HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.15.57ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 15, 1957 8:00 P.M. City Hall, City Commission Room Members present were: Messers. Brown, Talley, Morgan, Lee, Johnson, Karns and McKibbin. Also present was Building Inspector Yelvington. Meeting called to order by Chairman Brown. Minutes of August 1, 1957 were approved as read. Mr. McKibbin then brought up a general discussion centered around the off - street parking ordinance which was adopted in August, 1 955• The discussion fringed on two particular commercial sites in the down- town area; one being the proposed building site of Bill Kirk on Com- mercial and Hood Avenues and the second being the building formerly occupied by Henry Russell at the northwest corner of First Street and Park Avenue. Mr. McKibbin mentioned that the City of Orlando had eliminated the requirements for off- street parking in the central business district. The discussion continued in length, referring mainly to the Sub- section 5, (Page 8), of the off -- street parking ordinance. It was felt by many of the members that due to the older, non - conforming buildings in the immediate downtown area, it might be well to extend the 800 feet requirement. Suggestions varied from 1,000 - 1,200 - and 1,500 feet within a municipal parking lot for the central business district. Chairman Brown stated that he felt the city badly needed an off - street parking lot just off of Sanford Avenue. Cdr. Karns suggested the removing of the restriction of off - street parking for the immediate, already established downtown area and let the parking meters take care of the parking situation. Mr. McKibbin then moved that recommendation be forwarded to the City Commission that the 800 feet as stated in the off - street parking ordinance be extended to 1,000 feet and as a companion measure pave 41 Street Park for off - street parking facilities. Suggestion was also made in regards to the city property to the east of Cordell's Garage for possible off -- street parking facilities to take care of the traffic flowing to the east. Due to no action taken on his original recommendation, Mr. McKibbin moved that the Zoning and Planning Commission recommend to the City Com- mission that the off- street parking ordinance be amended with respect to distance from a parking generator to a public or private parking facility to 1,000 feet, and that the city take steps to provide additional public parking facilities in the vicinity of the 4a Street and Park Avenue public park. Motion seconded by Mr. Lee and carried unanimously. Z & P Minutes August 15, 1957 - 2 - Building Inspector Yelvington then brought to the board's attention that in the immediate downtown section, particular area of the alley behind the "clinic" and the Edwards Building was zoned C -2 (industrial) and that a party had been into his office regarding a placing of an auto wrecking business, primarily a used auto parts business, on the property of the Atlantic Coast Line at Commercial Avenue and'the ex- tension of Railroad Avenue. Mr. Mcxibbin moved that under the powers of interpretation by this board and under the city zoning ordinance, this commission interpret and make a determination that junk dealers and auto wrecking operations are not permitted in a C -2 district. Motion seconded by Mr. Lee and carried. Mr. Yelvington suggested to the board members that it might be best to adopt a ruling that under certain classification of zones that the Building Inspector's Department have the authority to restrict certain businesses to within a definite footage of the downtown area. The board members were very much in favor of this suggestion. There being no further business, Mr. Mcgibbin moved for adjourn- ment. Motion seconded by Mr. Morgan and carried. a Jvrxlk_� C hairman