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Special Meeting
December 29, 1960
8:00 PM
City Commission Room - City Hall
Members present were Messers. McKibbin, Lee, Talley, Karns,
Morgan, Harris, Bush, and Kirtley. (Mr. Kirtley.arriving late
in the evening; therefore, did not voice any opinions or take
vote in any action).
Also present were: City Manager Knowles; Building Official
Yelvington; Mr. George W. Simons, Jr., Planning Consultant of
Jacksonville; Mr. Martin Gainer, Acting Manager of the Planning
Division of the Florida Development Commission, . Tallahassee;
City Commissioners Brown, Baker, Wilson, Crappsand City Com-
missioner�Elect Tom 1&Donald; Finance Director Tamm, Wally
Dietrichs local realtor; Jerry Dake, former resident city
planner i� Sanford; and local newspaper reporters, Marion Harman
and Larry'Vershel.
Meeting was called to order by Chairman McKibbin.
A request for rezoning from that of R -1 to a C -1 was
represented by Mr. Clarence Wynn, owner of the property, for.
an area bounded on the north by 25th Place; on the east by
Grandview Avenue South; on the south by 26th St. and on the
west by:Scnford Avenue. Legal being: -- All of Block 2, Palm
Terrace and also Lot IA, Seminole Heights. The request was
accompanied by a signed petition from abutting property owners.
This area is approximately k block south of Angel's Eat
PP y
Shack and on the east side of Sanford Ave. Mr. Wynn owns
Lots 1 thtu 18, Block 2, Palm Terrace. Mr. Wynn stated that
he was op rating a dealership from this point known as the
Mr. Art Harris called to /Board's attention that the plan
of the City Planner showed this area for future residential use.
"Colorad& Coach ", which is a living unit that fits on any pick
up truck.I The operation at this location would be similar to
a car lot.
Mr. Brown, City Commissioner and County Zoning Director,
stated thlat the County had recently rezoned to commercial south
of 26th Street, on both sides of Sanford Avenue for a block and
one -half bn the west side and one block on the east side. Mr.
Karns questioned the fact if this rezoning presented an im®ediate
problem to Mr. Wynn.
i -
Z&P Minutes
Moved by
the above area
from an R -i to
Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Bush and carried that,
be recommended to the City Commission for rezoning
that of C-1 and a public hearing so set.
The meeting having been set up for the sole purpose of
discussing and airing in the open with the City Planner and the
Acting Manager of the Planning Dept. of the Florida Development
Commission the action of the Board in their minutes of December 1,
1960, regarding the City Plan now 9 months overdue with less than
one -half of it presented and the lack of constructive leadership
in the review of the Zoning Ordinance, the Chairman opened the
floor to discussion.
Chairman McRibbin explained that he felt responsible in
some way for this plan and had helped to get it underway, plus
a responsibility for the signing of the contract and the payments
of taxpayeir`s money for the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Gainer suggested that possibly instead of going back
over the seasons as to why the plan was not .finished, it would
be better to outline the actual work and what is to be expected
in the future, or consider the future and what the City will have
to look forward to.
Mr. Simons told the Board that the "actual writing" of the
reports is the biggest delay so far. He stated that writers
are hard to find and he needs writers who can understand planning.
He reviewdjd for the Board the outline of Mr. Dake's work here in
Sanford; Mr. Dake meeting with the Board when feasible; and, his
meeting with the Board at different time.
He also stated that besides the No..2 Tentative Zoning Ord.
and Volume I, he has completed the Major Street Plan; Central.
Business District Plan and the Land Use Map, with 2 sections left
to complete. Mr. Simons told the Board that during the month of
January he would produce the "completed" plan. He mentioned that
all map work was completed.
In regards to the $5,500 that the City has paid, Mr. Simons
stated that he, himself, had $6,000 invested in the Sanford plan,
but had not received "one red cent" from the State; he has not
billed the State for any monies, and would not until he is finished
with the plan. He felt that in certain sections of the program
that he is making good progress and further that, never had he
in any contract had any specific deadline. Mr. Simons mentioned
that before Federal funds were available and the bulk of the work
was not as heavy then as it is today, he may have made the statement
Z&P Minute s
that the Mork could be produced within a 365 -day period.
In further statements to the Board, Mr. Simons said that
good planners to work in his office are hard to find as they are
in demand all over; and that he was late approximately 8 months
with his Orlando program and that he had been late on all the
701 progr,ams .
Mr. Harris stated that, in his opinion of the finished
and submitted Volume I the City was not receiving what he thought
they were going to receive; that he was under the impression.that
the City was going to get something "tailored" for Sanford and
that the copy the city received could have seen a mimeographed
form that could have been copied from use elsewhere. Mr. Harris
was not satisfied with the quality of the report. Also, that
no where in the Volume I report is there any mention of a feasi-
bility.of,9 to 1 over the costs for a Sanford - Titusville Canel.
Mr. Simons stated that the majority of statistics is obtained
from the Bureau of the Census and the Florida State Employment
Offices. Mr. Harris felt that there was a definite clash of
material between the report and what has been proven by
and what the papers can do with this material in telling the
In answer to several questions by Commissioner Baker, Mr.
Gainer mentioned that the State Planning Department also was
.experiencing the same technical problem of finding qualified
planners; and that periodic checks were made by the Florida
Development Commission with the Planner through calls, etc.
Since the work is long overdue, Commissioner Crapps questioned
the legality of the contract as to .. could the City break the
contract pow and the fact if the City had received $5,500 worth
of work to date.
It was felt by the City C6mmissioners and the Zoning and
Planning Members that they should not be expected to sit as a
"board.oflexperts" to catch the different things in the report
that might bring up a question as to its legality or a proven
Mr.'Dake spoke and stated that Mr. Simons had to let or
release one employee, who could not do planning work, yet had
a Master's Degree in this field. Also, that Volume I was
intended to be brief.
t &P Minutes.
Chalirma.n McKibbin stated that since the City Commission
had promised a full-time planner to keep the plan in action and
not just sit on the shelf and gather dust that, the Board wants
something that can be used and applied.
Mr., S,..mons mentioned that, under present-day conditions,
the fee was not adequate and no soncultations are required under
the contract with the Development Commission.
Mr., Harris further stated that for what has been received,
other than maps, the Board could have borrowed an Orlando Zoning
Ordinance and copied it and gotten statistics from the Chamber
of Commerce.
Mr.� Simons further stated that he felt that he had gone
beyond the agreement of the contract.
Mr. Knowles stated t
applies to the people of t
plan fits the City and the
However, the important and
the community.
at when making up any City Plan, 90%
e community helping in order that the
other 10% is technical application.
main factor is ... The.plan must fit
Mr Gainer felt that it might be well to establish a possible
deadline and if work is not satisfactorily completed by this time,
that the ''City Commission take "postive "action as they might
Chairman McKibbin suggested that a possible solution could
be obtained by Mr Simons and Mr. Gainer getting together and
offer a deadline setup for consideration by the City Commission.
In concluding the discussion, Mr. Gainer suggested the
.. He, Mr. Gainer, and Mr. Simons meet together
regardin a schedule to be presented to the City Commission
at their meeting on January 4, 1961, stating postive completion
date, with an extension of the Consultant's services to review
it with the Planning Board and the City Commission and then
final consulting with the Florida Development Commission for
acceptance or revisions. .........
L 'I
Z &P Minut6s
The Board was in agreement with the recommendation presented
by Mr. Gainer.
Commissioner Wilson commended the Board on their extensive
review work of the Tentative Zoning Ordinance.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.