HomeMy WebLinkAbout12.19.63ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting - 8 :00 P.M. December 19 1963 City Commission Room - City Hall Members present were Messers. McKibbin, Harris, Bush, Smith, Karns, and Wharton. Also present was City Manager Knowles and Building Official Yelvington. Chairman McKibbin called the meeting to order. The reading of the previous minutes was waived. A Public Hearing was held regarding the application sub- mitted by Mr. Kenneth Slack for the rezoning of his property on the west side of Bay.Avenue, south from 2nd Street to 4th Street. The legal being: Lot 44 (less the northerly 125') of J.E. Pace's Subdivision of Block C of Mellonville. Lot size is approximately 200 x 370 -495' with the northerly 125' of this lot already zoned R -3. The proposed rezoning request was from R -2 one and two family dwelling district to that of R -3 multiple family district to allow the construction.of a nursing home, facing on Bay Avenue in a wing arrangement. Mr. Donald R. Graham, proposed purchaser and operator of the future home, presented preliminary plans to the Board whereby the construction would consist of 8,000 sq. feet at a cost of approximately $80,000; with 19 rooms and between 30 to 40 beds to start with. The above cost would not include the equipment. Mr. Graham emphasized -that, it would not a home for the mentally ill or the aged, but for patients just out from under a doctor's care and still requiring the attention of a registered nurse with the purpose of getting the patient on their feet in order that they might go home. Any senile patients would be kept under close.observation; price range would be $50 to $55 /week in a ward, with $60 to $65 /week for semi - private; physician on call in an advisory capacity; and no therapy unless as a doctor advised. Dr. Brooke Smith, board member, stated that there is a need in Sanford for a good nursing home with a continued high caliber of service. Several abutting property owners were present for the hearing and expressed themselves as to "no objection" for the rezoning for Z&P minutes 12/19/63 -2- the nursing home under the plan as outlined by Mr. Graham, plus approval of the home by the State Board of Health. Under discussion, the Board felt that since the northerly 125' of this property was presently zoned R -3, this would be extending the R -3 zone. It was moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Bush and carried that the following recommendation be made to the -City Commission: Lot -44 (less the northerly 125') of J. E. Pace's Subdivision of Block C of'Mellonville be rezoned from R -2 to R -3. Also, under this discussion of the nursing home, it was moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Dr. Smith and carried to include the following recommendation to the City Commission for their consideration: That as a separate city ordinance, the City of Sanford licensing ordinance be amended to include the requirement that for an occupational license for a nursing home, convalescent home, and home for the aged, they must also have certification by the State and a state license. It was called to the Board's attention through the City Attorney that consideration should be given to their overlooking in the R -3 zone the inclusion of ''certified public accountants ", as under their ethics they should be considered as a professional office. It was pointed out by letter from Dr. Tom Largen that he and Mr. Jack Greene are combining their co- operative efforts to construct a professional office building in an R -3 zone on Lots 9 thru 11 and Lots 24 and 25 (as one block) on the south side of East First Street between Lake View and Locust Avenue with offices for physicians, dentists, architects and certified public accountants. Under lengthy discussion, it was pointed out that this person, as a CPA, studies accounting for at least 3 years; serves as an apprentice for four years and then is certified only after a ridged examination. However, this was not to be misconstrued with insurance and real estate examinations. Z&P minutes 12/19/63 -3- The Board felt that under the interpretation of pro- fessional ethics, certified public accountants could have been overlooked. Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr. Wharton and carried that the Zoning Ordinance under the R -3 zone.be amended to include certified public accountants (see Page 18 - item 11) and so recommended to the City Commission. It was the consensus of opinion of the Board that, this is not to be misconstrued to include bookkeeping or accounting service. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Chairman Secretary