Regular Meeting - 8:00 P.M.
City Hall
May 3. 1962
Members present were Messers. McKibbin, Galloney,
Karns, Bush, and Lee. Also present were City Manager
Knowles a - Ad Assistant Building Official Lin Ri.sne.r.
Meeting called to order by Chairman McKibbin.
The Chairman reported that previous minutes dated;
March 30, 1961, April 6, 1961, May 4, 1961, July 6, 1961,
and Sept. 1961, were read and approved.
It was moved by Mr. Lee, seconded by Mr. Karns, and
carried that these minutes be accepted as read and approved
by the Chairman.
Mr. John A. Russell, property owner in the newly
annexed area of Rosalind Heights and /or the immediate area
of NW corner of Sanford Ave. and Onora Road, appeared before
the Board regarding the zoning of his property to the c,lAssi-
fication of residential R-]A.
The City Manager explained to the Board that Mr. Russell
and Mr. Kenneth Spaulding, representing the Ted Burnett Heirs'
property, had appeared before the City Commission at their
public hearing on April 23, 1962. Mr. Russell had requested
a lower zone to that of allowing multiple family units. Mr.
Spauldingiwas requesting commekcial zoning, but apparently on
speculation basis only. Therefore, the City Commission had
tabled this portion of the Board's recommendation until these
people could apptar before the Zoning and Planning Commission
for consideration of lowering the zoning of the R--1A area.
Mr. Russell explained to the Board that he has his residence
consisting of approximately 1,088 sq. feet, plus several rental
trailers on his property. However, he was contemplating on
moving the trailers out and constructing some small duplex
Z & P Commission
Minutes -r 5/3/62
units if,and when the zoning would permit.
The Russell property is on the west side of Magnolia
and the Heirs' property is on the east side of Magnolia and /or
park area.
The Board felt that it Mould not be advisable to have
property,of residential nature facing commercial across the
street, plus the factor that at this time, it would be more
feasible. _Ito back the multiple family zone up to the commercial
zone whicth fronts on Sanford Avenue.
Moved by Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr. Bush and carried
unanimously that their previous recommendation to the City
Commission regarding the R -IA area be amended to an R -2 zone
as follows:
That portion west of the utility easement
in Lot A, Block 4, and Lots 8 thru 12 of
Block 4 and Lots 7 thru 18, Block 6, all
in Rosalind Heights, and the park, be zoned
that of R -2 (one and two - family district).
The Chairman mentioned he had been approached outside
of the.Bgard Meeting by Mr. H. T. Rollins, former owner of
the.Hobby Shop at 2617 S. French Ave. Mr. Rollins owns two
to three vacant lots to the north of French at 17.92 -,.and
was checking regarding his recent operation of an Animal
Obedience.Club on his vacant property. Apparantly he had
applied for a city occupational license and had been denied
on the basis of the zoning.of C -1 did not provide for an
animal obedience school or kennels.
TheF Chairman asked the Board to render their opinion
on this type of trial operation, which is on a membership
basis, strictly a day -light operation, dogs kept on their
leashes majority of the time, dogs always accompanied by
their masters, and no dogs kept or housed at these premises.
Z & P Commission
Minutes + 5/3/62 3
After a lengthy discussion, the Board requested that
the City Manager check into the possibility of a license
under 11 Q ditional use" whereby the animals are not kept
there all day, only during the hours of schooling, and that
they would be kept on a leash.
Mrl Karns requested that a check be wade with the
Building jnspector regarding any information that he might
have obt ined from Panama. City as to the ,success of their
1957 ordnance on the restrictions applying to service
There being no further business, Mr..Karns moved for
adjournment, seconded by Mr. Lee and carried.
Secr. ry