Regular Meeting
February 4 1965
8:00 P.M. - City Commission
Room, City Hall
Members present were: Messers. McKibbin, Karns, Harris,
Lee, and Smith. Also present were City Manager Knowles and
Building and Planning Official Risner.
Chairman McKibbin called the meeting to order.
Reading of the previous minutes was waived.
Mr. Garfield Walker presented a written request, plus ap-
pearing before the Board, for authorization to allow a new dry
cleaning establishment in his vacant building located at 2520
Oak Avenue in a C -1 district. He stated that this was the
former location where Gene Estridge had operated a dry cleaning
establishment approximately two years ago. The building and /or
space has been vacant since that time.
Mr. Walker stated that when his renter applied for a permit
to do some renovating to the building for the operating of the
dry cleaning establishment, he was told that dry cleaning and
laundry operations were permitted only in the C -2 zones; this
being amended under Ordinance No. 841, September 28, 1964.
Mr. Walker also stated that his occupant -to -be had already
acquired his city occupational license. Also, he mentioned that
the dry cleaning sign from Mr. Estridge's operation was still
attached to the building.
The Board had a general discussion regarding their intent
at the time of the amendment by Ordinance No. 841. It was the
consensus of opinion that their origninal intent was to delete
dry cleaning operations from the C -1 district and combine it with
laundry, as a "fabric care" service, as the allowed use in the
C -2 zoning districts.
A pro and con discussion followed as to recommendations
to the City Commission regarding Mr. Walker's situation whereby
he would still be allowed the use of his rental property on the
basis of reactivating a dry cleaning operation in a C -1 zoning
after two years vacancy.
Z & P "minutes"
2/4/65 2
The Building Official and the City Manager called to the
Board's attention that the area between Palmetto Avenue and
Elm Avenue from 25th Street to 26th Street was presently zoned
C -1 neighborhood commercial. However, that recently the area
had been checked out and had shown that there was at least eight
(8) non - conforming business operations that should be in a classi-
fication of a C -2 general commercial district. Therefore,
would the Board wish to consider solving the previous problem
with also correcting the eight non- conforming uses with a re-
zoning recommendation. This would also allow these businesses
to enlarge at any time in the future, plus being conforming.
After reviewing the area and considerable discussion, it
was moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Wharton and carried
that the Zoning and Planning Commission set a public hearing
for February 18, 1965, to recommend to the City Commission the
following: --
Rezone the block between Oak Avenue and Myrtle
Avenue from 25th Street to Park Drive from the
existing C -1 neighborhood commercial district
to C -2 general commercial district - -- AND
To further consider rezoning to C -2 all the
area presently zoned C -1 between Palmetto
Avenue and Laurel Avenue from 25th Street
to 26th Street - - - - -- AND
Further request that the City Commission designate a
public hearing date df °March 8, 1965, for their own hearing.
A request dated February 3, 1965, from Phillip Boyd
operating a non - conforming beauty shop on the southeast corner
of 25th Street and Elm Avenue was presented to the Board.
Mr. Boyd was asking for another feasibility study regarding
a recommendation to rezone his property from that of R -1A
one family dwelling district to that of C -1 neighborhood commercial.
Z & P "minutes"
2/4/65 3
The Board reviewed Mr. Boyd's situation dating back several
years with the purchase of his property and apparantly a misunder-
standing between the purchaser and the realtor regarding possible
future commercial rezoning, relating to 25th Street,
Mr. Boyd originally was operating the beauty shop ldgitimately
in his residence as a "home occupation ". Recently Mr. Boyd moved
out, but was continuing to operate the beauty shop. On the basis
he was operating a business in a residential zone and no longer
as a home occupation, the City could not issue his occupational
license. However, Mr. Boyd continues to operate illegally.
The Board had discussed the situation tharoughly with Mr.
Boyd several years ago and he understood the home occupation
operation in a residential area; the area being R -1 at that time..
They felt that any hardship problem of Mr. Boyd's through his idea
that 25th Street, in his particular area, would eventually become
commercial zoning was never expressed at any time to him.
It was moved by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mr. Harris and
carried that the rezoning application be denied with no recom-
mendation of any change in the zoning of Mr. Boyd's property
at this time.
The Building Official informed the Board that the Methodist
Church at 6th Street and Park Avenue had submitted plans for an
addition to their church. However, they had not allowed for any
off - street parking requirements.
The Board recommended that the matter be handled by the
Board of Adjustment with their recommendation that the off - street
parking requirements be waived; this being a recommendation from
the Zoning and Planning Board.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
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