HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.07.72Zoning and Planning Commission December 7, 1972 8:00 P.M. Members Present: Arthur H. Harris, Chairman Victor Gischler David Berrien Jeff Davis C.B. Franklin Members Absent: Rudy Sloan Philip Logan Edward Blacksheare Robert Karns Others Present: W.E. Knowles, City Manager L.J. Risner, Zoning Official The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, who then proceeded by introducing the first item on the agenda - -the final plat of Lake Mary Estates, Unit 1. There being no one present to represent Lake Mary Estates, it was tabled until such time that a spokesman could be present. Property located at the Northeast corner of Santa Barbra Drive and El Capitan Drive, owned by Arvin Mihm, was the next item opened for discussion. Mr. Mihm presented a preliminary plan for a proposed duplex project, consisting of two (2) duplexes. Mr. Mihm asked that after the new zoning ordinance is accepted, that the Commission consider his project as a "'Conditional Use" in SR -1 (Single Family Residential District). Chairman Harris informed Mr. Mihms that he would be required to pay into escrow for half of the street length of the property. It was also stated that Site Plan Approval will be necessary. Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1972 Page 2 Considering that an apartment complex and a mobile home park area are within a block of this proposed project, the Commission thought it was of a good nature and agreed to consider the project as a conditional use pending adoption of the new zoning. The next item of discussion was a plan requesting a 20.16 acre tract located on 17 & 92 South. Owned by Royal Line Builders, Inc., they would like this property zoned as follows: 4.5 acres fronting on 17 & 92 - -GC -2 and the Easterly 15.3 acres - -MR -2 Miss Bonnie Johnston, EDG Planning, came forward to present a preliminary Site Plan. City Manager W.E. Knowles objected to this as we require all Site Plans to be submitted to days prior to the Planning and Zoning meeting. Miss Johnston apologized, but stated she wished to give the Commission a preview of what was planned. Chairman Harris informed Miss Johnston this was not necessary, and it was moved by Dave Berrien and seconded by Jeff Davis and duly carried to recommend to the City Commission that this property be zoned as stated above. Mr. Harris then read a letter to the Commission from Mr. Fues in regards to the Shenandoah Village property. Mr. Fues requested Parcel 1 (see legal following) be zoned MR -2, Multiple Family, and Parcel 2 zoned GC -2, General Comm- ercial. Parcel 1 Legal: Beg. at a point 300' S. of the W.k Sec. Post of Sec. 14, Township 20 South, Range 30 East; thence run S. 1,025.3 feet; East 477.7 feet to R/W of State Road No. 15, U.S. Highway No. 17 -92, thence N. 41 East along said Highway No. 650' thence N. 71 West 1,054.9 feet to point of beginning, containing 13.3 acres, more or less. Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1972 Page 3 Parcel 2 Begin 144.7 feet West of the NE corner of NWk of SWk of Section 14, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, West 1172.7 feet South 300 feet, South 59 East 1154.9 feet to 17 -92, North 41 East 650 feet North 22 25' West 379.9 feet to beginning. Chairman Harris asked Mr. Risner to suggest to Mr. Fues that he hold back on requesting 250' be zoned GC -2 General Commercial. Captain John Williams stated other property owners may want their property zoned with more than 250' Commercial. He, for one, would like atleast a 665' depth parcel zoned GC -2, and went further to state that when he bought this property, it was zoned Commercial by the County, and he wouldn't have bought it if it was anything but Commercial property. It was moved to table this item until annexation is completed and sufficient time for official study by the Commission has elapsed. Next was a discussion on Fire Districts. Mr. Risner sketched a district for study from the present fire district outline. Proceeding from the lakefront South on French Ave., east on 4th St. to one Block West of Sanford Ave., South to 6th St., East to one block West of Sanford Ave., North to 4th St., West to Cypress Ave., then North to the lakefront. This enlarges the present fire district in this area. Mr. Risner stated that he believed we could do away with the present fire district located one block North and one block South of 13th St., as we have demolished more buildings than are presently located in this area. After a discussion on transmission lines and the feasibility of burying them, it was moved by Dave Berrien and seconded by C.B. Franklin Planning and Zoning Commission December 7, 1972 Page 4 and duly carried, that we recommend to the City Commission that the "Subdivision Regulations" be changed to state "That transmission lines be installed to the best engineering technology available, with an attempt to keep these lines in the rear of the development, if technology allows them to be underground." There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 42���22 .- - Arthur H. Harris, Chairman