August 2, 1973
8:00 P. M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Arthur Harris, Chairman
David Berrien
Edward Blacksheare
C. B. Franklin
Victor Gischler
Philip Logan
Jefferson Davis
Robert Karns
Rudy Sloan
Al Payne, Building Inspector
Pete GrigAay Aide to City Planner
M. LaZenby, City Engineer
W. E. Knowles, City Manager
Gordon Meyer, City Commission
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman.
The first item of business was consideration of a site plan for the
addition of a kitchen facility for Springfield Baptist Church loca-
ted at the corner of 12th Street and Cedar Avenue. The Rev. P. M.
Mitch & &l and Deacon Willie Johnson of the church presented the site
plan for review. After discussion, on motion of Mr. Berrien, sec-
onded by Mr. Franklin and carried unanimously, the site plan was
Mr. Lloyd Scruggs next presented a site plan for rebuilding a com-
mercial building at the corner of Mellonville and Celery Avenues.
After review, it was determined that the plan did not meet the
parking requirements. The Chairman advised Mr. Scruggs to confer
with the building department and then resubmit a plan which conforms
with zoning ordinance standards for site development plans.
Mrs. Francis Jackson and Mr. Levi Coleman next presented a site plan
for a coin operated laundry at the location of the northeast corner
of Southwest Road and 14th Street. A correction of the legal descrip-
tion of the property on application for site plan approval is as
Planning and Zoning Commission
August 2, 1973
Page 2
West 100 feet of East 300 feet of South 95 feet
of Lot 20, Robinson's Survey of Addition to
Sanford, according to the Plat thereof recorded
in Plat Book 1, Page 92, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida.
The South 95 feet of Lot 20 (Less the East 300
feet thereof) Robinson's Survey of Addition to
Sanford, according to Plat thereof recorded in
Plat Book 1, Page 92, Public Records of Seminole
County, Florida.
After review and discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Logan,to
approve the site plan for a coin operated laundry at the above
described location, as amended regarding off- street parking re-
quirements; with the stipulation for provision of a sight -proof
fence, paving of 14th Street the length of the property according
to City requirements, one curb cut on 14th Street and none on South-
west Road. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gischler and carried by
unanimous vote. The rezoning of this property to RC -1, Restricted
Commercial District, by the City Commission had been tabled until
after approval of the site plan. The stipulation was made by the
Planning and Zoning Commission that no building permit was to be
issued by the building department until the property is rezoned by
the City Commission.
The next order of business was to hold a Public Hearing to consider
rezoning of areas on the zoning map that are improperly zoned,
either due to map errors, or to being newly annexed, and listed as
(1) Rezoning From: SR -IAA, Single- Family Residential District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Beg at a pt 200' W and 130' N
of SE cor Lot 94, M. M. Smith's Subdv. Run S 130' E 200',
N 180', W 165' Sally to POB.
Being more generally described as located: Northwest corner
of Persimmon Avenue and McCracken Road.
(2) Rezoning From: MR -2, Multiple - Family Residential Dwelling
. District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
Thap Property Described as: Beg 662' N of S'k post Sec 26 -19 -30
Run E 289' N to Leesburg Br ACR RR SWly along RR 316.6' S to
Beg (less streets).
Being more generally described as located: Northwest corner
Persimmon Avenue and McCracken Road.
Planning and Zoning Commission
August 2, 1973
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(3) Rezoning From: SR -lAA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: E'k of SEk Sec 15 -20 -30 SE1y of
the Nally R/W of US 17 -92.
Being more generally described as located: Northeast corner
(4) of US 17 -92 and Main Road.
(4) Rezoning From: SR -IAA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: SR -2, Mobile Home Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Beg 1166.48 ft South of Ek post
Run N 72 43' W 1307.2', N 25k E 411.5', S 71 0 40', E 1133',
S 450.17' to Beg. Sec 11- 20 -30.
Being more generally described as located: Sanford Mobile
Park, Orlando Blvd.
(5) Rezoning From: SR -lAA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Beg SE corner of NE'k of SE's,
Run N 154.82',N 72 0 43 1 , W 1307.2' SW on St Rd to Pt W of Beg
E to Bbg. Sec 11- 20 -30.
Being more generally described as located: Creamons used car
lot, Orlando Blvd.
(6) Rezoning From: SR -1AA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: MR -2, Multiple- Family Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Sk of SE'k of SE'k Sec 11 -20 -30 and
Lots 8 & 9, Block S, Sunland Estates PB 11 Pg 16 -22.
Being more generally described as located: East of 17 -92 at
Lake Mary Blvd.
(7) Rezoning From: SR -lAA, Single - Family Residential Distract.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Beg 200' S of NE cor of SWk of
SE'k, Run W to Hwy SWly along Hwy 100; E to E line of SWk of
SE'k N to Beg. Sec 11- 20 -30.
Being more generally described as located: East of 17 -92
opposite Movieland Drive -In.
(8) Rezoning From: SR -lAA, Single- Family Residential District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Lot 29 (less W 300' & S 20" for
Rd) Lake Minnie Estates PB 6 Pg 92.
Being more generally described as located: Northwest corner
?a Lake Mary Blvd. & 17 -92.
Planning and Zoning Commission
August 2, 1973
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(9) Rezoning From: SR -1AA, Single- Family Residential District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Ely 170.7' of Lot 30 Lake Minnie
Estates. PB 6 Pg 92.
Being more generally described as located: Northwest corner
Lake Ma ;y Blvd. & 17 -92.
(10) Rezoning From: RC -1, Restricted Commercial District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Lot 27, Park View 2nd Addn.
PB 4 Pg 5.
Being more generally described as located: 2800 block of
Palmetto Avenue.
(11) Rezoning From: SR -lAA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: GC -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Beg SW cor Lot 5 Amended Plat
Druid Park PB 7 Pg 5, Run NEly along US 17 -92 43' S64° 52'
E 85.45' W to Beg.
Being more generally described as located: East of 17 -92
between Florida Ave. and the crossway.
(12) Rezoning From: SR -1AA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: Mr -2, Multiple- Family Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Sk of NWk (less Dreamwold 4th
PB 4 Pg 99 and Vi Mar PB 8 Pg 64) and NWk of SW'k (less Druid
Park PB 6 Pg 34 and Amended Plat Druid Park PB 7 Pg 5) Sec 1 -20 -30
Being more generally described as located: East Section of
L Lake Jennie.
(13) Rezoning From: SR -1, Single- Family Residential Dwelling District.
To That Of: GE -2, General Commercial District.
That Property Described as: Lots 4, 5, 6 & 15 through 20,
Block 22, Dreamwold 4th Section PB 4 Pg 99.
Being more generally described as located: Fairway Shopping
(14) Rezoning From: SR -IAA, Single- Family Residential District.
To That Of: SR -1, Single - Family Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Lots 21 through 26, Block 13,
Dreamwold PB 3, Pg 90.
Being more generally described as located: South side of
Briarcliffe Street at Grenada Avenue.
Planning and Zoning Commission
August 2, 1973
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(15) Rezoning From: SR -lAA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: MR -1, Multiple - Family Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Lots 1 through 10 and 28 through 35,
Block 10, Dreamwold, PB 3 Pg 90.
Being more generally described as located: West 25th Street
between Grenada Avenue and MarshAll Avenue.
(16) Rezoning From: RMOI, Multiple- Family Residential, Office and
Institutional District.
To That Of: MR -1, Multiple - Family Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Wk of Lots 11 and 34 and all of
Lots 12 through 33, Block 9, Dreamwold, PB 3 Pg 90.
Being more generally described as located: West 25th Street
between Grenada Avenue and French Avenue.
(17) Rezoning From: SR -IAA, Single - Family Residential District.
To That Of: SR -1, Single- Family Residential Dwelling District.
That Property Described as: Lots 1 through 11 and 24 through
35, Block 25; Lots 8 through 27, Block 24; Lots 14, 15, 16,
Block 20, Lots 1 through 8 -A and 10 -A through 17, Block 23,
All of Dreamwold.
Being more generally described as located: Between El Capitan
Drive and Mohawk Avenue and between Osceola Drive and DeSota
There was no on present to speak for, or against, the rezoning of the
above described areas.
After consideration, Mr. Berrien made a motion that a recommendation
be forwarded to the City Commission for the rezoning of area as above
described. The motion was seconded by Mr. Logan and carried by a
unanimous vote.
On motion of Mr. B1ackbheare, seconded by Mr. Franklin and carried,
the minutes of the meeting of July 19, 1973, were approved.
On a request for an interpretation of the zoning ordinance as it applies
to uses permitted in RC -1, Restricted Commercial District, it was the
opinion of the board that an operation of retail sale of shrubbery
could not be interpreted as being a flower shop, and could not be con-
sidered a permissible use.
Mr. Logan next expressed deep concern about the present method of con-
trolling average density of large tracts of newly annexed property by
site plan approval. The site plan is an agreement with an individual
Planning and Zoning Commission
August 2, 1973
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developer and there is no way to tie in site planning and specific
density to bind a bona fide purchaser of a portion of propEerty from
the developer. After discussion, the City Planner was requested to
make a study of how other localities handle this problem.
The building official was authorized to set up a public hearing to
consider the rezoning of the golf course property from SR -lAA,
Single- Family Residential District, to that of AD, Agricultural
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Arthur H. Harris, Chairman