained that the City was about to contract
for an engineering traffic study which would include the entire
area and any actiontakkan now should be made with this in mind.
He suggested that now was the time for the board to start a com-
plete parking study and to plan for ten to - twenty years from now.
The County and City should be working together to solve their
common problem concerning provision of off- street parking in the
downtown area and the Planning and Zoning Board could be the
catalyst for this.
After further discussion, on motion of Mr. Gischler, seconded by
Mr. Karns and carried, the previous motion and action on the
Parking Analysis was tabled.
After consideration, the City Planner was requested to prepare
a study on the following:
1. Addition of an agricultural district in the zoning
2. In RMOI, Multiple- Family Residential, Office and
Inst - itutional District adding GC -2, General Commercial
as a conditional use permitted.
On motion of Mr. Sloan, seconded by Mr. Gischler and carried,
minutes of regular meeting of April 5, and special meeting of
April 11, 1973, were approved.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Arthur H. Harris, Chairman