Regular Meeting
Thursday, February 20, 1958
Members present were Messers. McKibbin,- Collins, Karns
Talley, Faville, Morgan, and Lee. Also present were Building
Inspector Yelvington and City Manager Knowles.
Mr. McKibbin called the meeting to order. The minutes of
January 161k and February 69i, 1958 were read and approved.
The request of Mr. J. L. Perkins in regards to the re-
zoning of Lots 2 through 6. Block 3, Dreamwold., 2nd Section,
from an R -1 to R -2 for the Church of God in Prophecy was dis-
Due to the fact that this action would downgrade the
surrounding residential property, Mr. Faville moved that the
request be denied. Seconded by Mr. Talley and passed.
A lengthy discussion was then held on the passible areas
for duplexes and the needed regulations to govern such use.
A rough draft of proposed regulations was submitted by Mr.
McKibbin and studied by all the board. members.
Mr. Faville moved that any action on the matter of duplexes
be postponed until the next meeting so that all the meibers
could consider the proposals throughly. Seconded by Mr. Lee
and passed.
Mr. Xcgibbin informed the Commission that Mr. Collins would
be leaving them soon due to his being transferred as of April 1,
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
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