c Regular Meeting - Thursday
May 21, 1964 - 8:00 P.M.
City Commission Room - City Hall
Members present were Messers. McKibbin, Bush, Harris, Smith
and Wharton. Also present were City Manager Knowles and Building
Official Risner.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman McKibbin.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was
A Public Hearing was held regarding the rezoning appli-
cation submitted by property owner V Williams, Sr., to
rezone Lots 1, 2, 3 and all (less E. 67' of S. 14' of Lot 4,
Blk 16, Tier 1 and less E. 67' of Lot 5, Blk 16, Tier 1)
described as that majority portion of the E k of block of
that property lying on the west side of Sanford Avenue between
14th and 15th Streets and between. Sanford and Palmetto Avenues.
Mr. Williams was not present at the meeting.
The request was to rezone from that of R -1 single family
to R -3 multiple family dwelling district to allow the proposed
construction of two (2) duplex structures that would be similar
to those existing at 11th and Park. The Board was told that
Mr. Williams had enjected at one time the idea also of an apart-
ment building with the possibility of a swimming pool for the
tenants. The property consists of 26,600 square feet.
Notice of the hearing was published in the Sanford Herald,
plus thirty property owners within 300 lineal feet of the property
under hearing being notified by individual letter.
Nine property owners within this immdediate area appeared
at the hearing.
Mr. Roy Wright, within the same block on the.west one -half,
objected on any lowering of the zoning.
Mr. Ted Williams, across the street on Sanford and Plumosa,
objected to any lowering of the zoning.
Mr. Smith on the corner of 15th and Palmetto objected to
lowering of the zoning.
Z & P minutes
May 21, 1964 2
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Mr. H. H. Lee of 510 E. 14th Street objected to lowering
of the zoning. Also Mr. Harrison, Mr. Swain and another un-
identified gentleman of this immediate area registered their
Moved by Mr. Mason Wharton, seconded by Mr. Art Harris
that the lowering of the zoning to R -3 multiple family be denied.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman McKibbin then asked the same abutting property
owners, still present, if they would object to the lowering
of the zoning from R -1 to R -2 one and two - family district for
duplexes. They also registered objection to any rezoning
to that of R -2.
Moved by Mr. Bush, seconded by Mr. Wharton and carried
to deny the request for recommendation for the rezoning of this
property from an R -1 to that of R -2 one and two - family dwelling
Further moved by.Dr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bush and
carried that, there be no recommended change in the zoning
of the property and that it remain an R -1 single family dwelling
Through a memo dated 5/19/64 from the City Manager's
Office, it was brought to the Board's attention that con-
sideration should be given to a rezoning from that of R -2
to R -5 regarding a problem with the land on the south side of
6th Street between Olive and Mangoustine and backing up to the
railroad involving Lots 1 thru b, Block 8, Tier 16.
After general discussion, it was moved by Mr. Harris,
seconded by Dr. Smith and carried that the following described
property be recommended to the City Commission for rezoning from
that of R -2 to R -5 and that they hold a public hearing on same
whereby the Zoning and Planning Commission had waived their
regulations on holding a public hearing: -
a . Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block
b. The north half of Tiers
and 20 all in Block 8
C4, The south half of Tiers
all in Block 7
8, Tier 14
15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19
16- 17 -18 -19 and 20,
1 ;
Z & P minutes
May 2 1, 1964 3
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The Board felt that they should have further individual
study on the proposed "agricultural use as a permitted use"
in all zones. Therefore, action was to consider it further
at the next regular meeting.
It was called to the Board's attention that regarding
the rezoning for the proposed subdivision for the area north
of E. 24th Street, west of Mellonville and east of Glenway
Drive that the City Commissions action was to re- advertise
for a public hearing on June 8th, to rezone all the area to
R -lA with the exception of three lots to the north and shown
on the proposed plat as Lots 4, 5 and 12, which would remain
as R -lAA zoning.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.