September 1 5, 1955•
Members present: Robert S. Brown, Chairman
A. L. Collins
A. W. Lee, Jr.
Clifford Mcgibbin
Alfred Stanley
A. L. Wilson
James Wright
Members absent: Karlyle Housholder
Thomas A. Vaughn
Others present: W. E. Knowles, City Manager
John M. Gillon, Bldg. Inspector
Chairman Brown called meeting to order.
Mr. William Bush, Jr. appeared before the board in behalf of his
letter of request dated August 29, 1955•
Mr. Bush's letter wag in reference to property owned by him; location
being the northeast corner of Sanford and Geneva Avenues and con-
sisting of Lots 12 to 21 and 34 to 43, South Park Sub - division.
At present the two corner lots, 20 and 21, are zoned 0-1 (commercial)
and the rest are in an R -1 zone.
Mr. Bush proposed a zoning change in the lots zoned as R -1 as this
location is potentially important as a commercial area, due to the
Increasing population nearby, and Naval traffic through the inter-
section. Mr. Bush felt that with just the two lots being zoned
commercially, it could eventually become a detriment to this corner
in the way of an unrestricted business creating a nuisance in the
way of parking and noise. He had in mind a larger, more attractive
restricted commercial retail area provided with off -- street parking
facilities. Possibly, a super market in the center with offices
or shops, such as barber shop, beauty shop, real estate office,
drug store, seed store, etc. on both sides.
The board then went into a general discussion as to the potentialities
of this location as a neighborhood shopping center.
Mr. Collins suggested that if a zoning change is made in this area,
that the division be made according to areas and not streets, and
that a larger area than requested be considered; possibly, five (5)
lots south of 25th and 1i blocks east of Sanford Avenue and north
to 24th Place. The zone line would be along the alley, thus creating
a buffer zone since this area is a low spot and would create a natural
barrier. It was also felt that the commercial zone should not face
the residential sections if at all possible.
In the discussion, pro and con, some ,felt that as far as super markets
were concefned, the city is not shy on them at the present with the
Food Mart and Wade's Super X being in this area. Also, that with
the completion of French Avenue into a 4-lane highway, this would
be the main artery of traverse and possibly retail businesses would
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September 15, 1 955
Page 2 '
be springing up in the immediate area. However, the question arose
as to whether or not the public would prefer to shop in an area
that will involve much traffic. Some of the board members felt
that instead of retail businesses springing up, there would be more
development toward wholesale and warehouses, instead of super market
Mr. Wright's feeling was that if certain sections are continually
going to be re -zoned so that a neighborhood shopping center can be
placed therein, the residents' property in this immediate vioinity
Is going to be considered or classified as a 3rd rate residential
As final discussion narrowed down, it was felt by all members present
that this re- zoning request should be tabled for the time being and
discussed at several more meetings before any final action is voted
Regarding the above request, Mr. Brown read a letter addressed to
the Planning Board from Karlyle Housholder, regular member of the
board, but due to other obligations could not be present at this
meeting. In this letter Mr. Housholder stated that if any action
were taken on the re zoning of Mr. Bush's property, he wished to
cast a proxy vote in favor of the re- zoning.
Minutes of June 16th, July 21st, and August 18th, 1955, were read
and approved.
Mr. Gut's letter of resignation was read by Chairman Brown and the
board accepted it with much regret. It was suggested that a letter
with expression of appreciation be sent to Mr. Gut for his time,
effort, and knowledge that he has given so much of to this particular
Letter of appointment was read to the board, whereby Mr. Clifford
MaKibbin has been appointed to fill the vacancy created by Mr. Gut's
resignation. Mr. MaKibbin, who is no stranger to the municipal
group, was welcomed by attending members.
At this time, it was noted that Mr. Vaughn had missed approximately
the last 6 meetings of the board and it was felt that a letter should
be addressed to him calling this to his attention. It was felt that
a constant absentee works a hardship on the other members.
It was decided that at the next regular meeting in October, the
duplex problems would be brought up again with regards to the definition
of a duplex and the floor area requirements.
September 15, 1955 -- Page 3
There was a short discussion regarding the widening of the com-
mercial area on French Avenue, to the fact that the original
commercial re-zoning on French has been somewhat affected with
the four- laning project. However, this was tabled for future
discussion and action.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned.
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