Au ust 15, 1963 - Regular Meeting
City Commission Room - City Hall
Members present were: Messers. McKibbin, Davis, Karns, Harris,
and Wharton.
Also present were: City Manager Knowles and Building Official
Chairman McKibbin called the meeting to order.
Reading of the previous minutes was waived.
The Board held a Public Hearing on the rezoning application
of five property owners regarding TAT 1, ROBINSON'S SURVEY and /or
north of 11th Street and between Cedar Avenue and abandoned Atlantic
Coast Line main line R /RW from an M -1 industrial to that of R -5 one
and two - family dwelling district. Legal ad of hearing published
in Sanford Herald on 8/13/63.
Herbert Cherry represented the group of property owners and
stated that Willie and Beulah Jones wished to construct a home in
the area. Dwelling structures are not permitted to be:constructed
in an M -1 area under the present ordinance.
It was pointed out by Cherry that there
in this area whereby there is a 15 -foot easem
to have access into their property. However,
made to the Atlantic Coast Line f$ r e #eed of
along this area whereby a public /right -of -way
maintained by the city.
are existing homes
ant for the owners
a request was being
railroad right -of -way
could be open& .And
Persons present were not objecting to the rezoning as long as
an access was available to this new construction and there would be
no trespassing over their private property.
Mr. Harris mDved to recommend to the City Commission that all
of Lot 1, Robinson's Survey and including Lots 26 and 27 of A. D.
Steniford's be rezoned from an M -1 to an R -5 zone. Motion seconded
by Mr. Wharton and carried.
Lots 26 and 27 of A.D. Steniford's were included to take in
the triangle and round out the R -5 zone.
Z & P minutes
Page 2
A letter dated August 5, 1963, was read from Mr. and Mrs.
George Sires of 2631 French Avenue whereby they requested an
interview at the next meeting in order that they might discuss
discrepancies concerning their application for a day nursery
and which was denied.
Mr. and Mrs. Sires did not appear at the meeting.
The Board took under consideration an observation and
suggestion regarding the feasibility of lowering from an R -lAA
zoning to that of R -lA the.following area:
Bounded by 20th Street on the north
Grove Manor on the east
Railroad to the foot of Grandview .... and then
Across to Sanford Avenue ... and
On the south by the present R -1 north boundary
The thought behind the suggestion was that some of the
R -lAA area being in a muck land; plus, an area in question which
is bounded by Cooke Avenue, Clinton, Washington Street, and Glen -
way Drive.
Also at this time, and concerning this particular area,
a general discussion centered around the possibility of adding
another "permitted use" to the R -1A zone.
After a lengthy discussion, it was moved by Mr. Karns,
seconded by Mr. Wharton and carried that, the matter be tabled
until interested persons handle any rezoning by submission of
a formal written application.
The Board discussed the Capital Improvements as outlined
by the City Planner, George Simons, versus improvements completed
by the City to date. Some of the items mentioned are as follows:
1. Old county jail building renovated into a new
city police station.
2. Widening of 25th Street - from French Avenue west
to Old Lake Mary Road.
3. Widening of West First Street - from French Avenue west
4. Obtaining old post office on First Street for a
new Library.
5. City parking lot::(s) and including leased off- street
parking lots.
Z & P minutes
P. 3
6. New street name signs
7. New 20,000 lumen street lights
8. Sanford Ave. -.widening from First St. to 25th St.
Contempl but not yet active:
1. Fire station - a new central station with possibility
of a branch station to the south.
2. New city hall
3. New city repair shop
4. Major street improvements as follows:
a. 4th Street (to better serve the central
business district)
b . Celery Ave. and 13th St. - improve the jog
C . Seminole Blvd. — open up lake front east and
back around to tie into SR #415 at Cameron
Ave. with county participation.
County to promote the following streets
1. Hartwell and Onora - to serve the new high school
2. Persimmon Ave. and Southwest Road - widening of
3. Grapeville Ave. - extend south to connect up with
the new high school
4. Cameron Avenue - from Seminole Blvd. on lake front
eastward to Cameron Ave.; Cameron
extended southward to Pine Way;
Pine Way westward to old Orlando Road.
Under sign discussion relating to the public right -of -way,
the following recommendation was made:
Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Karns and carried
unanimously that: - Consistent with request of the Zoning and
Planning Commission that it consider the planning and beautification
of Sanford, we recommend that the City Commission adopt a policy
of the enforcement of the existing city ordinances prohibiting
signs on public property and .removal of existing signs on public
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Char n
Secre y