HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.03.58Z0sraa AND PLMM CMWSSIO8 Regular Meeting April a, 1958 7s30 P.Y. Members present were Yesserst Ne ibbim, =arria, Talley, faville Yorpia, Lee, Johnson, and Urns, Also present was City Namager Xsawlsae Chairman NeXibbia Galled the meeting to order, and requested that the reading of the previous simutes be waivered at this tim Yrse Iaara B Osier of Osier Realty CvmpuWo appeared ii behalf of "bar written request to resone Loot 13 and the te xb feet of Lot 24 Block S® 8eeoad Section San lea Sub- divisi6at being the soatlorest corner of Yellcstrille Avenue and Eosalia Drive. Drs Arthur Be Corey, a specialist is Gynecology and Obststries,' Just arriving in Sauford to practice, wished to utilise the eatir4 former residential strabture as a doctor'* offieee Is bad stated toT ; osier that the building, as it now exists, would fit his seed perfectly, and tbat'he would mot alter the residential oharaoter of the straoturei plus providing the required off- street parking area on the property Yrso Osier stated that there is a 108 foot frontage our Nellonville Avemae; 131 foot on Rosalie, Drive and 96 feet across tie buskin which to place approximately a 4-aur space for off- street parkiag. 'Also, that this request was being submitted on the basis that this strasture, not toot long age, had boom used as am office by gay Shoemaker of Osisr-Wellsr Aomess Hanover, Yore inowles ezplainad to the board nembere the fact that under building or construstion of hosoo the ooatractsa is permitted to maintain his office an the building sits, and thus this straeture at this location. was so used for a =mber of years, Mrs Yslibbim felt that this one particular structures as so ooastrasted, Gould be used to a better advaatage as a days -time office retbor than as a residenoee It was also brought to everyozWo attention that under the present 1 -1 some, 8 of the floor area is a residemoe could be used for an office or to resonme this one particular property to as 3-2 none, which allows GlWcs and hospitals, would, is a liberal sense, be in keeping with the planned use of the property rather than lower it to a oamisroial sours. Therefore, Mrs IIsrris moved for recommendation to the City Commiati m that the above described property be rezoned frost an B•l to as 24 zone and that the City Attorney so Tale if legale Notion. seconded by Kra Faville and carried unamimouslye The next item for dissuasion was the previous deferred "air port sbaimg" Sins Cbairmaa MaEibbia is also serving as a member of the County Airport Eoaing Committee, he gave a short resume as to the restricted areas being considered and possibly designated by the county as hazard areas= - east of Sanford Avenue out to labs Jessup= south of Onwa 84ad, and south of 27 -92e E A P Ni>utes Page -2� April a, 1958 Nr. NeXibbin mentioned that the runways am in wdstenoe at Us air base consist of 81000 feet with two 1,000 feet ran -off extensioust making a total of 10,000 feet. So far the immediate areas of the 1 feet of its north, month, and east - rest runways are being designated as restricted areas. Mrs NeXibbia thought that same consiOration should be gives to the area north of the east -went runway, from 28th Street, the city limits line, north to about Nth Pkaee. The ' center line of the east-west runway appears to ran about 95 feet south of Mrs Dewitt Hunter's horns• It was felt that nothing could be done about the existing buildings that are now there, but the houses that continue to develop is the immediate area of the Air Station will slowly drive the 'Air Station out of this vicinity when a eat-bask is ordered by Washington@ Mr. Volibbin said that so far, the County is considering the following restrietiens on density of building site areas in the hazard &roast l house per acre in the more dangerous areas, and 1 house per' acre in the less dangerous areas. Nre larris, with Odham * Tudor, mentioned that *heir policy regarding the abare was 3 and 1/8 house per acre. The board was in accord that there definitely should be some type of county zoning regarding the =oval Air Station area. Nr. Johnson moved that we table the matter for final action for the time being, until the April 8th hearing as county zoning is h*ld and see what areas they designate and the type of - regulations they adept before the city' takes any final action. However, Nr. Johnson ale* mowed that in conclusions @long with the desire that we wish to oo- operate, the following motion be adopted: "The Zoning gad planning Commission of the City Sanford eoaearrs . with the County's concern for the robed for airport zoning and deferes the amt or for further Individual study, sins* at ,, this time the scanty problem is more about* than the city's regarding the Air Station take -offs and landings: Notion was seconded by Art Barris and carried unanimously. City Nanager Knowles told the board that ]Mayor Warner had requested fiat the members give some consideration to the Sanford AT*=* trafris situation= the oommeroial area in particular from let Street to 8th Street* A lengthy discussion followed regarding the above congested situationo lire larris said that he was is favor of ooaverting Bamford Avenue into a ons- way street going north - (toswards the downtown mad Plalmetto Avenue a one-way street going south. Y: NeEibbi.n suggested that parking be allowed only on one side of the street* Nr. Faville felt that wide trucks should not be allowed to park on the street in the immediate downtown area. One suggestiea "was four - way traffic lights at saoh'interseetion or evory other intersection would tend to alter - the route of persons in a harry to got 'to the dewstowa business distri t. Nre Lee the widening of Bamford ATSnae in the senoereial distriet. However, the City Manager informed the board that the approximate Z A P Yinuteq Pap a April a, 1958 east to widen 6 block @ would be from $9 to • #10,000• Whem widening any street there is the relocation of all atilities, plus street lights, and in this ease the merchants would have to tabs down their wide margasese. The idea of one or two off-street parkcimg lots was suggested saneehsrs in the vioinity from 1st to 8th Street an Sanford Avows and eliminate therein" parking on both sides of Safford Atoms possibly from lot to 5th Streets, or to 8th Street However, the problem on this is that there are no available lots in the preferred area* It was felt that after July of 1968 possibly all suggestions would be going to the engineer of the City Planning Division and he would is turn present them to the City Commission regarding the problem on Sanford Avemse * In referring to oongested situations, Mrs Favills wished to go on record as reesim nding for father consideration *at the traffie flowing from the east -west alley at the side of Sader*s Jewehery Store eato Parks leemae be allowed to Hake a right hand tars only Regarding the above Sanford Mamas situation, Mrs Art Farris coved that the following resommendation be submitted to the City Commissions That Sanford Aveme be made a one -nmy street for traffie flowing to the north, and Pklsotto Aware mad* a om-gmy street for traffic flowing to the soathl both streets to be made one-4ny from lit to 9th and 9th to lot. Motion seconded by Xre Faville and carried* Ice to the feet that Mrs Ye Le ftbora, Jre could not aeeept his official appointment to the vacancy am the Zoning and Planning Ve®ission, it was recommended that the muss of George Am rew Speer and Ralph Mold be re- submitted to the City Commission for the appointmmat of one* There being no further business, Wre 'Norgaa saved for ad joarmeente Notion seoonded by Art Eaarris and oarriede irmaa