Minutes of "Special Meeting", Thursday,
February 2, 1956, City Hall,
Sanford, Florida
Members present: Robert S. Brown, Chairman
A. L. Collins
Clifford McKibbin
A. W. Lee, Jr.
Alfred Stanley
A. L. Wilson
Jimmy Wright
Members absent: Karlyle Housholder
Howard Faville
Others present: W. E. Knowles, City Manager
John M. Gillon, Bldg. Inspector
Clyde Robertson
Homer Osborne
Gordon Brisson
W. J. Garnett
Meeting called to order by Chairman Brown.
Mr. Ruprecht Strickland came before the board with a petition signed
by property owners on Laurel and Elm Avenues, in the area from 8th
to 10t11 Streets. This petition was in conjunction with the removal
of the Youth Center building on 9th & Laurel; construction of a new
Gas & Appliance Company on this site, and the re— zoning of this area
from residential to commercial.
Mr. Strickland stated that a party by the name of Lewis did not sign
the petition, but stated he would not protest before the City Commission.
Mr. Robertson stated that a Mrs. Albritton had called him at his home
and told him that she was very much in favor of the old building being
torn down.
Mr. Brown then called for opinions of each individual board member.
Mr. Collins stated that the building has been a "white elephant ",
but thought the board was endeavoring to re —zone for one person.
Mr. Wright had the same feeling or opinion as Mr. Collins, and
also added that he felt that the city had enough commercial
area. already.
Mr. McKibbin stated that French Avenue will be a fluid area and
It seems that conservation of property values is the one concern
of the board. People can always build a resident building in a
commercial area if the area is appealing enough. The city should
not have this derelict building if there is a change of getting
rid of it. In favor of this re— zoning.
Mr. Lee was of the opinion that the commercial zo es should be
kept together, and not spread them out all over t town.
P & Z Commission
February 2, 195
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Mr. Stanley stated that he would go along with Mr. Collins
and Mr. Wright's opinion.
Mr. Wilson stated that the city would be better off from a
tax standpoint to have it zoned comercially and recommended
that it be so re- zoned.
Mr. Brown was opposed because he felt that this request
was in affect spot zoning.
Mr. McKibbin further stated and pointed out that it was not as
if it were a black spot on an area of white, but actually the
widening of a commercial area. Further, we do not know how the
town, as far as the futurq,will grow, therefore, we must try to
zone along with the requests of interested persons or businesses.
Mr. Brown expressed the opinion that until the expansion from
French Avenue actually arrives, this board should wait and see
in which direction the trend will be going.
Mr. Knowles then spoke up with more -or -less of a pep talk to
the board members. His statement was that he did not quite
understand the board's definition of "spot zoning ". He went
on to state that the board's feet were somewhat dragging -
yes, in one way you are to be commended for the work you are
doing, including the off. - street parking ordinance, but with
the re- zoning of French Avenue gust one lot in depth, on both
sides, and the state taking its right -of -way, most commercial
buildings can not construct on a lot of 105 to 110 feet in depth
and still put in an off - street parking lot. You also sit as a
planning board, and must therefore, go further with your com-
mercial zoning in this or any other main artery district. Plan
ahead, don't wait for the area to start growing and then zone it.
Mr. McKibbin then moved that property bounded on the south by 10th
Street and bounded on the north by 8th Street, on.the west by Laurel
Avenue and on the east by the alley between Laurel and Elm Avenues
be re -zoned to a C--1 district.
Motion seconded by Mr. Wilson. Roll call vote was as follows:
For - Wilson and McKibbin
Against - Brown, Collins, Lee, Wright and Stanley
Mr. W. J. Garnett, Sr., appeared as a representative for property
owners in regards to Lots 289 thru 315 on the east side of Oak
Avenue in the Second Section of Dreamwold. The request was to
re -zone this property to commercial in order that a shopping
center could be established and still provide an off -- street parking
P & z
February 2, 1956
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Mr. Garnett was informed that the board would like an opportunity
to look over the property in question, and further would like
some concrete evidence that if re -zoned a shopping center would
be constructed in this area.
Mr. MaKibbin mentioned that the board needed a land -use map very
badly; expecially in conjunction with the request presented by
Mr. Garnett and in future cases that will be coming up.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned.
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