Regular Meeting
June 20, 1957
Members present were: Messers. Brown, Collins, Karns, Morgan,
and Lee. Also present were Building Inspector Yelvington and City
Manager Knowles.
Mr. Brown opened the meeting and the reading of the minutes of
the previous meeting was dispensed with.
The City Manager informed the Commission that the City Attorney
was unable to be present to discuss airport zoning, but that he had
obtained a copy of the County enabling act. The Attorney will be present
at the next meeting with suggestions on the establishment of the re-
quested regulations.
The Commission discussed the budget request for the coming fiscal
year. The request is for $8,600.00, with $8,000.00 for a planning con-
sultant and work, plus $600.00 for aerial photographs of the entire City.
Mr. Morgan moved that this request be submitted to the City Manager.
It was seconded by Mr. Karns and passed.
After a very brief discussion, Mr. Lee moved that the City Com-
mission be requested to make a joint request with the Zoning and Planning
to the County for the fringe area around Sanford for approximately 3/4
of a mile be zoned. Seconded by Mr. Morgan and passed.
A lengthy discussion was held on proposed zoning for any fringe
area that may be annexed to the City of Sanford. The results are as
East side
a. Lake front to 8t Street -- R -lAA
b. 8t Street to Celery Avenue -- R -lA
c. Celery Avenue to 20&b Street -- R -1
d. 206 Street to 252 Street -- R -1A
South side
a. West boundary of Air Station to the alley between Park
and Magnolia Avenue - R -1. This was further discussed
as a possible area for airport zoning in the future and
also that there is a commercial area growing up at 272
and Sanford Avenue to be considered.
b. From the alley between Park and
Avenue - R -1A
c. Both sides of the Orlando Drive
d. West of Orlando Drive and north
on the west by the old Atlantic
R -1
Magnolia Avenues to French
to be C -1
to 20% Street and bounded
Coast Line right -of -way -
Z & P Commission
June 20, 1957
Page 2
West side
a. West of the old Atlantic Coast Line right -of -way to
the existing railroad tracks and Dixie Way as far
north as McCracken Road - R-4
b. West of the existing railroad tracks and Dixie Wasp
and north to McCracken Road - R -3
c. McCracken Road north to the railroad tracks at 52
Street to Rands Crossing - C -2
d. Railroad tracks at 5% Street to Rands Crossing north
to West First Street - R -lA
e. forth of West First Street to the lake front - R1 -AA
The Commission discussed that section of the ordinance
limiting garages to two cars. Because of the growing use of
boats, etc., it was requested that the City Commission consider
removing this limiting restriction in the Zoning Ordinance.
c d
Mr. Morgan moved to adjourn.
and passed.
It was seconded by Mr. Karns