March 21, 1968
8:00 P.M. in the City Commission Room
City Hall
Present were: Chairman Clifford
Jefferson Davis
Arthur Harris
Brooke Smith, M.D.
W. McKibbin, Jr.
City Manager W. E.
Building Official
Building Inspector
Linvel Risner
Kermit Wallstedt
The Chairman called the meeting to order.
There being less than five members present, the Board lacked
a quorum. However, due to a notice that three public hearings
would be held and a large attendance present, the Board held an
unofficial meeting.
Public Hearings were legally advertised in the Sanford Herald
on March 14, 1968, and property owners within 300 feet of each
parcel were mailed an individual notice regarding the holding of
the hearing for the proposed rezoning.
The first public hearing held was for the property described
as Lot 6, less the South 158 feet, A.V. French Property to rezone
from M -1, light industry to R -3 and R -6, multiple family dwelling
district. Location being the east side of Lake Avenue between
13th and 18th Streets.
The request was made and represented by William Gorman, Gorman
Construction Company, Orlando, Florida, for the construction of a
156 unit multi - family apartment building for the minority group
in the area on the north side of the County school bus repair shop
and approximately 600 feet north of 18th Street. He explained that
this would be housing as approved by the Federal Housing Administration
for rent subsidizing under a 221 Program. A letter was presented
that was written to the FHA, signed by W. J. Phillips, County School
Superintendent, indicating that Mr. Gorman has a Purchase Contract
for Lot 5 fronting on French Avenue; the Seminole County School
Board owns Lot 6; and that the School Board was in agreement for
an exchange of properties. There were approximately 30 persons
present with interest in the rezoning request and the following
voicing their objection:
Harvey W. McCalley, 1932 Lake Avenue
Mrs. S. A. Murphy, 1804 Lake Avenue
Mr. Jones, purchaser of the Market Terminal
Restaurant and Truck Stop on French Avenue;
former property of Mrs. Andes.
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Waverly Doudy, lessee of the aforementioned
Mrs. Boyd Gaines, 1802 Cedar Avenue
Mr. John McCloskey, 1803 Cedar Avenue
W. F. Yeackle 911 West 18th Street
Mrs. Andes( �� C_
The Board noted that the property owners in the foregoing
paragraph were not within the 300 -foot radius to receive the
individual notification of proposed rezoning, and that Mrs. Andes
did not presently have any property interest abutting that property
under rezoning consideration.
In Executive Session, the Board concurred that a recommendation
on the request be held in abeyance until a.meeting of the Board on
March 28, 1968, to reconsider the matter in the presence of a full
or majority board.
The next public hearing was held on An application by owners
R. A. and Thelma D. Williams to rezone from R -2 and R -5, one and
two family dwelling district to that of R -6, multiple family
dwelling district, an area of four blocks between 5th and 6th
Streets and Mangoustine and Pomegranite Avenues; legal description
Block 7, Tier 17; Block 7, less the Nk of NE'k,
Tier 18; Block 7, Tier 19; Block 7, Tier 20;
Florida Land and Colonization Company, Limited
Map of St. Gertrude Addition to the Town of
C. Vernon Mize, Jr. represented both Mr. and Mrs. Williams,
as sellers and a private corporation being formed for the construction
of garden type apartment buildings, two story units, with parking
and playground facilities for a total of 137 apartments for the
minority group. This would be providing housing for those persons
presently living in sub - standard dwellings and in the lower income
brackets whereby the federal government would be paying a portion
of the rent under a 221 Rent Supplement Program as evidenced by a
letter from the Republic Mortgage Corporation, Orlando, Florida.
The construction loan of the property would be in excess of one
million dollars; a local contractor and architect would be used
in the construction; and the private corporation to be responsible
for the up -keep or maintenance of the property.
Mr. Mize further stated that a request was being submitted to
the City for the closing of the streets within these blocks, namely,
Mulberry, Jessamine, and Oleander Avenues.
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No one appeared to voice objection to the rezoning for said
use. John Sauls, local realtor, stated that William Kirk, property
LJ owner of vacant land to the north had no objection and that Jeanette
V) Laing, owning 66 x 127.5 feet of rental property within Block 7,
W Tier 18, had no objections and was considering the sale of her
4L property to the corporation.
At this time, the Chairman read a letter recently received
by the City from the Department of Housing and Urban Development
stating that the City of Sanford's Workable Program had been
Q accepted and was recertified by the federal government.
Mr. Mize stated that under the foregoing letter he understood
that the City would now be eligible to apply for a Code Enforcement
Program under federal funding and that such a program would allow
sub - standard housing to be brought up to minimum standard codes
with the 221 Federal Housing Program removing or relieving from
the federal and city government operation some of the existing
housing problems by providing adequate and higher quality housing
under private money and maintenance.
After discussion and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by Dr.
Smith and carried unanimously by the vote of the Chairman, the
minority group through a minority report recommended to the City
Commission that the rezoning of property as represented by Mr.
Mize and outlined in the foregoing paragraphs be approved.
A public hearing was next held on a request and application
of Frank L. Jones, Associate, St. John's Realty, acting as Agents
for owners, Vulcan Materials, Inc., to rezone from C -2, general
commercial, to M -1, light industry, that property on the west side
of Maple Avenue and north of West First Street, location being
102 North Maple Avenue and formerly operated as Evans Roofing and
Burns Auto Repair. Legal description being: NE'k and NWk of Block
2, Tier 10, E. R. Trafford's Map of Sanford.
Q Mr. Tom McDonald appeared before the Board stating that he and
W Al Doudney as Secretary - Treasurer and President, respectively, were
a- purchasing the property under the name of D & M Construction Loan
° b Corporation and after clean -up of the property anticipated the use
for a cabinet manufacturing business; in addition to negotiating
with the J. C. Penney Company regarding the placing of a warehouse
O on the property; said property running from Maple to Holly Avenue
0 and being serviced by a railroad siding.
There was no opposition to the rezoning request.
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After consideration and on motion of Mr. Harris, seconded by
Mr. Davis and carried unanimously by the vote of the Chairman, the
minority group through minority report recommended to the City
Commission that the rezoning of the property as represented by
Mr. McDonald and outlined in the foregoing paragraphs be approved.
John Sauls, Trustee for the Southern Methodist Church, appeared
to present letters from company representatives of Texaco and Sinclair
requesting that the property of said companies in the area of McCracken
Road and Persimmon Avenue be rezoned from residential to M -1, industrial.
On the basis of the letters, Mr. Sauls submitted a letter requesting
that as Trustee for the church property in the same area, Persimmon
Avenue and West 8th Street, consideration be given to rezoning the
property M -1.
The Board reviewed the public hearing and the recommendation to
deny the rezoning to M -1 of said church property as held on February
1, 1968. The possibility of a right -of -way deed from the church to
the residents to the south for an access road into their property
was again discussed and Mr. Sauls stating agreement to same. The
Board's action was to defer the matter until it could be discussed
with a full or majority board at a meeting of March 28, 1968.
On request of the Building Official, the Board reviewed the
present industrial zoning of the city -owned Lake Monroe Industrial
Park area on the lakefront relative to the area possibly being too
small and not too well situated for industry. In addition, it was
pointed out that the Orange- Seminole Joint Planning Commission were
contemplating along the lines of the area being a park type tourist
oriented with a motel- restaurant operation. However, no action
was taken on the matter at the present time.
The Board requested copies for study of a proposed subdivision
regulation ordinance as outlined by Planner George Simons.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Approved by:
Chairman Approved by: