Regular Meeting - October 2, 1958
7 :30 p.m. - City Commission Room, City Hall
Members present were Messers. McKibbin, Harris, Lee, Dorgan,
Johnson, and Talley. Also present were City Manager Knowles and
Building Inspector Yelvington.
Minutes of July 17, 1958, were read and approved.
Minutes of August 21, 1958, were read and approved.
Chairman McKibbin told the members of the board that the re-
zoning matter involved in regards to Mr. Robert McKee's property
in Block 9, Highland Park Sub - division, to a C -1 area was not a
problem for the Zoning and Planning Commission as previously
thought. It appeared that the area in question had previously
been recommended for rezoning to the City Commission, but had
been had been tabled by them. Therefor, based upon a ligitimate
request for rezoning, plus the fact that it would make a more
uniform zoning, the City Attorney would be requested to prepare.
the proper ordinance.
Through a request to the City Commission, the Zoning and
Planning Commission had been requested to give consideration to
the rezoning of Block 6, Tier. 13, E.R. Trafford's map of the City
of Sanford, from an R -1X to a C -2 zone. This commercial zone would
facilitate a proposed plant for the Pierro Manufacturing Company,
as they are in the process of finding new quarters.
In considering the above area, Chairman McKibbin suggested
that consideration also be given for the inclusion of the area
from 3rd Street to 6% Street, east of Pecan Avenue to the laundry.
Upon discussing the area and the fact that it would be better
encouragement for the financing of an industry if the property
were zoned properly, Mr. Harris moved that Block 6, Tier 13, be
rezoned from R -1X to a C -2 zone; this being the area - --
bounded on the N. by West 4m Street; on the S. by West 5 2 Street;
on the E. by Poplar Avenue, and on the W. by Pecan Avenue.
Motion seconded by Cdr. Lee. Motion carried unanimously.
It was felt by the majority of the members that the other
suggested area for rezoning to a C -2 should remain as zoned for
the present time, on the basis of the future development of industry
in Block 6.
Chairman McKibbin asked the board members if they wished to
make any recommendation at this time for the rezoning, to its
original status, the area previously mentioned in the minutes of
September 18, 1958, regarding the area that the "Food Fair Stores"
did not develop. It was the consensus of the board that the area
remain a commercial zone for the present.
Z & P "minutes"
October 2, 1958
- 2 -
Mr. Yelvington then brought to the board's attention the off -
street parking requirements for Mr. McKee's commercial property on
the S.E. corner of French Avenue and Katherine Court. This is a
proposed grocery business, operating approximately 7:00 a.m. to
midnight, 7 -days per week.
Viewing the proposed plans, and figuring on the basis of the
building area being 60 x 112 with the structure being 42 x 71 -1/3',
and figuring 300 sq. foot per car, Mr. Harris moved that at least
18 off - street parking spaces be provided. Motion seconded by
Mr. Morgan and carried.
In reviewing the off - street parking ordinance and its require-
ments, the board members felt that it appeared to be working to a
fair advantage for the applicant and the city, plus eliminating much
parking on the streets.
In discussing off - street parking lots and off - street parkin g
in general, Chairman M c Xi bbin suggested that Mr. Yelvington con -
tact towns in Florida, similar to our population, and to include
Orlando, regarding their off - street parking ordinance as to the
way it is enforced in the central business areas and other localities;
how their off - street parking lots are financed (if possibly through
a bond issue); if meters are used; and if their authority is working
Chairman McKibbin thought that the board members would be in-
terested in the information compiled from the different locales
for comparison with the City of Sanford's standards.
There being no other business before the board, Mr. Harris
moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Mr. Talley and carried.
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