HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.05.73PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Minutes July 5, 1973 8:00 P. M. Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Arthur Harris, Chairman David Berrien Edward Blacksheare C. B. Franklin Victor Gischler Robert Karns Philip Logan Jefferson Davis Rudy Sloan Bill Braceland, Building Official Al Payne, Building Inspector M. LaZenby, City Engineer A. A. McClanahan, City Commissioner Gordon Meyer, City Commissioner Julian Stenstrom, City Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Consideration was first given to a zoning recommendation for re- cently annexed property of Jeno F. Paulucci located west of the Mayfair Country Club and south of SR -46A, legally described as: Beg 40 ch W of NE cor, Run W 15 ch, S 10 ch, W 5 ch, S 5 ch, E 20 ch, N to beg (Less E 33 ft for Rd). Sec 4 -20 -30 After consideration, Mr. Logan made the motion to recommend to the City Commission the above described property be zoned AD, Agricultural District. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blacksheare and carried by unanimous vote. Consideration was next given to a zoning recommendation for the re- cently annexed Southward property located west of the Mayfair Country Club and south of SR- 46A,.legally described as: E� of NWk (Less N 15 ch) and N 400 ft of E 30 ch of SWk. Sec 4 -2 -30 W� of NWk (Less W 5 chains) & N 10 ch of W 5 ch of NE'k of NWk. Sec 4 -20 -30 Planning & Zoning Commission July 5, 1973 Page 2 W 5 ch of NWk. Sec 4 -20 -30 Beg 10 ch W of NE cor, Run S 27 ch, W 10 ch, N 7 ch, W 7k ch, N 20 ch, E to beg & E 10 ch of NE'k. Sec 5 -20 -30 W 1174.4 ftc of E 2989.4 ft of N 20 ch (Less N 10 ch of E 488 ft). Sec 5 -20 -30 After consideration, Mr. Karns made a motion to recommend to the City Commission the above described property be zoned AD, Agricultural District. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berrien and carried by a unanimous vote. Consideration was next given to a request foor a recommendation of MR - 1, Multiple Family Residential Dwelling District, for recently annexed property west of the Mayfair Country Club and north of SR -46A, described as: Beg 560 ft W of SE cor of SW� of SEA, Run N 25 ch, W 40 ch, S 5 ch, W 6 rds, S 20 ch E 10 ch, N 10 ch, E 7k ch, N 2k ch, E 7 ch, S 12� ch, E to beg. Sec 33 -19 -30 Mr. John Williams, owner, told the board that this property con- sisted of 86 acres and he expected to acquire ten or more additional acres. After discussion, the consensus of the board was that they would favor a recommendation for zoning this property for Planned Unit Development. The Chairman suggested that after Mr. Williams had acquired the additional acreage that he resubmit to the board for a zoning recommendation. A site plan for an addition of storage shed to Gregory Lumber Company at Holly Avenue and Fifth Street was next presented by Mr. Bob Gregory and Mr. Bob Goetsinger. They propose to construct a 60' x 100' warehouse, closed on Fifth Street and on Holly Avenue sides, 20' of wall on the inside closed and the remainder open. A variance in the setback requirements has been granted by the Board of Adjustment of 25' on Holly Avenue and 10' on West Fifth Street. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Berrien, seconded by Mr. Gischler and carried, the site plan was approved. The provision of a sight -proof fence is not required. Mr. Dave Robb of LeRoy Robb Construction Company next presented a revised site plan for an addition to the existing commercial business of Jim Lash Chrysler- Plymouth. The plan showed provision for a chain link fence with slats as a sight -proof fence on the east side of the property, which in the opinion of the board is nat considered Planning and Zoning Commission July 5, 1973 Page 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- a permanent fence. After discussion, the motion was made by Mr. Franklin to approve the site plan with the stipulation that a six - foot solid masonry wall be constructed on the east side of the property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Karns and carried. Mr. Jack Greene next presented a site plan for a 2168 square -foot commercial building at the location of the southeast corner of Fulton Street and Elm Avenue. After review, on motion of Mr. Berrien, seconded by Mr. Logan and carried, the site plan was approved. After consideration of a request for special exception to permit sale of alcoholic beverage for consumption on the premises as a conditional use in GC -2, General Commercial District, at the loca- tion of Don's Bait Shop, 919 West First Street, such request was denied. On motion of Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr. Logan and carried, the minutes of the meeting of June 21, 1973, were approved with follow- ing amendment: The last sentence in the seventeenth paragraph to read: Mr. Zeuli told the board that he had agreed to bear one -half the cost of paving Georgia Avenue, abutting the area and all the way to 25th Street. After discussion of the possibility of providing additional parking on Hood Avenue, east of the County Court House, by changing to angle parking and perhaps one -way traffic, the City Engineer was asked to draw up plans for study at the next meeting. On motion of Mr. Logan, seconded by Mr. Karns and carried, ' xov i_: Village Replat (formerly Lake Mary Estates) was next approved. After discussion, it was agreed that the City Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission would hold a joint work session to review density for areas west of French Avenue and south of 20th Street on a date to be set by the City Commission. Mr. Gary Martin next presented for review a revised preliminary plan for a condominium complex consisting of 180 to 190 units with density of 10 units per acre, proposed for the location at recently annexed property immediately south of the Mayfair Country Club. The plan showed a berm of landscaping as a buffer on the south side of the property and holding ponds to maintain ground water. Mr. Martin was asked to submit a copy of the plan for the City Planner to study, plus a copy and a topo for the City Engineer. The devel- opers have requested a recommendation for MR -1, Multiple -Family Residential Dwelling District, for the property. The Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission July 5, 1973 Page 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- informed Mr. Martin that a date for a public hearing on rezoning would be set after the board is cognizant of the City Commission's feeling on desired density for the whole area. There being no further business, on motion of Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr. Berrien and carried, the meeting was adjourned. N Chairman