Regular Meeting - 8:00 P.M.
February 20 1964
City Commission Room - City Hall
Members present were Messers. McKibbin, Bush, Harris,
Karns, Davis, Lee, Smith and Wharton. Also present were
City Manager Knowles and Building Official Yelvington.
Meeting was called to order by Chairman McKibbin.
The Board authorized the Chairman to review the prior
minutes from July 18, 1963 to October 17, 1963, for acceptance.
A request for rezoning from R -lAA to R -1A and dated
February 20, 1964, was presented to the Board whereby Mr. Kay
Shoemaker of Shoemaker Construction Company proposed to construct
residences under the R -1A requirements in the area of:
North of 24th Street
East of the ACL R/R at Glenway Drive
South of Grove Manor and Cottage Hill Subdivisions
and West of Mellonville Avenue - and the Shoemaker
and the Bower homestead sites.
Mr. Shoemaker was not present. However, a proposed plot
plan of the area was submitted showing 16 lots with lot sizes
from 9,200, 9,500, 10,300 and up to 16,800 square feet and the
square footage of the homes from 1,574 up to 1,919'.
The main entrance into the subdivision would be off of
Glenway.'Drive, an unimproved street coming off of 20th Street.
It appeared from the proposed plan that a portion of 24th Street
would have to be vacated.
A lengthy discussion followed with several observations that,
this area, one of the two highest in zoning, again was being re-
quested for a lowering of the zoning whereby a private enterprise
wished to whittle the R -]AA down to gain approximately two more
homes by rezoning.
However, it was also realized by the Board that to the
south of this area are homes in the R -1 classification and in
all probability a buffer zone would be the answer. Some members
Z & P minutes
2/20/64 -2-
felt that zoning is not set up for private enterprises to make
• profit; they must realize a risk, and this was strictly not
• situation of hardship whereby rezoning could eventually down-
grade the abutting property in the R -lAA area.
It was moved by Mr. Bush, seconded by Mr. Karns and
carried that action.be deferred until the next meeting so that
the members could visit the area.
Mr. Harris suggested that it be recommended to Mr. Shoemaker
that he concentrate on another design of lot layout plan.
Due to newly annexation of property at the southwest corner
of Sanford Avenue and 27th Street (300' from 27th to 28th
- from Sanford Ave. 139' deep on the N 'k -- 189' deep on the
south k), it was moved by Mr. Karns, seconded by Mr. Harris
and carried to recommend the zoning of C -1 neighborhood - commercial.
Chairman McKibbin read a letter to the Board which was
written by him to the City Commission regarding the Simons Comprehensive
Study as to what is proposed for the future through this report
whereby consideration should be given.to it. The Board compli-
mented the Chairman on the letter as well- written.
The Board then discussed the matter of the Lee Mansfield
property at the end of Grandview Avenue as being permitted to
be used for nursery stock such as growing purposes in an R -lAA
zoning. Complaints had been registered as to his not being
required to put up a sight -proof fence in the area where his
heavy equipment is kept on the property in order that residents
to the rear would not have to face it from their rear yards.
The Board has been requested by the City Commission to
consider a rezoning or developing a new zone for areas such
as the muck areas whereby they could be used for growing of
nursery stock, etc.
A lengthy discussion followed with some controversy re-
garding such agricultural uses in the midst of high residential
zoning due to tractors, trucks, and farm labor coming and going
during early morning hours and creating noise and extra traffic.
Z&P minutes
2/20/64 -3-
Due to the above mentioned allowance of agricultural use
and the non - permitted existing operation of a child's day nursery
all i$ ha qga, it was moved by Mr. Bush to rezone the
area /eas off e L R/R ROW; on the west by the center line
of Lilly Court; on the north by 20th Street; on the south by
the would be center line of 24th Street if it were platted,
to a commercial- general zone of C -2. Motion seconded by
Mr. Wharton. Motion died for lack of a majority vote.
It was felt that this zoning recommendation could only
be made for the area from the city's sewer line east to Glenway
Drive. Mr. Davis' observation was that, this was not a problem
of the Zoning Board, but a responsibility of the City Commission
to enforce the zoning regulations.
Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Bush, seconded by
Mr. Harris and carried that the following recommendation be
made to the City Commission:
The Zoning and Planning Board respectfully
requests that the City Commission of the City of
Sanford take appropriate action to see to it that,
the Zoning Ordinance, adopted by the City Commission
on the recommendation of this Board, be upheld in
all details and respects, and in particular in so
far as one or more violations appear to exist in
the form of a nursery school and a commercial
shrub nursery operation in the area of Grandview
Avenue, south of 20th Street in an R -1AA zone.
The Chairman.mentioned to the Board that it had been
brought to his attention that, at the new post office building
on Palmetto Avenue, on the front, where grass cannot be main-
tained in the parkway area, there.has been a suggestion of the
city putting in angle parking.
The city manager told the Board that this grass maintenance
problem and the proposal of concreting this area had been dis-
cussed personally with the postmaster and they were familiar
with the City's policy. Also, that the angle parking proposal
was not recommended by the city at this time.
There being.no further business, the meeting adjourned.