December 2, 1971
Members Present:
Arthur Harris, Chairman
Robert Karns
Bert Hollingsworth
Phillip Logan
B. C. Franklin
Edward Blacksheare
Jefferson Davis
David Berrien
Members Absent:
Dale Coppock
Others Present:
L. J. Risner, Building Official
Gary Winn, Building Inspector
W. E. Knowles, City Manager
Gerald Dake, City Planner
Mack Lazenby, City Engineer
A workshop session was held prior to the meeting to continue
discussion on the proposed Zoning Regulations for the City
of Sanford.
The meeting was called into executive session at 8:00 P.M.
by the Chairman.
The first item of business was the continued public hearing
for the consideration of rezoning the property located east
of Woodland Drive and north of Onora Road, generally known
as the Shannon property from R -1A, Single Family Dwelling
to R -3, Multiple Family Dwelling District.
Mr. Phillip Zeuli and Mr. S. Silverman appeared to inform
the Commission of their intent to pipe the drainage ditch
as requested by the members at the previous meeting.
Zoning and Planning Commission Minutes
December 2, 1971
Page 2
After agreement to meet the stipulations as cited in the
minutes of August 19, 1971 and on motion of Mr. Karns it
was moved that a recommendation be sent to the City Com-
mission to rezone the Shannon propefty (legal description
in minutes of August 19, 1971) from an R-1A, Single Family
Zoned District to that of an R -3, Multiple Family Zoned
District. Seconded by Mr. Hollingsworth and duly carried.
Consideration of the request by First Federal Savings and
Loan to vacate and abandon Elm Avenue north of First Street
to south right -of -way line of Commercial Avenue tabled from
the last meeting was continued. On recommendation of the
City Planner and motion of Mr. Davis, second by Mr. Franklin
and duly carried it was moved that a recommendation be made
to the City Commission to vacate and abandon Elm Avenue as
stated above. Mr. Karns, Mr. Logan and Mr. Berrien abstained
from voting due to conflicting interest.
The City Commission requested a feasibility study regarding
the request to annex Lots 25,26,36 and 37, less the N. 50'
of the east 140' of Lot 36, Dixie Subdivision, about 1 3/4
acres located at the north west corner of West 16th Street
and Southwest Road.
Mr. Herbert Cherry, owner of the property informed the members
that he planned to build five (5) houses and a commercial
establishment which would face on Southwest Road. After
discussion it was referred to the City Planner and City
Engineer for study so that a recommendation could be made
at the next meeting.
Mr. Edwin Shinholser representing Mr. Harold R. Kennedy
requested the Zoning and Planning Commission to consider the
zoning classification for property generally described as
bounded on the north by Seminole Boulevard, on the south by
West First Street, on the west by Terwilliger Lane and on
the east by Persimmon Avenue (approximately 17 acres). This
property is at the present time outside of the city limits
and request for annexation pended upon securing the R -3,
Multiple Family Dwelling zoning for the north three (3) acres
and C -2, General Commercial for the remainder of the property.
Zoning and Planning Commission Minutes
December 2, 1971
Page 3
Mr. Shinholser relayed to the members Mr. Kennedy's plan to
develop the north three (3) acres for condiminiums and the
balance of the property for commercial purposes.
After discussion and on motion of Mr. Hollingsworth it was
moved that the request be referred to the City Planner and
City Engineer for review, seconded by Mr. Blacksheare and
duly carried.
Consideration was next given to the request by Seminole
Country Inc. for PUD Zoning for the Hidden Lake Development
Project. After a most informative presentation by Mr. King
Helie of the EDG Planning, it was moved by Mr. Logan that
the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City
Commission that the newly annexed Hidden Lake property be
changed from an.".R -IAA, Single Family Zoned District to that
of a PUD Zoning, according to the overall plan, with detailed
information to be tiled with the Building Department upon
completion of each phase. Seconded by Mr. Berrien and
carried with a unanimous vote.
A letter was read by Chairman Harris from Mrs. Glenn L. Edmonds
requesting the rezoning of the property located at 2300 and
2302 S. Sanford Avenue from R -lA to appropriate zoning to
accomodate commercial establishments. After discussion
it was the general concensus of the commission that they
would not be in favor of the rezoning.
The City Commission requested that the Planning and Zoning
Commission determine the feasibility of amending the current
subdivision regulations to require underground electrical
service connection and underground wiring for street lighting.
systems. After consideration it was decided that the City
Planner review this request and make a recommendation at the
next meeting.
Discussion of the Drainage Bond referendum which will be voted
on December 7, 1971 followed and on motion of Mr. Hollingsworth
it was moved that the .City;;Comiaissibn be informed that the
Zoning and Planning Commission thought that a successful
referendum would be highly desirable. Seconded by Mr. Blacksheare
with voting as follows:
Zoning and Planning Commission Minutes
December 2, 1971
Page 4
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The annexation study being prepared by the City Planner and
the City Engineer was tabled until the next meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Arthur Harris, Chairman