Friday, January 20, 1961
7 . PM
City Hall
Members present were: Me.ssers. McKibbin, Karns, Talley,
Harris, Kirtley and Lee. Also present were: City Manager Knowles
and Building Official Yelvington.
Meeting was called to order by Chairman McKibbin.
Reading of the previous minutes was waived.
The Building.Official presented to the Board the off-
street parking proposal for the commercial area west of Hardy
Avenue, whi h is ready to begin construction on the first stage
of a 7 to 1� Store and another building to house various shops.
After viewing and discussion of the plan, it was moved
by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Lee and carried for approval of
21 off - street parking spaces for the initial stage of the shopping
center on the property owned by Mr. P.J. Ness at West 25th Street,
Hardy Avenue and Country Club Road.
With regards to the above mentioned concrete plans for
a shopping center, it was moved by Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr.
Talley and parried that, the previous recommendation to the City
Commission from minutes of 1/11/61 to rezone the area from G -1
back to R -1C be rescinded
Mr.'Joe Gazil next appeared before the Board regarding
his new com�nercial location on the northwest corner of Celery
and Mellonville Avenues with regards to prior action of the Board,
in that his!off- street parking proposal was denied on insufficient
number of spaces, plus insufficient area for loading, unloading
and refuse pickups.
Due to the
additional 30 feet
by Mr. Kirtley, sej
be accepted'as is,
off - street parking
fact that Mr. Gazil had
on the west side of his
conded by Mr. Harris and
with 22 acceptable spac
spaces.be provided in t
recently obtained an
property, it was moved
carried that, the plan
s in the front, and 5
e rear for service
Z & P Minutes
1/20/61 -2-
Mr. Clarence Wynn appeared before the Board regarding
a letter he had received notifying him.of the Board's action
to rescind their previous recommendation to the City Commission
to rezone'.from residential to commercial the area south of 25th
Place on the.e.ast side of Sanford Avenue, which includes Mr.
Wynn's property.
The Board relayed to Mr. Wynn their previous lengthy
discussion on this area when it was voted to rescind their
action and to so recommend to the City Commission.
The concern of the Board over the long -range use was
pointed out to Mr. Wynn. Also, that if the majority of the
property owners in this area wanted a commercial zone they
too would be appearing before the Board with a request for
a change in the zone. Therefore, it was felt that, the trend
toward commercial is not in this area at the present time,
and Mr. Wynn has an isolated problem. It was also the feeling
of the Bogard that Mr. Wynn's rezoning request should not have
been presented at the special meeting of December 29, 1960,
which had been set aside for Mr. Simons,.City Planner and
Mr. Martin Gainer of the Florida Development Commission,
Therefore, there was no change in the Board's recommendation
to the City Commission to rescind their prior action to rezone.
The.Board then went into further discussion and review
regarding amendments to the No. 2 Tentative Zoning Ordinance
for the City of Sanford.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
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