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City of Sanford
December 18, 1969
City Commissiom Room
City Hall
Members Present:.
Clifford McKibbin, Chairman
� Robert Karns
Arthur Harris
James Dycus
Garnett White
Jefferson Davis
Cal Conklin
Others Present:
Tommie Peterson, Scenic Improvement Board
W. E. Knowles, City Manager
Gerald Dake, City Planner
James Jernigan
Thomas Wallis, Architect
J. S. Cleveland
Chairman McKibbin called the meeting to order and reading of the
minutes were waived to avoid delay in the meeting.
Mr. Tommie Peterson was present to introduce the architect retained
by the Scenic Improvement Board to prepare plans for the overall
Beautification Plan for the Sanford area. Mr. Thomas Wallis,
architect presented a plan for five (5) separate areas to the group.
After discussion and viewing of the proposed plans it was moved by
Mr. Harris that a recommendation be made to the City Commission
that we secure an application for an Urban Renewal Grant to obtain
federal funds to assist in our Beautification Program, with the
following priorities:
1. Memorial Park
2. Senior Citizens Park
3. Crooms High School
4. Two Hiway entrances to the city - Seminole Blvd.
and I -4 and Orlando Dr and French Ave.
Seconded by Garnett White with unanimous voting.
Mr. Roy Britt, owner of the property located on the east side of
Orlando Drive, 2613 Orlando Drive appeared before the board to
request conditional use of a new car agency at the said property.
After considerable discussion it was decided that the wording of
the existing ordinance be amended to read "new and used cars"
would take care of the problem. Mr. Arthur Harris moved that a
recommendation be made to the City Commission than an amendment,
reading "new an used" cars be ma to the existing Ordinance 961,
Zoning & Planning Minutes
December 18, 1969
regarding Section 2A - Conditional Uses in a C -1 Zone. Seconded
by Jeff Davis. Voting was unanimous.
After completion of the amendment by the City Commission, it would
then be necessary for Mr. Britt to come before the Board with a
formal request for conditional use in the C -1 zone, and at that
time the Board would take his request into consideration.
Mr. J. S. Cleveland presented a detailed map and a zoning ordinance
for the Sanford Airport for consideration of the Board. He explained
that the zoning ordinance had been approved by FAA and as far as
could be determined would provide effective control of the area.
It was noted that both the City and County would have to adopt the
same zoning ordinance because of height restrictions that would
apply within a designated area surrounding the airport.
Mr. Bob Karns after quite a lengthy disaussion moved that it be
recommended to the City Commission that they adopt the Airport
Ordinance and the Map as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Dycus with
unanimous vote by the members.
In consideration of a request submitted by B. R. Beck, for rezoning
of the property located at the NW corner of 25th Street and Laurel
Ave. Lots 45,46,47 and 48, Beck's Addition from an R -1A zone to
a C -1, it was moved by Mr. Conklin that a public hearing be held on
Januury 15, 1970, seconded by Garnet White and voted unanimously.
After discussion regarding the fact that the next regular meeting
date would fall on January 1, 1970, it was decided by unanimous
decision to cancel said meeting and to hold the next meeting on
January 15, 1970.
The rezoning of the Lakefront "tank farm" area - property north of
Fulton from Myrtle Ave. to French Ave. from M -1, Light Industrial
District to that of C -2, General Commercial was again taken up,
prior meeting had been held with no action taken, and after a
thorough discussion it.wss. moved by Mr. Harris that a public hearing
be set for February 5, 1970 so that.interested property owner could
appear and apprise the members of their future plans for the said
property. It was further decided that each of the property owner
be written a letter outlining the action taken by the Zoning and
Planning Commission and thus permitting each to appear either at
the public hearing or prior to that date to present plans for the
future p±ams for their properties. Seconded.by Garnett White
with all voting aye.
Z & P Commission Minutes
December 18, 1969
A discussion was held next on the Planned Unit Development project
that had been mentioned at a prior meeting. This development would
allow both residential and commercial buildings within the same
area but under a controlled system. After discussion Mr. Dake
suggested that a PUD Committee be appointed to study this program
and how best to implement it for this area. It was also suggested
that the committee have a report on February 5, 1970 to present
to the members. The following were appointed to the committee:
Garnett White, Cal Conklin, Jeff Davis, L. J. Risner and
Gerald Dake.
Following this discussion, Mr. Dake gave a report on the Urban
Renewal Program which had appeared on the December ballot to be
voted on by the people of Sanford. The people showed their
approval by voting for Urban Renewal. Mr. Dake suggested that
a recommendation be made to the City Commission that we proceed
in obtaining an application for Urban Renewal Planning Grant and
contact Mr. Russell Jacobson to assist in the submission of the
grant. It was so moved by Mr. Arthur Harris, seconded by Jeff
Davis and carried with a unanimous vote.
It was brought to the attention of the committee that the modular
homes were going to become something of a problem within the next
few years and it was going to need discussion and thought in the
near future. The Building Official had received some inquiries
from out of town companies regarding this type of home.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.