Regular Meeting
April 2. 1952
Members present were: Mcgibbin,.Faville, Harris,
Karns, and Johnson. Also present were: City Manager Knowles
and Building Official Yelvington.
V Chairman Mcgibbin called the meeting to order.
The reading of the previous minutes was waived.
Mr. Frank Woodruff, III, appeared in regards to his
off-- street parking plan for his new building at 24tb Street and
w French Avenue; S.E. corner. This is a building for
boat sales and showroom, with boat storage area, plus repair
LLJ service.
Cb The plan showed all off- street parking to be in the
2 rear with provision for 10 spaces. Mr. Woodruff stated to the
Z) board that there would be only two employees at all times.
ry Thereupon, Mr. Faville moved that the proposed plan with the
O 10 off - street parking spaces be accepted. Motion seconded by
p Mr. Harris and carried.
The next item of business was a rezoning request for
the S.W. corner of Oak Avenue and 5th Street; legal being:
Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 7, Tier 5, from an R -1 zone to that
of R -2. The request was signed by Mr. A. B. Peterson, Sr.,
Chairman, Board of Trustees, Seminole Memorial Hospital.
The property requested for rezoning is the old hospital site.
The hospital trustees have a bona fide offer regarding the
purchase of the property, which would then, in turn, be made
into apartments.
Chairman Mcgibbin stated that Mr. Peterson had stated
to him that he ]spew of no controversy over the dedication clause
in regards to the sale of this old site, and that the Trustees
have complied with all requirements of the deed.
However, Chairman Mcgibbin stated that the board should
not be concerned with the sale of the old hospital site, but
with the possibility of the rezoning and putting the property
® into use and thereby placing it on the tax -roll.
The rezoning request was accompanied by a signed petition
from some of the abutting property owners that they did not object
�0 to the change in zoning.
Since this area contains older homes that are either
renting rooms or have upstairs apartments, the discussion
w centered around the rezoning to R -2 also a block to the west
and a block to the north and allowing a buffer to the west for
W the C -2 area, thus possibly rezoning Blocks 5 and 6, between
Z & P "Minutes"
April 2 1959
Pale two
4m and 6Q Streets and between Oak and Elm Avenues, except that
area which is presently zoned C -2.
Thereupon, Mr. Karns moved that the following be recom-
mended to the City Commission for rezoning from that of R -1 to
an R -2 zone:
Block 6, Tier 5
Block 7, Tier 5
Block 7, Tier 6 -- and the
E. V2 of Block 6, Tier 6
(Area of R -1 from 4m Street to 6A Street;
between Oak Avenue and the railroad)
Motion seconded by Mr. Faville and carried.
It was mentioned at this time by City Manager Knowles
and Building Official Yelvington that Mrs. Hunt had withdrawn
her previous request for the rezoning of her property on the
S.E. corner of Oak Avenue and 71b Street.
Although not present or request in hand, but appearing
on the agenda was a notation that a rezoning request miiht be
presented to the board regarding: Lot 10 and the W. 12 of
Lot 11, Block 5, Wynnewood Sub - division from that of R1 -B to
that of R -1 to facilitate Mrs. Marcia Lippincott to purchase
the property from Mrs. Lois Holt, with Mrs. Lippincott operating
a nursery and kindergarden at 1301 Wynnewood Drive. It was also
noted that Mrs. Lippincott had already obtained a signed petition
from the abutting property owners, but was awaiting the signature
of Mrs. Holt in order that she (Mrs. Lippincott) could present
the rezoning request in proper form.
Chairman MaKibbin called for an "unofficial" discussion
on the above matter with the possibility of consensus of thoughts.
In general, the entire board felt that if this rezoning were to
come to an "official vote" the request would be denied, due to
the fact that Wynnewood has not reached the point or age where
property value has started to deteriorate. It was also felt
that it is the duty of the Zoning and Planning Commission and
the City Commission to maintain property values. The board's
thought was that once a 25% home occupation allowance is made
in a residential area, then the door is open to others such as
a beauty shop in the home, etc.
Mr. Harris moved by recommending that a letter be written
to the applicant stating that the Wynnewood Sub - division is an
Z & P "Minutes"
April 2 1959
Page three
R -1B area, one of the better residential areas, and there is
no indication at this time toward a trend to lower the require-
ments. Motion seconded by Mr. Faville and carried unanimously.
The next item of discussion was the request of the City
Commission that the Zoning and Planning Commission give an adequate
notice to the people in the areas that have been requested and
recommended for rezoning.
Mr. Harris moved that the following recommendation be
adopted by the board in that, - the applicant applying for re-
zoning shall be required to furnish, as part of the application,
a signed petition by property owners in which the property is
situated and by the owners of all property facing that block
on all sides; with the exception that, property owners in a
zone of a lower classification will not be required to sign.
(This means lots abutting and lots across the street).
Motion seconded by Mr. Karns and carried.
There being no further business, meeting adjourned,