Regular Meeting
8 PM - City Hall
January 19, 1962
Members present were; Messsers McKibbin, Davis, Galloney,
Talley, Kar s, Johnson, Harris, Bush and Lee. Also present was
Building OPicial Yelvington.
Chairman. McKibbin called the meeting to order and waived
the reading,of the previous minutes.
Mr. M'. W. Sharpe, representative of the Humble.Oil and
Refining Company of Charolette, N.C., was present regarding the
present C-1 (commercial) property on the NE corner of French
Avenue & 19th .Street whereby this company had an option to
purchase for -a service station.
Due to the fact that they were ready to go with .concrete
plans, they requested the Board to give consideration to this
location under the new zoning ordinance whereby it was proposed
for an R -lA, zone, with the end result of being non - conforming.
Mr. Sharpe was informed that the Board would take this matter
under advisement.
Commissioner Joe B. Baker next appeared before the Board
with regards to the new proposed zoning ordinance. He made
the following recommendations to the Board.
1. Increase the floor space requirement for the R -1AA.
2. Extend the R -lAA area on over to possibly the Rose
Court and take in the Odham & Tudor construction.
3. Eliminate the section under the R -1AA that allows
nurseries and kindergardens as a 11 conditional use ".
4. Underithe off - street parking ordinance a requirement
for providing loading and unloading .zones on private
property, particularly in the C -2 and M -1 zones.
5. Set back requirements in the commercial zones,
particularly the M -1, such as 20' on the front,
10' on the side and the existing requirement as
set up for the rear.
Z & P Commission
6. A required area for trash in the M -1 (industrial area)
7. Requirement in commercial zones for outside storage
area that can be screened -in from view.
Mr. J. Patrick Bartlett, an industrialist from Orlando,
and an attorney, next appeared before the Board regarding the
proposed one and two- family zoning on West First Street in
relation to the 19 acres of vacant property on the SW corner
of West 1st Street and Persimmon Ave., and in the ZOO' west
of Persimmon (within the city limits).
He explained that this commercial property was purchased
some 2 or years ago by the Sunstrand Company and the plans
now were to develop a Planned Industrial Area and /or Park;
similar to the one he had developed in Orlando and called
Lake Holden. Also, another development of this kind called
Silver S t r on the north side near Fairvilla.
Mr.'Bartlett explained that these 19 acres were surveyed
and platted into 21 .lots in May of 1961. He submitted a plat
showing lo to run: 200 x 200' - 145 x 220' - 250 x 1.50'
and 225 x Further, that financing construction in one
of these Planned Industrial Area's is much easier and the area
is inviting because it is clean and the whole area is controlled.
There is only a 52% coverage of the property allowed. There is
no homestead exemption allowed, therefore, the City of Orlando
has put ten million dollars on their tax roll in the last 1.0
years. He quoted approximately $30,000 /acre for this type of
Mr.Barle.tt presented several plans of these areas now
in operation. The Building Inspector requested a copy of the
restrictions imposed on these planned industrial areas.
Mr.,Bartlett pointed out that property in the county and
adjacent to the city limits was now zoned M -1 (.industrial) and
would the city want to put homes in this area without a buffer
Z & P Commission
1/1.9/62 3
The Board told Mr. Bartlett that they would take the
matter under advisement.
The Board then went into their regular agenda and
executive discussions.
The ,San Clar Farms repla.t was presented for consideration.
Moved by Mr. Bush, seconded by Mr..Talley and carried that the
replat be accepted as presented.
Unde the discussion of the Humble Oil Company request,
it wa.s mov d by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried
that the.east zoning line in relation to this NE corner of French
& 19th be moved from 18th to 19th ;Street on the east side of
French to make it a C -1 zone, plus crossing over to Holly Avenue,
down Holly,to join with commercial at 22nd St.
Under discussion of West First Street, from Poplar Avenue
west to the city limits, it was moved by Mr. Harris, seconded
by Mr. Johnson that the zoning line on the south side of West
lst Street'be changed from R -2 to that of M -1 from the city
limits to Persimmon and continuing :east to include Ball Bros.
property; including that area running south from 1st St. and
Persimmon to the railroad tracks.
On the above motion to carry, the show of hands was:
S ...... for
3 against
Majority ruling. Motion carried to rezone the above
described area from an R -2 to that of industrial (M -1).
Under discussion of extending the R -1AA area, it was
moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr..Galloney and carried for
the extension from the railroad tracks south on Sanford to 20th
Street east on 20th aver to Hibiscus Court - running south
and extending line on down to take in the Wynnewood ,area.
Z & P Commission
I- Minutes
U 1/19/62 4
o_. During recommendations to change the afore - mentioned
Cb zoning boundary lines, the Building Official was revising the
zoning map accordingly.
0 Under discussion of further amendments to the zoning
rn. ordinance, it was moved by Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr. Johnson
and carried as follows;
1. 1 thru 17 . , G - H.
2 . Noted by Building Official to: Add under Section 5
in the M -1 zone the Off- Street Parking Ordinance.
3 . Page! 11 of the R -lA re conditional use of schools
and library ... not to be amended.
4. Moved by Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr. Harris and carried:
Page 19 .. C - area.: Item #37 change to:
Single and 2 family residences.
5. Page 20 ., C -2 Item (1) Except one and 2- family
^; dwellings ---- Leave as is.
6 . Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Karns and carried:
Page 21 .. M -1 Add: No one, two or multiple
family dwellings permitted.
Ld Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Karns and carried
that the fficial draw
g up, under the Off-Street Parking,
LU a loading and unloading requirement on private property for
comme.rcialibuildings of 3,000 sq. feet or larger.
� Moved by Mr. Bush, seconded by Mr. Harris and carried that
in the M- l;zone the .following requirement be inserted relating
0 to set back requirements:
Z & P Commission
That there shall be a 10 -foot side.lot
clearance.on each side and 15 feet on the rear,
except in such case where a railroad right -of -way
abuts on the rear side in which case said railroad
right -of -way shall constitute the required clearance
and 20 feet on the front.
It was agreed that any side the railroad right -of -way
abuts on i would constitute the required clearance.
The toff- street parking plan for the Humble Oil Co.
service station on the NE corner of 19th & French Avenue
was presented for consideration. It appeared that approxi-
mately 60; of the area was devoted to parking area.
Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Karns and carried
that the off - street parking area for this service station be
accepted as presented on the plan.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.