Regular Meeting
City Hall - 7:30 PM
A gust, 4, .1960
Members present were: Messers. McKibbin, Bush,
Talley, Morgan, Harris and Johnson. Also present were:
City Xanager.Knowles and Building and Planning Official
Chairman McKibbin called the meeting to order.
Minutes of July 21, 1960 and July 28, 1960, were
read and approved.
The Building Official presented for the Board's
approval the off- street parking proposal for the new building
of the First Federal Savings & Loan Assn. on the corner of
West First Street and Elm Avenue. The plan showed 26 off- street
parking spaces.
Moved by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bush and carried
that the 26 spaces be accepted, but with the agreeable amendment
that they be put on notice that under the new proposed off -
street parking ordinance they fail to meet the minimum re-
quirements now, which is apt to create difficulties for them
in the future in case of any expansion..
The Board then went into their continued review and
discussion of the "Tentative" Zoning Ordinance which resulted
in a 3rd Addendum. (See 3rd dated August 4, 196.0).
However, other than the proposed addendum, no official action
was taken by the Board in relation to the overall tentative
zoning ordinance.
There being no fdrther business, the Board adjourned.