Regular Meeting
January 16 1958
(9s30 P.A.)
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Members present were Massaro. MoKibbin, Harris, Johnson,
Collins, Lee, Saran, Faville, Morgan, and Talley.
Also present were Building Inspector Telvingtoa and City
Manager Knowles.
The first part of the evening was spent as an informal,
g oint meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board and the City
ommission to interview Mr. Sydney Carter of Augusta, Georgia,
for a City Planner for the City of Sanford.
After hearing the qualifications of Mr. Carter and his
proposed outline for city planning, the Zoning and Planning
Board then took up their immediate business at hand.
Chairman McSibbia caallgd. the meeting to order.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was
dispensed with upon request of Chairman Nalibbia.
The request of the Florida Power & Light Company to re-
zone Lots 33 through 38, Block 1, Pals Terrace, from an R -1
zone to a 0-1 was then discussed with Mr. Harry Canell, repre-
sentative of the Florida Power & Light Company. Mr. Canell
stated to the members than this site would facilitate the company
to construct a power sub- station, due to the fact that present
facilities are now at capacity load. Also, the above mentioned
location is readily accessible to their high line on 25e Street.
It was also mentioned that any noise would be of low -level and
there would be lights at night only in the sub - station itself.
Mr. Morgan moved that Lots 30 through,38, Block 1, Pals
Terrace be rezoned as requested. Motion seconded by Mr. Johnson
and carried.
Chairman MaSibbin then announced that the floor was open
for nominations to fill the vacancy of Vice- Chairman. Mr. Lee
nominated Howard Faville for the position of vice - chairman.
Mr. Collins moved that nominations be closed. Motion seconded
by Art Harris. Mr. Faville was elected unanimously as Vice- -
Chairman to the Zoning and Planning Commission.
Prompted by a request to use the dwelling for multiple family
use at 801 Magnolia Avenue, and after viewing the immediate area,
City Manager Knowles requested the board members to consider the
rezoning from 8 -1 to R -2 of that area between 76'and 9e Streets,
on both sides of Magnolia and Palmetto Avenues. It was also
stated that Mr. Volie Williams, Sr., a resident in the immediate
neighborhood, had voiced his opinion in favor of the rezoning
due to the fact that the proposed buyer wanted to improve the
Z & P Regular Meeting
January 16, 1958
property by repairs and make it am asset to the neighborhood.
The majority of the members expressed their opinion that,
before any rezoning action was taken, they preferred to visit
the area. Therefor, action was deferred on this request.
A leughty discussion was them held in regards to a possible
future sane and a zoning ordinance thereof which would allow
trailer parks to be placed inside the city limits, and specific
provisions for this type of operation. Mr. Morgan moved that
action on this problem be deferred until the next regular meeting
so that each member could give more thought to it. Motion seconded
by Mr. &erns and carried.
It was brought to tie board.;,.6 attention thtV the south side
of Celery Avenue, east Of Mellonville Avenue, presently zoned
as C -1, but is not being utilited." commercial property. Therefor,
would the members want to consider up- zoning this property and thus
encourage property owners to improve their property?
After some discussion regarding the different structures in
this locale, Mr. Paville moved for the recommending to the City
Commission to rezone from C-1 to as R -1 zone that area on the
south side of Celery Avenge, from Locust Avenue east to Velleaville
Avenue. Motion seconded by Art.Harris and carried unanimously.
❑ Building Inspector T61vington referred to a request from a
Ix Mr. R. Fulper, 803 Santa Barbara Drive to place an auto wrecking
d establishment inside the city limits in a non - specified C -2
❑ district; also, while considering this request, would the board
Q wish to make specific provisions in the Zoning Ordinance regu-
�, latimg auto wreaking or junk yards?
The lengthy discussion lead Mr. Harris to move that this
specific request, at the board's discretion, be denied pending
further thought on the matter. Motion seconded by Mr. Talley
and carried.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned by
the Chairman.
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