Regular Meeting
September 21, 1961
Members present were: Messers. McKibbin, Harris, Karns,
Galloney, Johnson, and Talley. Also present were City
Manager Knowles and Building Official Yelvington,
Chairman McXibbin called the meeting to order.
Reading of the previous minutes was dispensed with.
Mr. Frank Galloney, newly appointed member of the Zoning
and Planning Commission, was welcomed.
Mr. William L. Kirk appeared before the Board regarding
approval of a plat for GOLDEN GATES; an area bounded by
Goldsboro'Elementary School on the East; and by Bell Avenue;
161 Street,; and 180 Street.
Mr. Kirk related to the Board that the lots and /or homes
would be on a "direct loan" basis (not through FHA) with the
lots selling for a maximun of $695; the cost of running newer
lines would be approximately $228/lot; there were no plans for
any street paving; Mr. Robbins of the Seminole County Health
Unit had approved septic tanks; and that he would not be con-
nected with the actual construction.
Afters a lengthy discussion of the plat and the area, Mr.
Karns moved that, engineering wise, the plat be accepted.
Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried.
Based on the above mentioned statements by Mr. Kirk,
Mr. Harris moved that the following stipulation be re-
commended to the City Commission along with their approval
of the plat:
- - ---In the interest of the municipal economy that the
Subdivider be required, prior to official action of
the City Commission, to furnish municipal water lines
to the Golden Gate Subdivision; and that the total
cost of this utility installation be placed in escrow
with 'the City of Sanford.
Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried unanimously.
The Building Official presented the following off- street
parking proposals for consideration:
1. Chase & Company Garage --- Myrtle Avenue and
2nd Street. (Legal: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block
4 Tier 6). Pertaining to revision of the
present area.
Z & P Meeting
September 21, lybl
Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried
that three;(3) ofi - street parking spaces be marked for
employees within the compound.
2. Randall Chase (Chase & Co.). A new store on the
East 133 feet of Block 2, Tier 17 (Mangoustine Ave.)
Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Talley and carried
that the off- street parking plan, as drawn, be accepted and
that the 50 x 100 feet area be paved.
3. Bonded Warehouse on the corner of Holly and
Commercial - operation by Mr. W. A. Adams -
United Transfer and Storage.
Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Karns and carried that
there be at least three (3) off - street parking spaces for
automobiles in addition and other than the loading area in the
front of the building. The three spaces to be clear of any
loading area.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.