Regular Meeting - 7 :30 P.M.
City Commission Room
City Hall
November 6, 12�8
3� arns ,
Members present were: Messers. McXibbin, Lee, Morgan, Talley,/
Johnson, Faville, and Harris. Also present were City Manager Knowles
and Building Inspector Yelvington.
Chairman McKibbin called the meeting to order.
Minutes of the October 16, 1958, meeting were read and stood
Due to a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harrison re-
garding their previous request to rezone Lots 7, 8 9, and 10,
Block 15, Tier 1, to an R -2 zone, and which had previously been
denied by the board, the board then went into a discussion and
review of the area from Park Avenue east to Cypress Avenue, from
13% Street to 14% Street. This review was regarding the approximate
number of houses being used as apartment houses, with the inclusion
of garage apartments, commercial establishments, one - family resi-
dences, etc., in the above mentioned area.
Mr. Morgan moved that in all fairness that action be deferred
and an actual survey be made and the report submitted to the board
for further study before any recommendations were made to the City
Commission for the rezoning to a multiple family zone. Motion
seconded by Mr. Faville and carried.
Mr. Yelvington reported that, to date, he had not received
enough off - street parking reports from other cities to render a
substantial overall report.
Mr. McKibbin stated that he had recently acquired from the
Zoning Director in Orlando a copy of their ordinance for off - street
parking requirements, and had noted particularly the fact that, --
no off - street parking spaces are required in their Central Business
District. He stated that in his opinion that: "Private parking
is best for customers or employees ".
Mr. Yelvington then submitted to the board proposed changes
in the Zoning Ordinance with reference to Paragraph 1, Section 5,
and Paragraph E. Section 7. Mr. Yelvington referred to this pro-
posal as a "stop -gap measure" for the present time until the city's
planner arrives and takes over the job of revising our present zoning
ordinance. He went on to explain to the board that many property
owners are restricted from making additions because prior to the
adoption of the zoning ordinance many homes were built close to
the street; in some instances there might be a setback of only
10 to 12' from the front property line. Therefore, single family
districts cannot make any additions, unless authorized by the
Board of Adjustment through a variance.
Z & P "minutes"
November 6, 1958
He then explained to the board that, however, in relation
to the non- conforming 10 or 12' front yard, or even a 20' front
yard, the property owner may have a 70' rear yard, but with side
yards of 4' on one side and 10' on the opposite side. Therefore,
the public or applicant cannot understand why he is the one to
be deprived of further use of his property and questions why
the zoning law is not more flexible in his case. Mr. Yelvington
felt that with the proposed amendment under Item I, this property
owner would not actually be allowed anymore privileges than the
others are allowed under the zoning ordinance.
Mr. Morgan moved that the proposed change in the Zoning
Ordinance as so stated under Item I be adopted and that it shall
apply to additions as well as new construction. Motion seconded
by Mr. Johnson and carried unanimously.
Under the discussion of Item.II (proposed change), Mr. Harris
moved that the "ten percent" be eliminated completely, as per-
centage is not stated elsewhere in the Zoning Ordinance in regards
to side yard requirements, and that it read: There shall be
side yards, the width of each to be not less than seven and one -
half (7h) feet. Motion seconded by Mr. Karns and passed.
The board was informed that an academic question was raised
by the City Commission as to a definition for the term "multiple -
family dwelling" during the reading of Amended Ordinance 663 to
amend Ordinance No. 362, regarding the section on "Building Site
Area Required ".
The board agreed that the square footage required for a
multiple family dwelling could be confusing, because of the fact
that it does not state either ground floor or any one floor.
However, after some discussion on this subject, Mr. Morgan moved
that the following policy be adopted:
-- "The board hereby establishes a policy that, unless
practicable application requires a change in the Zoning
Ordinance, or unless so directed by the City Commission,
we will not amend further ordinances pending a complete
study by competent counsel ".
Motion seconded by Mr. Karns and carried unanimously.
It was felt by the majority of the members that the above
mentioned policy would be for the best working interest of the
city until such time as the much needed revision of the Zoning
Ordinance could be made. This also would eliminate amended
ordinance upon amended ordinance to pile up.
Z & P "minutes"
November 6, 1958
The letter of resignation from the Zoning and Planning
Commission was next recognized from Cdr. Herbert Hirshberg, who
has opened his own architectural office in Titusville and is
no longer a resident of Sanford. The board accepted his resig-
nation with regret and recommended the following names to the
City Commission for the appointment of one to fill this vacancy:
Roger Harris, Bill Wasson, and Wight Kirtly
Her. Harris informed the board members that he had not, as
yet, met with the City Attorney regarding a recommendation for
the construction of homes on a corner lot, as previously dis-
Also, further action was deferred in regards to recommendations
for side and rear yard requirements in a C-2 district.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned.