HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.05.57 SpecialSpecial Meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission -- July 5, 1957 Present Were: Messers. Brown., Karns, Mcgibbin, Tally, Morgan, Lee, and Collins. Also present were: Building Inspector Yelvington City Manager Knowles, William Kirk, Yolie Williams, Sr., and William m Kratzert. Chairman Brown called the meeting to order and welcomed the new member, Mr. Bud Tally. Discussion was begun on the request of Mr. Kirk's to rezone Lots 7 -16, 23 -32, and 37-48, all in Pine Heights, to a 0-1 zone. Mr. Kirk stated that five national concerns were interested in leasing the property for a shopping area. Mr. McKibbin asked what they intended to do -with the property on Oak Avenue and Mr. Kirk said that it would be for residential use. This area is Lots 7 -16 of the above described property.. Mr. McKibbin moved that a recommendation be submitted to the City Commission to rezone Lots 30, 31 32 46 47, and 48 to C -1 and Lots 23--29 and 37-45 to C -N. Seconded by Mr. Morgan. Mr. Kratzert entered a protest against such rezoning due to the fact he lives at 242 and Park Avenue and does not want the property to be commercial with all the truck traffic and noise. He stated that he bought residential property in a residential neighborhood for his home and that it should be protected. Mr. Uollins expressed himself as being in favor of a commercial area around 252 and Park Avenue and he realized that it may hurt a few people, but that it would help a great many. On a question from Mr. Brown, Mr. Kratzert agreed that a shopping area would be better than a jungle. His concern, however, was that there was no assurance that there would be a shopping area put on this property. The question was called for and the motion passed with Mr. Lee voting "no ". Mr. McKibbin moved that a recommendation be made to the City Com- mission to amend the Zoning Ordinance to exclude open air or curb service fruit and vegetable markets from any C -N zone. Seconded by Mr. Collins and passed. Upon learning that Mr. Housholder was resigning to work with the County Airport Zoning Commission, it was suggested that Mr. C. W. Johnson and Mr. Ralph Pezold be submitted to the City Commission for appointment. Mr. Lee moved that Mr. McKibbin read the minutes of the previous meetings and report to the Commission for their adoption. Seconded by Mr. Morgan and passed. Z & P Commission "Minutes" Special Meeting - July 5, 1957 - 2 - There being no further business, Cdr. Morgan moved they adjourn. Seconded by Cdr. McXibbin and passed. S Chairman Eq